900字范文 > 空压机 air compressor英语短句 例句大全

空压机 air compressor英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-03-11 22:00:16


空压机 air compressor英语短句 例句大全

空压机,air compressor

1)air compressor空压机

1.Retrofit of the Filter System at the Inlet of 2ACⅡ55M×3HAD Type Air Compressors;2ACⅡ55M×3HAD型空压机入口过滤系统改造

2.Program optimization control and off gas turbine steady put into operation ofair compressor;空压机的程序优化控制及尾气透平的平稳投用

3.Modification on the heater of oxidationair compressor assembly;氧化空压机组加热器的改造


1.stationary air compressor固定式空气压缩机;固定式空压机;固定式压缩空气机

2.single-acting compressor单动空压机;单动压缩机;单向作用压缩机;单作用压缩机

3.super silenced air compressor超低噪音空气压缩机

4.free piston air compressor自由活塞空气压缩机

5.oil free air compressor无油润滑空气压缩机

6.cross compound air compressor并列复式空气压缩机

7.portable diving air compressor便携式潜水空气压缩机

8.auto-starting air compressor自动起动空气压缩机

9.engine altitude chamber发动机高空低压实验室

10.air compressor lubricating oil tank空气压缩机润滑油柜

11.pneumatic pressing spot welder made in Japan日本空气加压D点焊机

12.two-stage stationary air compressor二级固定式空气压缩机

13.two-stage rotary air compressor二级旋转式空气压缩机

plete athodyd冲压式空气喷气发动机

15.air compressor auto-control空气压缩机自动控制

16.auxiliary compressor motor辅助压缩空气电动机

17.Bootstrap system增压式飞机空调系统

18.air-conditioning turbo-compressor空调装置涡轮压缩机



1.Cause and Solution of Oil Injecting from Ingersoll-Rand Air-compressor;英格索兰空压机喷油故障的原因及解决措施

2.Analysis and Improving on Air-compressor Vent Valve Malfunction in Aniline Process;苯胺装置空压机进、排气阀故障原因分析及改造

3.Remote monitoring system forair-compressor groups based on PLC;基于PLC的多组空压机组远程监控系统


1.A simple method of locale testing technique for the minecompressor;一种简易的煤矿空压机现场技术测试方法

2.Research on Air Compressor Testing and Air Supply System s Transient Control for Fuel Cell;燃料电池空压机测试平台及供气系统的控制策略研究

3.Finite element analysis and topology optimization of direct-drivecompressor valve直联便携式空压机阀片有限元分析及拓扑优化

4)air compressors空压机

1.Energy-saving methods and ways ofair compressors in meat industry;肉类工业空压机的节能方法与途径

2.Energy-saving measures ofair compressors for rubber factory;橡胶厂空压机的节能方法与途径

3.Under the current conditions of the tense electric power,it has a profound meaning to the change of past movement mode and the promotion of electricity-saving function of theair compressors.探讨了变频调速控制系统在空压机上应用的原理,介绍该系统应用的情况,并进行了节电效果计算。


1.Reason analysis and prevention for the faults of explosion in air-drum of minecompressors;矿用空压机风包爆炸事故的原因分析及预防

2.Analysing the trouble reasons and putting forward the application about thecompressors runs in vacuo set by open up the suction;空压机卸荷方式常见故障分析

3.When severalcompressors in serial connection provide compressed air,the more thecompressors be connected,the more the pressure loss to be happened,and gives a few of methods to reduce the pressure loss.以实例详细计算了压缩空气在输送过程中的沿程压力损失和局部压力损失,并得出了结论:当多台空压机串联供气时,串联供气的空压机的台数越多,其串联在后面的空压机输出的局部压力损失就越大,并给出了克服压力损失的几种方法。

6)Turbine air compressor透空空压机


