900字范文 > 传媒生产要素 Factors of Media Production英语短句 例句大全

传媒生产要素 Factors of Media Production英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-11-12 02:36:23


传媒生产要素 Factors of Media Production英语短句 例句大全

传媒生产要素,Factors of Media Production

1)Factors of Media Production传媒生产要素

2)Media Elements传媒要素

3)Production factor生产要素

1.The configuration and management of field production factors of road project construction program;公路工程建设项目现场生产要素的配置及管理

2.Rational use of production factors in building engineering;试论建筑工程项目中生产要素的合理利用


1.factor payments生产要素费用(生产成本)

2.conditions of ownership of factors of production生产要素的所有权状况

3.Chapter 1 the Requisites of Production第一章 论生产要素

4.Account s Effect on Productivity in View of Factors of Production and Factors of Management;从生产要素、管理要素看会计的生产力效用

5.In order to develop advaced productive forces,we must choose advanced key elements of production.要发展先进生产力 ,就要选择先进生产要素。

6.gross domestic product at factor cost按生产要素成本计算的本地生产总值

7.Production Factor and Supply &Deman d Factor in China Petrochemical Industry;我国石化产业生产要素及需求要素分析

8.An Analysis of Production Elements to Adjust Industrial Structure in Nujiang Prefecture;怒江州产业结构调整的生产要素分析

9.The Main Schools of Theory on Essential Factors of Production and Their New Developments;生产要素理论的主要学派与最新发展

10.The profits of all the essential factors of prodution may and shall be distributed in accordance with their distribution regular pattern.按生产要素分配规律各生产要素都可以而且应该参与收益的分配。

11.Which factors were abundant and which scarce for the United States?对美国来说,哪些是充裕的生产要素而哪些是短缺的生产要素呢?

12.Research on the Practice of Distribution by Production Elements in our Country--using the Western Corresponding Distribution Theory for Reference;我国按生产要素分配实践初探——以西方按生产要素分配理论为观照

13.The Prime Factor of Production:the Crucial Cause of Ecological Environmental Crisis;第一生产要素:形成生态环境危机的关键因素

14.The Productivity of Information as One of the Elements of Production in the Environment of Intellectural Econorny;知识经济条件下信息生产要素的生产率

15.On Distribution According to Productive Elements [WT5HZ]--Marginal Productive Forces Distribution Theory;论按生产要素分配——兼评边际生产力分配理论

16.Total Factor Productivity, Single Factor Productivity and Economic Growth;全要素生产率单要素生产率与经济增长

17.Allantoin is one of the important urea derivative products.尿囊素是一种重要的尿素衍生产品。

18.Analysis on Influencing Factors of Total Factor Productivity of Agriculture中国农业全要素生产率影响因素分析


Media Elements传媒要素

3)Production factor生产要素

1.The configuration and management of field production factors of road project construction program;公路工程建设项目现场生产要素的配置及管理

2.Rational use of production factors in building engineering;试论建筑工程项目中生产要素的合理利用

4)production factors生产要素

1.Evaluation of mainproduction factors of profitable agriculture in the mountain areas of Zhejiang;浙江山区效益农业发展的主要生产要素评价

2.Effects of fisheriesproduction factors on the sustainable development of Chinese marine fisheries economics;生产要素对我国海洋渔业经济可持续发展的影响(英文)

3.On the allocation ofproduction factors by contributions;也谈生产要素按贡献分配——对十七大相关分配原则的理论解读

5)essential factors of production生产要素

1.Distribution of Essential Factors of Production is the Distribution of Capital by Nature;按生产要素分配的实质是按资分配

2.The labor and other non-labor factors make up theessential factors of production.按贡献分配就是将劳动与其他非劳动因素统一于生产要素,根据各生产要素的社会贡献来进行分配。

3.We analyze the defaults existed in the present theory onessential factors of production.本文对经济学历史上产生的生产要素理论学派的主要观点进行了总结,对生产要素理论存在的不足之处进行了简要分析,并探讨了生产要素理论的最新发展,最后对生产要素六元论做了简评。

6)Productive factors生产要素

1.The theoretical foundation of the distribution according to productive factors;试论按生产要素分配的理论基础

2.The Essay Advances The Idea of the Value for Productive Factors of Sustainable Department;可持续发展生产要素价值浅论

3.The cause of this disparity varies, but the most basic factor is the quantity of the source of productive factors owned by the economical subject, as well as the reward rate of the factors.形成收入分配差距的原因多种多样,但是,最基本的因素是经济主体拥有生产要素资源的数量以及要素的报酬率。


