900字范文 > 国家创新体系 national innovation system英语短句 例句大全

国家创新体系 national innovation system英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-05-17 03:18:50


国家创新体系 national innovation system英语短句 例句大全

国家创新体系,national innovation system

1)national innovation system国家创新体系

1.Academic journals in National Innovation System;国家创新体系中的学术期刊

2.Systemic Structure and Building Focus of National Innovation System;国家创新体系的系统构成及建设重心

3.Theoretical analysis of assumptions of National Innovation System;国家创新体系理论的八个基本假定


1.We must press ahead with the building of a national innovation system.推进国家创新体系建设。

2.We will accelerate the establishment of a state innovation system.加快国家创新体系建设。

3.The National Innovation System and the Cooperation of Universities,Industries and Research Institutions in U.K.;国家创新体系:英国产学研制度创新

4.The Construction of Regional Innovation System Based on National Innovation System Regionalizing;基于国家创新体系区域化的区域创新体系建设

5.American New Economy and Research on the Model of National Innovative Systems;美国新经济与国家创新体系模式研究

6.Found National Innovation System,Actively Agree with Knowledge Economy创建国家创新体系,积极契合知识经济

7.National Innovation System: an Accelerator for Poor Countries After Wealthy Countries;国家创新体系:穷国追赶富国的加速器

8.Research of National Innovation System in the New Economy Era;构建新经济时代国家创新体系的探索

9.Research Into and Construction of Sports Innovation System by Analyzing the Establishment About Supporting and Extending System of National Innovation System;从国家创新体系支撑延伸体系建设谈体育创新体系的研究和构建

10.Cultivation of University Students Innovativeness in National Innovation System;论国家创新体系下大学生创新能力的培养

11.Management Innovation of Laboratory Oriented to National Innovation System;面向国家创新体系的高校实验室管理创新

12.The Research of Post-graduate Innovative Talent Training Based on National Innovation System基于国家创新体系研究生创新人才培养的研究

13.The enlightenment from the new roles of three major subjects in USA s national innovative system;美国国家创新体系三大主体角色新动向的启示

14.Significant progress was made in establishing China"s innovation system.国家创新体系建设积极推进。

15.Fresh efforts were directed to the development of a state scientific and technological innovation system.国家创新体系建设继续推进。

16.Strengthening Basic Science Research, Constructing the System of National Innovation加强基础科学研究 建设国家创新体系

17.The Status and Effect of University in National Innovation Systems;大学在国家创新体系中的地位和作用

18.Market Competition, Intellectual Property Rights and National Innovation System: the Relationships;市场竞争、知识产权与国家创新体系



1.This survey consisted of five main sections Firstly to clear,NIS was spontaneously gestated from Listian s nationalism elements and Schumpeterian s innovation theory.从五个方面剖析国家创新体系(national innovation system,NIS)的研究成果:首先介绍NIS的两大研究基石—Schumpeter的创新学说和List的国家学说;其次概括了目前具有代表性的NIS的定义;第三,从宏观、微观等多种角度介绍NIS结构研究的成果;第四,选择从企业、产业、区域和国家四个不同层面描述NIS的研究成果;最后,介绍NIS研究在学术界仍然有很大的争议和思考。

2.Originated in the eighties of the last century,National Innovation System(NIS) has been regarded as an important means for promoting country\"s economic development and enhancing international competitiveness.起源于上世纪八十年代的国家创新体系研究一直被视为促进一国经济发展乃至提升国际竞争力的重要手段,尤其在全球化竞争日益加剧的今天,更为后发国家实现跨越式追赶提供了有效途径,其研究不仅引起学术界的广泛关注,也受到各国政府的高度重视。

3)national innovation systems国家创新体系

1.The Status and Effect of University in National Innovation Systems;大学在国家创新体系中的地位和作用

2.The role of sci-tech periodicals innational innovation systems has been studied with system method, information transferring & controlling method and self-organization evolution method.采用系统科学方法中的系统方法、信息传递与控制方法和自组织演化方法对国家创新体系中科技期刊的作用进行评价 ,认为科技期刊是国家创新体系的重要组成部分 ,实现科技期刊自身的创新可以加速科技期刊的发展 ,增强科技期刊在国家创新体系中的重要作用。

3.In this paper, the venture capital of incubator is discussed innational innovation systems through applying systems analysis.孵化器投资必须置于国家创新体系中,才能进行科学的系统分析。

4)the national innovation system国家创新体系

5)national system of innovation国家创新体系

1.Specialization and transaction cost --a economics comprehension ofnational system of innovation;专业化与交易成本:国家创新体系的经济分析

2.Through the establishment of an efficientnational system of innovation,contemporary capitalism has obtained high-speed development of productivity.当代资本主义因建立健全了国家创新体系而获得生产力的超速发展,但是它的生产关系依然停留在资本主义制度的基本结构上,从而使当代资本主义的基本矛盾转化为知识的公有性与知识创新的私人占有之间的对立统一,因此数字资本主义依然是资本主义。

6)Innovation country body创新型国家体系


