900字范文 > 开放精神 spirit of openness英语短句 例句大全

开放精神 spirit of openness英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-01-04 06:35:19


开放精神 spirit of openness英语短句 例句大全

开放精神,spirit of openness

1)spirit of openness开放精神

1.The Chinese nation has always been open-minded,and thespirit of openness is Chinese nation\"s fine tradition,but from the mid-Ming Dynasty to the late Qing dynasty,China\"s closed door policy resulted in its decline in the development.中华民族自古就是开放的民族,开放精神是中华民族的优良传统,但在明朝中期至清代末年,中国实行了闭关自守的政策,致使国家的发展走向衰落。


parison between Culture of Zhao Kingdom in pre Qin Period and the Reformative Opening Spirit in Athenian Culture先秦赵文化与古希腊雅典文化改革开放精神比较

2.Construction of Self-improvement Opening the Humanistic Spirit of Pioneering;构建自强不息、开拓开放的人文精神

3.Deng Xiaoping s thoughts of the open education;邓小平开放教育思想内涵及精神主旨

4.Reflections on open education and ethics construction;对开放教育精神文明建设的几点思考

5.On the multiform of opening lab for the cultivation of students" creativity多形式开放实验室,培养学生创新精神

6.The reform and the open policy have also further liberated the nation ideologically改革和开放也使民族精神获得了新解放

7.An open mind, a cheerful disposition, an enterprising spirit and a bountiful harvest.开放的心态,快乐的心情,进取的精神,丰富的收获。

8.An open mind, a cheerful disposition, an enterprising spirit and a boutiful harvest.开放的心态,快乐的心情,进取的精神、富的收获。

9.The rule of law has kept our society open, fair and law abiding.法治精神使我们的社会公平开放、市民奉公守法。

10.The Open Monumentality: The Presentation and Realization of the Architectural Spirit of Sun Yatsens Mausoleum;开放的纪念性:中山陵建筑精神的表达与实践

11.Study on the patterns of ethic & civilized construction in modern open distance education;现代远程开放教育精神文明建设模式探讨

12.The Construction of Spiritual Civilization in Coastal Cities in the New Century;新世纪沿海开放城市精神文明建设规律初探

13.Phasic Chang of Chinese Youth s Cultural Life since the Beginning of Reform and Opening-up;改革开放以来青年精神生活的阶段性变化

14.Legal and Ethical Reflection on the Management of Open-loop Psychiatric Ward开放式精神病房管理中的法律与伦理思考

15.Survey on Mental Health Status of Nurse in Open Wards and Close Wards of Mental Hospital精神科开放与封闭病房护士心理健康状况调查

16.Evaluation of suicide risk factors in psychiatric opening wards精神科开放病房患者自杀危险因素评估研究

17.Influence of open-type management on social rehabilitation of schizophrenia patients开放式管理对精神分裂症病人社会康复的影响

18.Systematic Construction of Carrying forward National Spirit since the Reform and Opening Up改革开放以来民族精神弘扬的制度化建构


Opening spirit开放性精神

3)spirit of reform and opening改革开放精神

4)Open-loop Psychiatric Ward开放式精神病房

1.Legal and Ethical Reflection on the Management ofOpen-loop Psychiatric Ward开放式精神病房管理中的法律与伦理思考

5)spiritual emancipation精神解放

6)liberation spirit解放精神


