900字范文 > 植物细胞壁 Plant cell wall英语短句 例句大全

植物细胞壁 Plant cell wall英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-04-13 20:44:48


植物细胞壁 Plant cell wall英语短句 例句大全

植物细胞壁,Plant cell wall

1)Plant cell wall植物细胞壁

1.Study on the extensin in the plant cell wall;植物细胞壁中伸展蛋白的研究

2.The types and the quantities of monosaccharide consisted in the six different plant cell walls were determined by the ion chromatograph in this experiment.采用离子色谱(IC)分析了6种来源植物细胞壁的单糖组成种类及含量,并通过活体外产气量法研究了这6种植物细胞壁的发酵特征及其在反刍动物甲烷形成中的相对贡献。

3.The researches on the relationship of the expansion of plant cell wall and some wall bind enzymes such as peroxidase and xyloglacan endotransglycosylase are described.多种胁迫对植物细胞壁的影响主要表现在对细胞壁结构完整性的影响。


1.Cellulose is the major constituent of plant cell walls.纤维素是植物细胞壁的主要成分。

2.Effects of Physical Parameters of Cell Wall on Mechanical Response of Plant Cell植物细胞壁的物理参数对其力学响应的影响

3.Degradation and fermentation characteristics of ruminal bacteria, protozoa, and fungi and their interactions瘤胃细菌、原虫和真菌降解植物细胞壁的相对贡献及其互作

4.They are characterized by having cell walls made chiefly of chitin, not the cellulose of plant cell walls, and they all develop directly from spores without an embryo stage.其特征如下:细胞壁主要由几丁质构成,而不完全是植物细胞壁中的纤维素。

5.Pectin: Any of a class of carbohydrates found in certain plant cell walls and tissues.果胶:一类存在于某些植物细胞壁与组织内的水溶性碳水化合物。

6.Cutinization The impregnation of a plant cell wall with cutin.角化作用(角质化):角质陆续侵渗植物细胞壁的过程。

7.Outer layer of a hollow structure, esp an organ or a cell of an animal or a plant外壁(尤指动植物器官或细胞的)

8.Adapting the Specilization of Cellwall in the Plant Tissue to the Functions;植物组织细胞壁的特化与功能的适应

9.Cell wall A rigid wall surrounding the cells of plants, fungi, bacteria, and algae.细胞壁:存在于植物细胞,真菌细胞,细菌细胞和藻类细胞外围的一层厚壁。

10.Hormones, especially AUXINS, are involved in the promotion of elongation.激素尤其是植物生长素可以促进细胞壁的延伸。

11.A New Exploration on the Experiment of Watching the Separation of the Cytoplasm from the Cell Wall of the Plant Cell;“观察植物细胞质壁分离与复原”实验新探

12.The living material of a plant or bacterial cell, including the protoplasm and plasma membrane after the cell wall has been removed.原生质体植物细胞或细菌细胞的有生命的部分,包括原生质和去掉细胞壁后的质膜

13.In the cells of plants and most algae it involves formation of a new plant cell wall by means of a structure called the cell plate.在植物以及大多数藻类的细胞中通过一个叫细胞板的结构而形成一个新的细胞壁。

14.Cell plate A structure that appears in late anaphase in dividing plant cells and is involved in formation of a new cell wall at the telophase stage of mitosis.细胞板:植物细胞分裂晚后期出现的一种结构,它和有丝分裂末期新细胞壁的形成有关。

15.One of the elongated, thick-walled cells that give strength and support to plant tissue.纤维细胞能够增加植物细胞组织的强度或起支持作用的长的厚壁细胞中的一种

16.Of or relating to the plane of a cell division perpendicular to the surface of a plant organ.垂周的细胞壁与某植物器官表面相垂直的或有关垂周的

17.Plant tissue consisting of parenchyma cells that contain chloroplasts.绿色组织由含叶绿体的薄壁细胞构成的植物组织

18.It is important in the degradation of plant cell walls in living plants (e.g. in leaf abscission).在生活植物体的细胞壁的降解过程中起重要的作用(如叶子脱落)。


Plant cell wall adhesion植物细胞壁附着

3)Plant cell wall degrading enzymes (PCWDEs)植物细胞壁降解酶

4)Plant cells植物细胞

1.The plant cells under study can be stained and examined without being pro.将在动物细胞凋亡研究中应用的Hoechst PI双重荧光染色法与琥珀酸脱氢酶 (SDH)染色法相结合 ,建立了一种更加完善的、能同时鉴别和研究悬浮培养的植物细胞凋亡及坏死的新方法———Hoechst PI SDH三重染色法 (H P S法 )。

2.The major techniques applied in researches of Na~+ uptake by plant cells under salt stress and the new results gained in recent years are reviewed in this paper.对植物细胞Na+吸收的主要研究手段和近年来的研究成果进行了综述。

3.A new method of microtubular immunofluorescence labeling in plant cells is reported here.报道一种植物细胞微管骨架免疫荧光定位的新方法。

5)plant cell植物细胞

1.Preliminary study on the effect of motor exhaust on the induced micronucleus ofplant cells;汽车发动机排放废气诱导植物细胞微核效应的初步研究

2.Studies on Cell Kinetics Ⅶ. The non-growth metabolic characteristics of Plant cells;细胞动力学研究Ⅶ.植物细胞非生长代谢特征

3.Mechanical analysis on process for microprojectile penetratingplant cell;微弹侵入植物细胞过程的力学分析

6)vegetable cell植物细胞

1.A kind of micropressure measuring and controlling apparatus used for the mechanical loading experiment of thevegetable cell is developed for this purpose.为此,研制了一种用于植物细胞力学加载实验的微小压力测量控制的装置,该文系统地介绍了该测量的结构及控制系统的设计。

2.The results of some studies show that the morphological and structural changes invegetable cells cannot offer feasible feature.综述了植物细胞分化、脱分化过程中的形态结构变化及其调控。



细胞壁形成,两子细胞隔开 潘家迅绘[图]
