900字范文 > 词典语言知识库 lexicon as knowledge base英语短句 例句大全

词典语言知识库 lexicon as knowledge base英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-03-07 13:53:20


词典语言知识库 lexicon as knowledge base英语短句 例句大全

词典语言知识库,lexicon as knowledge base

1)lexicon as knowledge base词典语言知识库

2)language knowledge base语言知识库


1.Uniform Criteria and Platforms and the Integration of Language Resources:On the Establishment of Multi-language Databank;标准、平台统一与资源整合——多语言知识库建设的思考和建议

2.This dictionary is a reservoir of information about the English language.这本词典是一座英语语言的知识宝库。

3.Study on Natural Language Interface to Ontology Knowledge Bases;本体知识库的自然语言查询接口研究

4.Research on Natural Language Query Rewriting for Ontology-Based Knowledge Base本体知识库的自然语言查询重写研究

5.A Study on Korean Knowledge Database Oriented to Language Information Processing面向语言信息处理的朝鲜语知识库研究

6.The Research on Construction of Knowledge Based System of Nature Language Understanding in Mechanical Design;机械设计领域自然语言理解知识库构建研究

7.A KBMS of a Natural Language Understanding System Based on Domain基于领域自然语言理解的知识库管理系统

8.NLP oriented studies on Chinese functional words and the construction of their generalized knowledge base面向自然语言处理的汉语虚词研究与广义虚词知识库构建

9.A Semantic-Wiki Knowlege Base System Based on Knowledge Elements基于知识单元的语义Wiki知识库

10.Use Corpora to Improve the Non-major English Learners Language Awareness;利用语料库提高非专业语言学习者的语言意识

11.On "Cognition-Knowledge Bilingual Structure" in English Language Acquisition;论英语语言习得中的“认知-知识语言双元结构”

12.Some are of cultural knowledge, others of linguistics.其中有许多文化知识,也有语言学知识。

13.On Linguistic Knowledge,Language Skill and Communicative Competence;试论语言知识、言语技能和语言交际能力的关系

14.On the Weight of Linguistic Knowledge and Pragmatic Knowledge;论语言知识和语用知识在外语教学中的权重

15.The influence of English background knowledgeon reading comprehension;英语背景知识与超语言知识对阅读理解的影响

16.The Implementation of an Animal Identifier Knowledge System by C Language;动物识别知识系统在C语言下的实现

17.Corpus and the Cultivation of Language Awareness in Adult English Language Learners;英语教学中语料库与成人学生语言意识的培养

18.EST Translation-A Perfoot Combination of Linguistry and Specialized Knowledge科技英语翻译——语言与专业知识的融合


language knowledge base语言知识库

3)lexical semantic knowledge base词汇语义知识库

1.As the semantic knowledge carrier for text understanding by computers,lexical semantic knowledge bases have been widely used in natural language processing such as machine translation,information retrieval,etc.作为文本内容理解的媒介与载体,词汇语义知识库已被广泛应用于信息检索、信息提取、问答系统、自动文摘等方面,成为自然语言处理不可或缺的基础资源。

4)multi-language databank多语言知识库

1.Themulti-language databank is an important part of the language databank of China.多语言知识库是中国语言资源数据库建设的重要组成部分。

5)bank of active language knowledge活用语言知识库

1.Everybody has a language system, an individual "bank of active language knowledge", which contains a variety of types of writing.每个人都掌握了一套包含不同语体的语言体系,既个人的"活用语言知识库"。

6)language trap database语言陷阱知识库


知识处理语言知识处理语言knowledge processing language
