900字范文 > 中高职 middle vocational school and higher vocational school英语短句 例句大全

中高职 middle vocational school and higher vocational school英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-07-25 04:40:55


中高职 middle vocational school and higher vocational school英语短句 例句大全

中高职,middle vocational school and higher vocational school

1)middle vocational school and higher vocational school中高职


1.The association between vocational education and advanced vocational education and the program design;高等职业教育中高职贯通及其培养计划的制订

2.On the Roles of Higher Vocational English Teachers in the Reforms of Vocational Curricula高职教育课程改革中高职英语教师角色的转换

3.The office of a reader at a university.高级讲师职称大学中高级讲师的职称

4.On Construction of the Library and Campus Culture in Higher Vocational Colleges;谈高职院图书馆在高职教育中的作用

5.a lieutenant general is above a captain.中将比上尉的职位高。

6.On Governmental Function in the“Combination of Production with Study” in Higher Vocational Education and the Countermeasure;高职“产学合作”中政府的职能及对策

7.Integrating the Professional Qualifications Training into Higher Vocational Education;职业资格培训融入高职教育中的探讨

8.Introducing Vocational Educational Experience from Germany to Build Chinese Higher Vocational Education Brand;借鉴德国职教经验打造中国高职品牌

9.Research into the connection system between secondary vocational education and higher vocational education in the field of IT;计算机专业中职、高职课程衔接的研究

10.The Preliminary Exploration of Teaching Connection of Accounting Specialty Between Secondary and Higher Vocational Education;关于中职高职财会专业教学衔接初探

11.Issues on the Teaching of Professional Skills in Higher Vocational Education;高职职业技能教育中的若干问题探讨

12.Investigation on Vocational Consciousness of Hearing disabled Pupils of Vocational Senior middle School;听残职业高中生职业意识调查与研究

13.Higher Vocational Education Calls for Innovative Education Reconsideration on the "Vocational Character" and "Higher Character" of Higher Vocational Education;高职教育呼唤创新教育——对高职教育中“职业性”与“高等性”的再认识

14.The Guidance of Physical Experiments Teaching in Higher Vocational Education;高职物理实验教学在高职教育中的引导作用

15.Joining Problems of Mathematics Teaching in Secondary Vocational and Higher Vocational Education;中职与高职教育中数学课程的衔接问题

16.The balance of vocational education models among differnet countries and china s developing tactics for teacher s training;中外职教模式对比与中国职技高师的发展对策

17.The Cultivation of Students Reading Ability in English Teaching of Vocational and Technical Colleges;高职高专英语教学中阅读能力的培养

18.Advice About Higher Vocational Education Management;关于高职高专教育管理中的几点建议


Higher vocational colleges and secondary vocational schools高职与中职

3)Vocational high school职业高中

1.Study on the Current Situation and the Countermeasures of the School-Running of Vocational High School;职业高中办学现状分析及对策研究

2.The paper,after investigating,analyzing and summarizing the current studying situation of vocational high school students,probes into some education strategies,trying to explore an effective way to improve their studying quality.通过对职业高中学生学习状况的调查、分析、总结,提出教育对策,尝试探索提高职高学生学习质量的有效途径。

3.In view of problem that existed in the current network foundation lesson teaching of the vocational high schools, such as: Students character is low, disobeying the discipline at class, the teaching quantity is difficult in guarantee, the teacher teaches while the students play at class, the teaching efficiency is low, etc, which cause the teacher cannot finish the teaching task.针对当前职业高中网络基础课教学中存在的困难,如:学生素质低,上课违纪,教学质量难于保障,教师上课“唱独角戏”,教师教学效率低下等问题,导致职业高中该专业课的任务难于实现的现状。

4)senior vocational school职业高中

5)vocational school职业高中

1.The persuit of essential value about chinese education invocational schools;职业高中语文教育的基本价值追求

2.Therefore, to resolvevocational school writing radically is a tough problem.全文共分四章:第一章——职业高中写作教学的现状。

6)vocational high schools职业高中

1.The problems and solutions of construction of teaching staff invocational high schools职业高中师资队伍建设存在的问题及对策

2.Based on the current language teaching and present learning situation of Chinese invocational high schools , under the guidance of humanism and the new curriculum standards, the essay is about the essential target of humanism reform on Chinese teaching material in theory and practice and about the approach of constructing humanistic teaching material.本文通过对现用职业高中语文教材和学生语文学习现状的分析,在人本主义思想和新的课程标准的指导下,从理论和实践两个层面探讨职业高中语文教材人本化改革的主要目标,初步提出一些建构人本化语文教材的策略方法。

3.This paper not only explores learning from the formation and development of a historical perspective, discusses the necessity of inquiry learning in school chemistry teaching, but also form the perspective of comparing the developed countries inquiry learning status, expounds the necessity and urgency of Chinesevocational high schools in carrying out inquiry learning in chemistry teaching.新课程改革为新时期的职业高中化学教学带来了新的契机。


