900字范文 > 物流成本 logistics cost英语短句 例句大全

物流成本 logistics cost英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-02-06 04:53:44


物流成本 logistics cost英语短句 例句大全

物流成本,logistics cost

1)logistics cost物流成本

1.On the module oflogistics cost management using activity based costing;应用作业成本法的物流成本管理模式研究

2.Probe to Logistics Cost Management in Enterprises;企业物流成本管理问题初探


1.Cost of logistics--the basic topic in logistics management;物流成本——企业物流管理的基本课题

2.Decision-making on Logistics Service Level and Logistics Cost of TPL;TPL的物流服务水平与物流成本决策

3.Research on Logistics Cost Function Optimized Model of a Distribution System分销物流网络物流成本优化模型研究

4.The Applying of Activity-based Costing in Logistics Cost Management;作业成本法在物流成本管理中的应用

5.Enterprise logistic cost budget based on operation cost;基于作业成本法的企业物流成本预算

6.Mass Cost Control Method--a New Idea for Logistics Cost Control;物流成本控制新思路--规模成本控制法

7.Study on the Business Logistics Cost Based on Operation Cost Method;基于作业成本法的企业物流成本研究

8.Application in the Cost Accounting of the Logistics of Activity-Based Costing;作业成本法在物流成本核算中的运用

9.Application of Activity-based Costing to Logistics Cost Management;作业成本法在物流成本控制中的应用

10.Research on Logistics Cost--Relationship between Transportation Cost and Inventory Cost;物流成本探析——运输成本与库存成本的关系研究

11.A Construction on the Basic Framework of Logistic Cost Accounting;关于物流成本会计核算基本框架构想

12.Research of Business Logistics Cost Management--Analysis to SINOPEC"s Product Oil Logistics Cost;企业物流成本管理研究——中石化成品油物流成本分析

13.Refined oil logistics cost control based on activity-based costing基于作业成本法的成品油物流成本控制

14.How the Petroleum Materials Department to Lower the Logistics Costs石油物资供销部门如何降低物流成本

15.Constitution and Calculation of Enterprise Implicit Logistics Cost in Our Country我国企业隐性物流成本的构成与核算

16.Research of Logistics Cost Calculation and Control Method on Third Party Logistics Enterprise;第三方物流企业物流成本核算与控制方法研究

17.Research on Logistics Cost Accounting and Logistics Outsourcing Decision of Manufacturing;制造业物流成本核算及物流外包决策研究

18.Primary Research on Statistical Indicators of China Logistics Industry and Logistics Costs;我国物流产业暨物流成本统计指标初探


logistic cost物流成本

1.Enterpriselogistic cost budget based on operation cost;基于作业成本法的企业物流成本预算

2.A superficial discuss on enterprises’logistic cost management;浅谈企业的物流成本管理

3.An empirical study onlogistic cost in world trade;物流成本对国际贸易影响的实证分析

3)logistics costs物流成本

1.Calculating the means of thelogistics costs in the United States to reduce domesticlogistics costs;从美国物流成本的计算看国内降低物流成本的途径

2.Research on the Logistics Costs Management of Manufacturer;制造企业物流成本管理研究

3.Through the criterion analysis of Japan slogistics costs and expenses, this article help us know about the policy norm of thelogistics costs in Japan and how Japan helps enterprises to reduce the logistic costs.但是在物流发展中不能忽视的是物流成本应该如何把握,在我国物流成本方面的准则还是处于空白,文章通过日本物流成本及费用方面的准则分析,了解日本的物流成本的政策规范,以及日本是如何帮助企业降低物流成本,期望能对我们有所启示。

4)total cost of logistics物流总成本

1.The object of this programming was to minimize thetotal cost of logistics.该规划的目标是使物流总成本达到最小,约束条件包括各个供应商的供应量约束和集成供应商的库容约束。

5)Material Flow Cost物质流成本

1.Material Flow Cost Accounting (MFCA) is one of the environmental management accounting methods aimed to reduce both environmental impact and costs.物质流成本分析作为一种环境管理会计的方法,旨在帮助企业降低环境成本、追求经济效益最大化的同时,降低生产活动对环境造成的影响,提高企业的环境绩效,是帮助企业实现可持续经营的管理手段之一。

6)the cost of logistics forms物流成本构成


