900字范文 > 模型预测 model prediction英语短句 例句大全

模型预测 model prediction英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-05-18 00:17:15


模型预测 model prediction英语短句 例句大全

模型预测,model prediction

1)model prediction模型预测

1.Application ofmodel prediction technology to bridge health monitoring;模型预测技术在桥梁健康监测中的应用

pensation control of networked control systems based onmodel prediction;基于模型预测的网络化控制系统补偿控制

3.The experimental results were compared with those from themodel prediction.用自制的PVA/PAN复合膜进行了渗透汽化丁酮甲苯混合溶剂脱水试验 ,并与模型预测脱水极限值进行了比较 ,取得了一些有意义的结


1.Forecasting GDP with integrated Winters model and ARMA model;综合Winters模型和ARMA模型预测GDP

2.Redressed Combinatorial Forecast Model with Multiple Indexes;多指标预测模型的纠偏组合预测模型

3.Amount Forecast of Highway Transportation Based on Grey Model Theory;基于灰色预测模型的公路运输量预测

4.Health forecast of aircraft based on the combination forecast model基于组合预测模型的飞行器健康预测

5.Application of the Grey Model to Forecasting Scale of Urban Population;GM(1,1)模型灰色预测法预测城市人口规模

6.Research on single forecast model screening for combination forecast modeling组合预测建模中单项预测模型筛选研究

7.New Combined Forecasting Model Applied in Air Traffic Flow Forecast新型组合预测模型在空中交通流量预测的应用

8.Review of the Different Models for the Forecast of Potato Late Bligh马铃薯晚疫病常用预测预报模型简介

9.To Study the Prognostic Factors That Effect the Survival Rate of Stage Ⅱ CRC Petients after Radical Resection;Ⅱ期大肠癌患者预后预测模型的研究

10.Evaluation on Prognosis and Construction of Hazard Model in Colorectal Cancer结直肠癌预后评估及预测模型的建立

11.The fuzzy prediction of Economic Early Warning Indicators by Using Fuzzy Regression Analysis Model模糊回归分析模型对景气预警指数的模糊预测

12.The Research of Prediction Model in Detecting Glucose Solutions Concentration;葡萄糖溶液浓度检测的预测模型研究

13.A Review on the Research of Athlete Burnout;运动员倦怠的测量、模型与预测变量

14.The Research of the Predictive Fuzzy Controller Based on Gray Model;基于灰色模型的预测模糊控制的研究

15.The Study of SARIMA Model and the Application in Loan Forecast;SARIMA模型的建模及其信贷预测分析

16.The Integrated Fuzzy Forecasting Model Of Enterprise Financial Risk;企业财务风险综合模糊预测模型研究

17.Study on fuzzy linear regression model prediction about P/E;市盈率的模糊线性回归预测模型研究

18.Preliminary Studies on the Model of Forecast in Population Size;人口规模预测的GM(1,1)模型应用初探


model forecast模型预测

3)prediction model模型预测

4)prediction model预测模型

1.Study onprediction model of density of Prorocentrum dentatum alongshore sea area of Wenzhou City;温州市近岸海域具齿原甲藻密度预测模型研究

2.Advances in theprediction models of agricultural non-point source pollution;农业非点源污染预测模型研究进展

3.Evaluation on near infraredprediction model of nicotine in tobacco;烟碱含量近红外光谱预测模型的评价

5)forecasting model预测模型

1.The Forecasting Model of Electrical Parameters in EDM;基于电火花脉冲电源电参数的预测模型

2.Application offorecasting model for algae growth potential forecast of reservoir water;采用预测模型预测水库水的藻类生长潜力

6)predictive model预测模型

1.Predictive Model of Technological Effectfor EDMB ased on Compensatory Fuzzy Neural Network;基于CFNN的电火花加工工艺效果预测模型

2.Reservepredictive model and resource potential appraisal of gold deposits in Gansu Province,China;甘肃省金矿资源预测模型及潜力评价

3.Apredictive model of gas content in coal reservoirs based on multiple stepwise regression analysis: a case study from Qinshui Basin;基于多元逐步回归分析的煤储层含气量预测模型——以沁水盆地为例


