900字范文 > 原油价格预测 forecast of crude oil price英语短句 例句大全

原油价格预测 forecast of crude oil price英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-11-23 02:37:03


原油价格预测 forecast of crude oil price英语短句 例句大全

原油价格预测,forecast of crude oil price

1)forecast of crude oil price原油价格预测

2)International crude oil price prediction国际原油价格预测

3)China"s oil pricing mechanism石油价格预测


1.Oil Price Forecasting Based on Varying Coefficient Regress Model;基于变系数回归模型的石油价格预测

2.The Applications of Marlcov Law in Predicting the Price of Petroleum;马尔柯夫法在石油价格预测中的应用

3.Predictive Analysis of China"s Oil Price based upon ARIMA Model基于ARIMA模型的我国石油价格预测分析


5.Monte Carlo Simulation and Variance Control in Economic Forecasting--Take the International Petroleum Price Forecasting as an Example;经济预测中的Monte Carlo模拟及方差控制——以国际石油价格预测为例

6.Forecasting the oil price by ARFIMA model;石油价格的ARFIMA模型预测研究

7.To Predict the Stock Price and Index of Oil by Using Fractal Method;用分形方法预测石油股票价格和指数

8.Supply/Demand Forecast and Price Analysis ofPetroleum Naphthalene Market in Our Country;我国石油萘市场供需预测及价格分析

9.The ARIMA Model Based on Short-term Analysis and Forecasting of Oil Prices基于ARIMA模型的石油价格短期分析预测

10.Petroleum Futures Price Prediction Research Based on LM Algorithm基于LM算法的石油期货价格预测研究

11.Using Chaos Theory Time-Series for Analysis and Prediction of Global Oil Price Patterns;国际石油价格时间序列的混沌分析与预测

12.Analysis of petroleum price changing in the first half year and forecast of the second half year上半年石油价格变化分析及下半年预测

13.The Application Research of Forecasting about Petroleum Futures Price Based on Wavelet Neural Network Forecasting Method;小波神经网络预测方法在石油期货价格预测中的应用研究

14.Preliminary Probe into Prediction Method of Price Appraisal in Economic Evaluation of Petrochemical Projects;石油化工项目经济评价中评估价格预测方法初探

15.Analysis on the Characteristics of the Oil Price Fluctuating since and Forecasts the Trend of Oil Price in the Future;国际市场石油价格变化特点分析及后期走势预测

16.A Long-Term Trend Forecasting Approach for Oil Price Based on Wavelet Analysis;基于小波分析的石油价格长期趋势预测方法及其实证研究

17.The Application Research of Petroleum Futures Prices Forecasting Based on Association Rules关联规则及其在石油期货价格预测中的应用研究

18.Study on early warning mechanism on oil import price to our country;我国石油进口价格风险预警机制研究


International crude oil price prediction国际原油价格预测

3)China"s oil pricing mechanism石油价格预测

4)Oil Price原油价格

1.A Survey on Interrelationship between Fluctuation of Global CrudeOil Price and Export of China Industrial Products;国际原油价格波动与我国工业制成品出口的相关关系研究

2.The international oil price has risen continuously under the function of a series of fundamental or non-fundamental factors since 2002.2002年以来的国际原油价格在一系列基本面和非基本面因素作用下持续上涨,虽然到目前为止没有导致全球经济的衰退,但将导致全球经济活动减速,从而影响原油需求的增加。

3.Anglicizing based on test according to the real annual data from 1993 to ,this paper measure the impact of oil price on growth in china,and an econometric model is constructed for the impact based on analyzing correlative model researchers.为了科学构建原油价格波动与国民经济发展的关系,在借鉴国内外专家学者相关模型基础上,考虑不同国民经济指标对油价波动的时滞反馈等因素,构建油价波动对国民经济影响模型。

5)crude oil price原油价格

1.Positive analysis of the effect of drilling investment andcrude oil price on economical reservoir thickness;钻井投资和原油价格对油层厚度经济界限影响的实证分析

2.The Impact of Fluctuation of the Global Crude Oil Price on China s Industrial Products Export;国际原油价格波动对我国工业制成品出口的影响

3.Estimating the effects of extreme events tocrude oil price重大突发事件对原油价格的影响

6)price forecasting价格预测

1.Study on fashion commodityprice forecasting issues based on fractal theory;基于分形理论的时尚商品价格预测问题研究

2.Productprice forecasting based on correlative price net;基于关联价格网的产品价格预测方法

3.After briefly analyzing the price making theory in the international trade of natural gas in which the price is determined on the basis of related oil products" price, the paper introduces the vector autoregression theory into the quantitative forecasting model under the price making theory, and thus improve theprice forecasting theory of natural gas.从天然气价格预测的实际操作角度出发, 简要介绍了目前天然气国际贸易中确定天然气价格的基本思想,即把相关油品价格作为天然气定价的基础。


