900字范文 > 瘤胃纤维素降解细菌 Cellulose-degrading rumen bacterium英语短句 例句大全

瘤胃纤维素降解细菌 Cellulose-degrading rumen bacterium英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-02-21 17:10:47


瘤胃纤维素降解细菌 Cellulose-degrading rumen bacterium英语短句 例句大全

瘤胃纤维素降解细菌,Cellulose-degrading rumen bacterium

1)Cellulose-degrading rumen bacterium瘤胃纤维素降解细菌

2)Rumen cellulolytic bacteria瘤胃纤维降解细菌


1.Research on Separation Identification and Preservation of 32 Strain Rumen Cellulolytic Bacteria;32株瘤胃纤维降解细菌的分离鉴定与保藏研究

2.Role of Rumen Anaerobic Fungi and Interactions among Fungi, Bacteria and Protozoa in the Degradation of Fibre;瘤胃厌氧真菌在纤维降解中的作用及其与细菌、原虫的关系

3.Effect of Different Saponins on Species Variety of Rumen Protozoa and Bacteria and Fibre Digestibilities不同皂苷对山羊瘤胃原虫和细菌种属变化以及纤维降解的影响

4.Effects of Different Nitrogen Sources Diets on Population of Cellulolytic Microbes and Fiber Degradation in the Rumen of Sheep;不同氮源日粮对绵羊瘤胃纤维降解菌群及纤维降解的影响

5.Isolation, Identification and Characterization of Cellulose-degrading Bacterial Strain from the Rumen瘤胃纤维素降解菌的分离鉴定及其纤维素降解特性

6.Isolation, Identification and Characterization of a Cellulose-degrading Bacterial Strain from the Rumen of Sheep一株瘤胃纤维素降解菌的分离鉴定及其纤维素降解特性

7.The Effect of Different Forage to Concentrate Ratio and N Sources on the Population of Sheep Ruminal Cellulolytic Microbes and Fiber Digestion;不同日粮精粗比及氮源对绵羊瘤胃纤维降解菌群和纤维物质降解的影响

8.Influence of eco environment on crude fibre resolvability of ruminal microbial flora in vitro culture.主要生态环境变化对离体瘤胃菌丛降解粗纤维能力的影响

9.Development and Application of a Fluorescence Quantification Real-Time PCR Approach for the Ruminal Cellulolytic Microbes;瘤胃纤维降解菌Real-Time PCR荧光定量方法的建立及其初步应用

10.Effects of C.Thermophile Fibre Enzyme on Rumen Fermentation in Small Tail Han-Sheep and Degradation of Coarse Fodder;嗜热毛壳菌纤维酶对小尾寒羊瘤胃发酵及粗饲料降解的影响

11.Preliminary screen of cellulolytic bacteria in rumen by minimum medium利用基本培养基初步筛选牛瘤胃中纤维素降解菌

12.Effect of cellulosome in degradation of cellulose纤维体及其在瘤胃纤维素降解中的作用

13.Study on Isolation, Characterization and Cellulase Activities of Ruminal Facultatively Anaerobic Cellulolytic Bacteria in Holstein Cows;奶牛瘤胃兼性厌氧纤维素分解细菌的分离鉴定及其产酶研究

14.Isolation and identification of cow ruminal facultatively anaerobic cellulolytic bacteria奶牛瘤胃兼性厌氧纤维素分解菌的分离鉴定

15.Effects of Eliminating Anaerobic Fungi and Defaunation Respectively on Ruminal Microbes and Fiber Digestibility in Sheep;分别驱除厌氧真菌和原虫对绵羊瘤胃微生物种群及纤维物质降解的影响

16.Isolation and Identification of Bacterium Degrading the Cellulose in Rrumen of Sheep and Cloning of CelB Gene in R.albus.;绵羊瘤胃内纤维素分解菌的分离鉴定及白色瘤胃球菌纤维素酶celB基因的克隆

17.Recent Advances in Cellulosome and Cellulosome-like Complex of Cellulolytic Bacteria in the Rumen瘤胃纤维分解菌多纤维素酶体及其类似物的研究进展

18.Degradation and fermentation characteristics of ruminal bacteria, protozoa, and fungi and their interactions瘤胃细菌、原虫和真菌降解植物细胞壁的相对贡献及其互作


Rumen cellulolytic bacteria瘤胃纤维降解细菌

3)celluloytic bacteria降解纤维素细菌

1.The sequence similarity analysis shows that there arecelluloytic bacterial communiti.序列分析结果表明 ,垃圾填埋场滤液中含有降解纤维素细菌 ,且与 RDP数据库中的 Clostridi-um Cluster 种群最为相

4)cellulolytic bacterium纤维素降解细菌

1.A strain ofcellulolytic bacterium degrading fibre was effectively isolated from the rumen of the sheep.从绵羊瘤胃内容物中分离出一株高效纤维素降解细菌。

5)ruminal cellulolytic bacteria瘤胃纤维分解菌

6)cellulose-degrading bacteria纤维降解细菌


纤维蛋白(纤维蛋白原)降解产物纤维蛋白(纤维蛋白原)降解产物fibrinfibrinogendegradation product,FDP血中纤维蛋白/纤维蛋白原在纤维蛋白溶酶作用下裂解所产生的碎片。纤维蛋白溶酶通过精氨酸?赖氨酸肽链的裂解作用使Aα链及Bβ链裂解,纤维蛋白原的降解产物有:X、Y、D、E及Aα链羧基端附属物(A、B、C碎片);交联性纤维蛋白的降解产物有X、Y、D、E、D=聚体,及DD/E、DY/YD、YY/DXD复合物,这些碎电流称为FDP。FDP有抗凝血酶及抗血小板聚集作用,在生理情况下可防止微循环内血栓形成
