900字范文 > 标准样片 standard-samples英语短句 例句大全

标准样片 standard-samples英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-05-23 03:16:18


标准样片 standard-samples英语短句 例句大全



1.This paper describes the research on method and making process ofstandard-samples for micro-electronics.本文旨在研究微电子标准样片制备过程和方法,制备出适合集成电路参数量值传递的标准样片,完善微电子量值溯源体系。


1.The technical performances of this standard and the result of comparing with NBS similar standard slices have also been given.给出本项标准实际达到的主要技术指标及其与美国国家标准局同类标准样片的比较结果。

2.standard error of sampling取样标准误 取样标准误

3.(of a scale of film speeds)American Standards Association(/British Standard)(指底片度数)美国标准([英国标准])

4.JIS standard & application of other cold Rolled Special Steel其它日工标准冷轧钢片

5.Cross line screen: Standard half-tone screen .十字线网片:标准的半色调网片。

6.standard error of estimate based on sample样本估计值的标准误

7.standard error of sample mean样本平均值的标准误

8.which are different from the rules of Standard English.与标准英语也大不一样。

9.Technical Standard for sampling of undisturbed soils原状土取样技术标准

10.Philip"s standard sampling system菲利浦标准抽样制度

11.The medium can be paper, magnetic, electronic or optical computer disc, photograph or master sample, or a combination thereof.媒体可以是纸张,计算机磁盘、光盘或其他电子媒体,照片或标准样品,或它们的组合。

12.Are workmanship standards available in the form of controlled written standards visual exhibits〔color chips〕and/or samples?有没有以书面文字形式、或可供目视阅览的〔色片〕、或样品形式的工艺标准。

13.Standards of no fixed standards- A review of admission criteria of five famous American colleges and universities;没有固定标准的标准——美国著名大学新生录取标准的多样性述评

14.is the population (known) standard deviation. If omitted, the sample standard deviation is used总体标准偏差(已知)。如果忽略,使用样本标准偏差。

15.Do these pictures come up to your idea of what science and education films should be?这些影片符合你心目中科教片的标准吗?

16.Monolithically Integrated Optical Receiver with Spatially Modulated Optical Detector in CMOS Technology标准CMOS工艺下单片集成光接收芯片的研究

17.Mass of Cold-Rolled Steel Sheet to JIS G3141日工标准(JIS G3141)冷辘钢片重量列表

18.Standard for test method of pipeline coating patch materials管道防腐层补片材料试验方法标准


image interpretative key影像判读样片标准

3)standard water sample标准水样

1.For ensuring safety production,confirming gushing water sources of coal mines with mining,and accurately using prevention and cure scheme,we draw off water samples from the aquifer influencing mining production,and test and analyze their quality,and establish thestandard water samples.为了保障安全生产,快速确定采掘活动中的涌水水源,准确采用防治方案,该矿对影响矿井生产的含水层抽取水样,进行了水质化验、分析,建立了标准水样。

4)reference materials标准样品

1.Development ofreference materials for dibromochloromethane and bromodichloromethane;二溴一氯甲烷和一溴二氯甲烷标准样品的研制

2.Development of a series of bismuth-brassreference materials for spectrum analysis;系列铋黄铜光谱分析用标准样品的研制

3.Study on characterisation of stainless steelreference materials containing molybdenum,copper,niobium and nitrogen for chemical and spectral analysis含钼、铜、铌、氮不锈钢化学和光谱分析系列标准样品的定值研究

5)standard samples标准试样

1.Design of die-casting mould for rheomoldingstandard samples of aluminum alloy;铝合金流变成形标准试样的压铸模设计

6)standard sample标准样品

1.Correctly usingstandard samples to assess measuring and analysing method;正确使用标准样品评定测量分析方法

2.Application of metallurgicalstandard samples in the analysis and testing field;冶金标准样品在分析测试领域中的应用


