900字范文 > 投资管理 investment management英语短句 例句大全

投资管理 investment management英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-08-10 03:21:50


投资管理 investment management英语短句 例句大全

投资管理,investment management

1)investment management投资管理

1.How to establish capital constructioninvestment management system of railways;如何建立铁路建设投资管理系统

2.Briefly on projectinvestment management of the correspondence enterprise;浅谈通信公司工程投资管理

3.Research on some basic issues of strategyinvestment management in province;省域战略投资管理的基本问题研究


1.Investment Management Service投资管理处(投管处)

2.Investment Management Regulatory Organisation [United Kingdom]投资管理监管组织〔英国〕

3.Investment Management Regulatory Organisation (IMRO), UK英国投资管理监管组织

4.The Research on the Investment Management of Real Estate Investment Trusts;房地产投资信托基金的投资管理研究

5.Research on Project Investment Decision Model by Investment Management Company;投资管理公司项目投资决策模型研究

6.Securities and Investment Board [SIB] [United Kingdom]证券及投资管理局〔英国〕

7.foreign investment commission外国投资管理委员会

8.provident fund investment management company公积金投资管理公司

9.Personal Investment Authority (PIA), UK英国私人投资管理局

10.Taizhou Municipal Administration of Foreign Investment台州市外商投资管理局

11.(The writer is the Investment Manager of Jardine Fleming Investment Management.(本文作者为怡富投资管理公司投资经理。

12.Thoughts on the Advancement from the Major of Investment Management to Engineering Management;投资管理专业向工程管理拓展的思考

13.A Study about Steady Investment Management of Open-end Securities Investment Funds;开放式证券投资基金稳健投资管理研究

14.Perfecting the Management system of China s FDI to Promote Foreign Investment;完善对外直接投资管理体制 促进对外投资

15.On Maturity of China Securities Investment Fund;我国证券投资基金投资管理行为成熟性研究

16.Venture Capital Companies Supervision and Management of the Investing Enterprises;风险投资公司对投资企业的监督管理

17.Research on Investment and Management of Sports Industrial Investment Fund;体育产业投资基金的投资与管理研究

18.International Investment Trust Management Company国际投资信托管理公司


management of investment投资管理

1.Through practice of "static control,dynamic management" in Nierji water conservancy project,the method ofmanagement of investment in construction stage of water conservancy project is analyzed and explored.通过尼尔基水利枢纽工程实行“静态控制、动态管理”的试点与实践,分析探索水利工程实施阶段的投资管理方法。

2.And for China the more and more important problem is that themanagement of investment and risk management of the corporation annuity.文章在前人研究的基础上,采用规范分析法和归纳演绎法对企业年金基金投资管理和投资风险管理这两个方面进行分析研究。

3)management in period of investment投资期管理

4)investment and financing management投融资管理

5)invest and management投资与管理

6)investment manager投资管理人


