900字范文 > 征用土地 make a requisition of land; take over the land for use; expropriation of land英语短句 例句大全

征用土地 make a requisition of land; take over the land for use; expropriation of land英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-03-26 02:21:43


征用土地 make a requisition of land; take over the land for use; expropriation of land英语短句 例句大全

征用土地,make a requisition of land; take over the land for use; expropriation of land

1)make a requisition of land; take over the land for use; expropriation of land征用土地


1.Article 47 In requisitioning land, compensation should be made according to the original purposes of the land requisitioned.第四十七条征用土地的,按照被征用土地的原用途给予补偿。

mandeer land country is a regulation, stipulate by land commandeer fixed number of year is no problem.征用土地国家是规定的,按土地征用规定年限就没问题。

3.Appeal Board (Land Acquisition)上诉局(土地征用)

4.acquisition team [Lands Department]土地征用小组〔地政总署〕

5.Acquisition Section [Lands Department]土地征用组〔地政总署〕

6.On the Right of Land Development Farm Land Expropriation and Compensation System;土地发展权、农地征用及征地补偿制度

7.The government confiscated the land.政府征用了那片土地。

8.The Study on the Benefit Distribution of Land Expropriation in She County;涉县土地征用中的土地收益分配研究

9.On Land Expropriation and Requisition for the Public Interests;物权法中土地征收征用公共利益研究

10.Ideas on Land Requisition or Collection;关于土地征用或征收问题的几点思考

11.Principle of“Public Interests” in Land Expropriation;土地征收、征用中“公共利益”原则初论

12.Effects of different land-use on characteristics of soil and water conservation不同土地利用类型水土保持特征研究

13.LDC Section [Lands Department]土地发展公司计划土地征用组〔地政总署〕

14.Analysis of the Characteristic of Land Use and Land Degradation in Mid-Eastern China;中东部地区土地利用与土地退化特征分析

15.Land Expropriation,Agricultural Land Entering into the Market Directly and Optimal Allocation of Land Resources土地征用、农地直接入市与土地资源优化配置

16.The land for the new buildings was expropriated from local people盖新房子的土地是向当地人民征用的。

17.Much of the land for the airport was expropriated from local farmers.机场的土地大部分是向当地农民征用。

18.A Study on Local Government s Ability to Execute the Expropriation of Land Policy;地方政府土地征用政策执行能力研究


Land requisition土地征用

1.To consummate the system of land requisition is a base for solving question of peasants who lost their lands;完善土地征用制度是解决失地农民问题的基础

2.Problems existing in the rural land requisition system and legal system to be perfect;农村土地征用制度存在的问题及法律制度完善

3)Land expropriation土地征用

1.The Impact of Land Expropriation on Farmers Life Style——Taking Village H of County C,Hunan Province as an Example;土地征用对农民生活方式的影响——以湖南省C县H村为例

2.Problems in and solutions to rural land expropriation;农村土地征用中存在的问题及其解决思路

3.The Analysis of Rational Cost in the Process of Land Expropriation;土地征用中的代价合理性分析

4)Land acquisition土地征用

1.The Land Acquisition Process to Protect the Interests of Landless Peasants;论土地征用过程中失地农民的利益保障

2.Much problem has appeared in recent years in the process of acquisition of land,among all the problems,the reimbursement for expenses of land acquisition is the most outstanding one.近年来在土地征用过程中出现了很多问题,其中土地征用补偿费用分配问题最为突出,本文分析了我国现行立法规定和实践操作中存在的缺陷及问题。

3.With the development of China, the current land acquisition system doesn t apply to market economy.随着我国城市化进程的加快和经济的发展,现行土地征用制度显得与社会主义市场经济不相适应。

5)Requisition of land土地征用

1.Analysis of House Demolishing Problems in the Process of Requisition of Land浅析土地征用中房屋拆迁问题

2.Requisition of land is a kind of compound legal action,Which causes compound legal relationship.土地征用是具有复合性质的法律行为,由此引起复合性的法律关系。

6)Land Confiscation土地征用

1.The present system of land confiscation of China was formed in the background of highly centralized planned economy system.我国现行的土地征用制度是在高度集中的计划经济体制背景下形成的,存在种种弊端,因此在分析土地征购制度优越性基础上,提出如何克服土地征购制度可能存在的问题,构造我国土地征购制度的模式,就是由政府垄断征地市场,统一征地并统一支付全部的征地费用,然后经过土地储备中的前期开发,再分别向用地者提供土地。


