900字范文 > 语文现代化 Chinese modernization英语短句 例句大全

语文现代化 Chinese modernization英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-04-02 05:59:41


语文现代化 Chinese modernization英语短句 例句大全

语文现代化,Chinese modernization

1)Chinese modernization语文现代化

1.According to the law of the development of world characters,the preparation of Chinese alphabetization is a long term goal ofChinese modernization.依照世界文字的发展规律,为创制汉语拼音文字做准备,是语文现代化的一个长期的奋斗目标。

2.The guiding thinking ofChinese modernization is the economics of language and characters.语文现代化的指导思想是语言文字经济学。

3.Chinese modernization is the Chinese reform advancing with China s modernization.语文现代化是伴随着现代化进程而进行的语文改革。


1.Three Implications of "Language Planning" and "Chinese Language Modernization";“语言规划”和“语文现代化”的三个含义

2.On Three Concepts of "Chinese Language Modernization","Language Planning" and "Reform of Writing System";“语文现代化”、“语言规划”和“文字改革”含义辨

3.A Study on Ancient Chinese Literary Theory under Contemporary Modern Cultural Context;略谈现代文化语境下的古代文论研究

4.Writing Culture and After Writing Culture in Post-modern Context;后现代语境下的“写文化”与“写文化之后”

5.Chinese Standardization and Teaching of Modern Chinese;语言文字规范化与“现代汉语”教学

6.Modern Construction of Ancient Literature Words Ecology--An Appreciation of Wang Zuo-xin s China Ancient Literature Words;古代文化语词生态的现代建构——读王作新《中国古代文化语词类谭》

7.Language and Modern Spirit --On language cultural notion of the Liberal School;语言文字与现代精神——论开明派的语言文化观

8.The Evolvement of Chinese Subject and the Course in Which Chinese Becoming an Subject;现代语文本体的演变与语文教育学科化

9.Contemporary Idiomatic Russian Slang Expressions as a Reflection of the Social Culture in Russia Today;现代俄语俚语成语与当今俄罗斯社会文化

10.The Cultural Reasons and Modern Contemplation of the Ancient "Broad Chinese";中国古代“大语文”生成的文化原因及现代观照

11.The Context of Political Culture and Contemporary China s Modernization of Law Education;政治文化语境与当代中国法学教育现代化

12.Modernity and Cultural Approval of Chinese Movie in the Global Time, by Zhang Yimou, Xu Ke and Ang Lee as Examples全球化时代华语电影之现代性与文化认同

prehending Afresh the Chinese Characters and Promoting the Modernization of the Chinese Language Teaching and Learning重新认识汉字 推动语文教学现代化

14.Psychological Processes and Optimization Ways of Chinese Study in Modern Times现代语文学习的心理过程与优化途径

15.The Application of Modernization Educational Techniques in Chinese Teaching;现代化教育技术在语文教学中的应用

16.On Cultural Content in Contemporary College English;关于《现代大学英语》中的文化内容分析

17.Understanding of the image of wolf in the post-modern context from a cultural perspective;后现代语境下“狼”形象的文化解读

18.Post-Modernist Cultural Context and International Business Negotiation;后现代主义文化语境与国际商务谈判


modernization of Chinese语文现代化

1.Themodernization of Chinese refers to the process of continuous reform and perfection of the language and the writing in order to suit needs of the modern social life.语文现代化是指语言文字不断改革、完善以适应现代社会生活需要的进程。

2.Themodernization of Chinese is the process of standardization,informationization and internationalization.语文现代化指中国语文的规范化、信息化和国际化。

3)Chinese language modernization语文现代化

1.In our country,three concepts of "Chinese language modernization","language planning" and "reform of writing system" mean virtually the same thing,though express in different words.在我国,“语文现代化”、“语言规划”和“文字改革”这三个概念名称不同,实质是一样的。

2.The essence of the imported term "language planning" or "Chinese language modernization" which clearly shows its characteristic of keeping pace with the times is intervening.舶来术语“语言规划”或张扬它与时俱进时代特征的“语文现代化”,实质就是“干预”,是一个系列工程。

4)modern cultural context现代文化语境

1.The article searches the special significance of female s writing style from Xu Kun descriptions about living experiences of women inmodern cultural context,women s self-exploration from inside and outside of "the encircled city",as well as the ponder of harmonious sexual relations, tries to have a clear realization on living circumstances of modern educated women.从徐坤对现代文化语境中女性生存体验的书写、围城内外女人们的自我探求、两性关系的和谐之思等方面,探寻其女性文本书写的独特意义,力求对当代知识女性生存境遇有一个清醒的认识。

5)Chinese language educational modernization语文教育现代化

6)Post Modernist cultural context后现代文化语境


《建设强大的现代化正规化的革命军队》《建设强大的现代化正规化的革命军队》Build a Powerful Modernized and Regularized Revolutionary ArmyihllQ:命军,d‘一)才‘l’}二刁、卜鲜内‘乍1在华 全文《邓小 走规许的特}仁战的水、卜.推动旱的和易。,},于卜石,匕’建处的现J ianshe Qiangda de XiandaZhengguihua de Geming!undui《建设强大的现代化正规化的革队))(B“11‘l‘才p‘,、,,。,介,IM‘,‘le‘:,i:‘ReguI’Iri:ed Re、1‘,11才rior了u尽A月7了介)关J:新时期‘引从建设日标和任务问是事著作。是邓小平J几1981年gJ」191北某地检阅军事演习部队时的讲话,约800字,收人1994年川J」{I}版的、卜文选》第2卷。讲话称赞演习检验厂部队现代化、化建设的成果,较好地体现】’现代战’点,摸索J‘现代条件卜诸军兵种协},叮经验,提高厂部队的军政素质和实,l戊对全军的建设、战备和训练是个有力讲话指出,霸权}:义严币地威胁若世占平和:1,l司的安个,必须保于,’f高度的警才囚人民解放军是人民民i二专政的‘}剐虽启负肴保IJ.社会1己义子11}xJ,保I之“【,LI了设的光荣使命,必须建没成为一支强、响月~‘‘~代化、正规化的革命军队。全定要坚持四项基本原则,加治思想建设;改善武器装备,国防现代化;继承和发扬人队的光荣传统,加强军政训练一步增强部队的军政素质,现代条件下诸军兵种协同作.力;加强作风培养,严格组律,扎扎实实地做好反侵略.的准备。《建设强大的现代化正规革命军队》为新时期军队建明了方向和目标。(王长多 一一咋跳J与击勺︻L儿fr盯山日目吞杏尹Z﹂﹂J口仁七托︶旧J写盈匕卜廿凡口汽卜芯的指卜﹄飞兄)
