900字范文 > 内生增长模型 endogenous growth model英语短句 例句大全

内生增长模型 endogenous growth model英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-05-02 05:35:29


内生增长模型 endogenous growth model英语短句 例句大全

内生增长模型,endogenous growth model

1)endogenous growth model内生增长模型

1.Congested government expenditure in a stochasticendogenous growth model;随机内生增长模型中的拥挤性政府支出

2.Endogenous Growth Model under Regenerative Resources Condition;可再生资源约束下的内生增长模型研究

3.Based on Lucasendogenous growth model,this article proposes a newendogenous growth model,which offers a new theory explanation for environmental Kuznets curve.以Lucas内生增长模型为基础,通过建立一个新的内生增长模型,在经济可持续发展的前提下,分析环境质量与经济增长之间的关系,为环境库兹涅茨曲线提供了一个新的理论解释。


1.An endogenous growth model of knowledge-based R&D economy;基于研发型知识经济的内生增长模型

2.Fiscal Policy Research in Stochastic Endogenous Growth Models;随机内生增长模型中的财政政策研究

3.The Stochastic Model of Endogenous Growth with Congestion;拥挤性政府支出的随机内生增长模型

4.Endogenous Growth Model under Regenerative Resources Condition;可再生资源约束下的内生增长模型研究

5.The Research of the Correlation between Public Expenditure and Economic Growth in the Framework of Endogenous Economic Growth Model;基于内生增长模型框架的财政支出与经济增长的相关性研究

6.A Study on Economic Growth in Heilongjiang Province Based on Endogenous Growth Model Including Capital and Knowledge;基于资本和知识内生增长模型的黑龙江省经济增长研究

7.Natural Resource Depletion and Sustainable Economic Growth Based on a Four-Sector Endogenous Growth Model;自然资源耗竭与经济可持续增长:基于四部门内生增长模型分析

8.Trade,Environmental Pollution and Economic Growth:An Endogenous Growth Model in Open Economy;贸易、环境污染与经济增长——基于开放经济下的一个内生增长模型

9.Appropriate Technology,Technology Upgrading and Economic Growth;适宜技术、技术升级与经济增长——基于内生增长模型的经验分析

10.On the Contribution of Higher Education to the Economic Growth--an Analysis Based on Two-sector Endogenous Growth Model;高等教育对经济增长的贡献:基于两部门内生增长模型分析

11.The rural financial development and rural economic growth--The study of endogenous model;我国农村地区金融发展与经济增长——内生增长模型分析

12.Research on Sci-tech Input/Output Performance Evaluation Model Based on Endogenous Growth Theory;科技投入产出绩效评价的内生增长模型研究

13.Financial Development and Endogenous Growth with Horizontal Innovation;金融发展与基于水平创新的内生增长模型

14.An Exploratory Study on the Endogenous Growth Model Embodying the Factor of Labor Force Participation Rate;对包含劳动参与率因素的内生增长模型的探讨

15.An Endogenous Economic Growth Model Based on Human Capital Growth;基于人力资本增长的内生经济增长模型

16.The Comprehensive Support Reforms and the DP Model with Internal Institutional Change;综合配套改革与制度内生增长极模型

17.An Endogenous Economic Growth Model with Restriction of Exhaustible Resource;资源约束下的一类内生经济增长模型

18.On Endogenous Saving Rate of Economic Growth Model;经济增长模型中的储蓄率内生化问题


endogenous financial economic growth model内生金融经济增长模型

1.The analysis of theendogenous financial economic growth model shows that the current financial innovation in China is not very efficient and the financing situation lags behind economic growth.葛兰杰因果检验表明,我国金融创新是经济增长的葛兰杰原因,但存在利率非市场化的问题;内生金融经济增长模型分析结果表明,我国金融创新效率不高、融资格局滞后于经济增长。

3)endogenous economic growth model based on human capital人力资本内生增长模型

4)Monetary Endogenous Growth Model内生增长的货币模型

5)R&D endogenous economic growth modelR&D内生经济增长模型

6)endogenous growth model内生经济增长模型


