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生理关系 physiological relation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-06-04 17:06:16


生理关系 physiological relation英语短句 例句大全

生理关系,physiological relation

1)physiological relation生理关系

1.Thephysiological relation is that the essence and water orifices can t open simultaneously.精窍与水窍的生理关系是精窍水窍不并开。

2)understanding-directed relationship between teachers and students理解型师生关系

3)teacher-student psychological relationship师生心理关系

1.Theteacher-student psychological relationship refers to the relationship between teacher and student manifested at the psychological level, including three construct factors: cognitive evaluation, emotional communication, contact and interaction.师生心理关系是师生关系在心理层面上的体现,包括认知评价、情感交流、交往互动三个建构要素。


1.Ideal Constructing of Teacher-student Psychological Relationship in P. E. Teaching;论体育教学中师生心理关系的理想建构

2.On Construction of the Relationship between Students and Teachers According to Psychology;从心理学角度谈新型师生关系的构建

3.Relationship between Five-Factor Personality,Teacher-Student Relations,and Mental Health of Adolescents;青少年的人格、师生关系与心理健康的关系研究

4.A Survey Report on the Present Status of Primary Pupils Learning Psychology and Teacher-Pupil Relation;小学生学习心理与师生关系的现状调查研究

5.On Establishing a Caring Teacher-student Relationship in Teaching;新课改呼唤在教学中建立“关心型”师生关系——诺丁斯关心理论的启示

6.Correlation of pupils mental health and teachers cognitive development in Guizhou province;贵州省小学生心理健康与教师认知发展的关系

7.Relationships between college students psychological pressure and P.E.masters leadership behavior;大学生心理压力与体育教师领导行为关系研究

8.Study of Relation between Self-Esteem &Psychological-Health Level of Students in Teachers College;师专学生自尊与心理健康水平关系的研究

9.Humanism: the Kernel Concept in the Construction of a Modern Teacher-student Relationship;人文主义:现代师生关系建设的核心理念

10.The Correlation Between Mental Health and Self conceptof Normal University Students;高师学生心理健康状况与自我概念之关系


12.Relationship Between Confidence and Psychological Health of Students in Teachers College;地方高师大学生的自信与心理健康关系初探

13.The Relationship between Emotional Warmth and Mental Health of Normal University Undergraduates师范大学生情感温暖与心理健康的关系

14.Relationship between college students psychological pressure and adaptation and PE teacher s leader behavior;大学生心理压力和心理适应与体育教师领导行为的关系

15.Correlation of Mental Healthd State between Middle School Teachers and Middle School Students .;中学教师心理健康状况及其与学生心理健康水平的关系

16.A Study on How the Teacher-student Relationship Affects the Students Study and Psychological Development in Middle School;师生关系对学生学习与心理发展影响研究——以初中教师与学生关系为例

17.Relationship Between Core-self Evaluation and Mental Health of Normal School Students师范专科生核心自我评价与心理健康状况的关系

18.Construction of Emotion Relationship between Teachers and Students from the Perspective of Noddings Educational Theory of "Care";诺丁斯关心教育理论视角下的师生情感关系建构


understanding-directed relationship between teachers and students理解型师生关系

3)teacher-student psychological relationship师生心理关系

1.Theteacher-student psychological relationship refers to the relationship between teacher and student manifested at the psychological level, including three construct factors: cognitive evaluation, emotional communication, contact and interaction.师生心理关系是师生关系在心理层面上的体现,包括认知评价、情感交流、交往互动三个建构要素。

4)ecological ethical relationship生态伦理关系

1.We should maintain anecological ethical relationship under the guidance of sustainable development concept, which takes the organic and harmonious relationship between man and nature as the goal, realizes harmony and the common development of social system and .我们应坚持可持续发展前提下的生态伦理关系 ;把人与自然之间的有机和谐关系作为追求目标 ,实现人类社会系统与地球自然生态系统和谐相处 ,共同发展。

5)the theory of productive re lation生产关系理论

6)ethical relation between teachers and students师生伦理关系


经济关系(见生产关系)经济关系(见生产关系)economical relation1 ingji gU口nxj经济关系(eeonomieal relation)系。见生产关
