900字范文 > 名分 status英语短句 例句大全

名分 status英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-04-12 11:55:52


名分 status英语短句 例句大全



1.Under the outer casing of serving the feudal hierarchy and feudal ruling system,status theory,taking the Confucian School as main current,implicates many rational connotations such as role responsibility theory,using fix duty and duty right coincident methodology,code of etiquette standard theory and harmonious teleology.以儒家为主流的名分论,在为封建等级制度和封建统治秩序服务的外壳下,蕴含着角色责任论、以名定责和责权相合的方法论、礼制规范论、和谐目的论等合理内涵。


1.It separates the user"s name from the domain name.它把用户名和域名分开。

2.Analysis of Chinese Naming for Top Valuable Brands in the World;世界最有价值品牌中文名称命名分析

3.generic element(地名学)通名部分

4.The illness: schizophrenia病名:精神分裂症。

5.Distinguish research of name character writing in signature and non-signature姓名字在线签名与非签名书写的可区分性研究

6.An erroneous name, especially in taxonomic classification; a misnomer.误命名,不当名称错误的名字,尤指动植物分类中;命名不当

7.A distinguishing name or title.名称,称号(用于区分的)名字或头衔

8.However, we like to balance the class size within the same grade of level.每班前十二名者可按报名志愿分班。

9.In the Group by field name, select Name.在“按域名称分组”中,选择“名称”。

10.They finished first and second respectively.他们分别获得了第一名和第二名。

11.Top-level domain is the last part of a domain name address .最高级域名是域名地址的最后一部分。

12.The Intellectual Property Issues in Domain Name Disputes域名的特点与域名知识产权问题分析

13.The corresponding figures for 1996 were 274 and 15101.一九九六年的人数分别为274名及15101名。

14.The Comparative Study on C-E N+N Structure and Its Translation;汉英“名+名结构”对比分析及互译研究

15.Research on Spatial Configuration of Historical and Cultural Towns(Villages) in China;中国历史文化名镇名村空间结构分析

16.Named after Mt. Huangshan and used huangshan as there address of plants and over an area in Mt. Huangshan (Ⅰ);以黄山命名和冠名的植物及分布(Ⅰ)

17.The Embarrassment of the Accusation--On the Influence of the Accusation in Legal Proceedings;罪名的尴尬——分析罪名在公诉中的影响

18.On the Functional Difference of Nouns and Noun Phrases;名词短语与名词的功能差异现象分析


classification and nomenclature分类命名

3)anonymous group匿名分组

1.This paper studies theanonymous group identity verification algorithm,which can very reliably solve the problem of the Anonymous identity verification.研究了匿名分组身份验证算法,该算法可以非常可靠地解决网格计算平台之间的身份匿名验证问题。

4)soil classification分类定名

1.5 mm below is debased,and thesoil classification does not conform to the fact.5 mm以下粒径范围的土作液塑限试验,得到的液塑限偏低,由此土的分类定名不符合实际。

5)signature segmentation签名分段

6)signature step by step分步签名

1.Scheme ofsignature step by step based on multi-agent;基于多代理的分步签名方案


名分1.名位与身分。 2.犹名义。
