900字范文 > 人的全面发展思想 Comprehensive Development of Mankind英语短句 例句大全

人的全面发展思想 Comprehensive Development of Mankind英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-12-07 22:05:03


人的全面发展思想 Comprehensive Development of Mankind英语短句 例句大全

人的全面发展思想,Comprehensive Development of Mankind

1)Comprehensive Development of Mankind人的全面发展思想


ment on the Overall Development of Human Being Thought with the Ideological and Political Education;论人的全面发展思想与思想政治教育

2.Marx s Thought of Human Nature and Human Development in All-Round Way;马克思人的本质和人的全面发展思想

3.New Thesis of Jiang Zemin on All-round Develoment of An Indivdual;江泽民对人的全面发展思想的新发展

4.On Marx and Engels Theory of All-round Development of Human Being;马克思恩格斯人的全面发展思想探讨

5.Manuscript in 1844 and Max s Views on the Full Development of Man;1844年《手稿》与马克思人的全面发展思想

6.On Mark"s Thought about Division of Labor and Human"s All-Round Development马克思关于分工与人的全面发展思想

7.Lenin s Succession and Development for Marx s Thought of All-Round Development of Man;列宁对马克思人的全面发展思想的继承和发展

8.The Succession and Development about Marx s Thoughts on All-round Development of People;马克思人的全面发展思想在中国的继承和发展

9.From Marx Person s Comprehensive Development Thought to Science Development View;从马克思人的全面发展思想到科学发展观

10.To Go out of Consumerism Trap and Build Harmonious Consumption Culture;论促进人的全面发展的基本途径——江泽民人的全面发展思想之思考

11.Deng Xiaoping Contributions in Thoughts of All-Round Development of Human Being;论邓小平对人的全面发展思想的贡献

12.About Jiang Zemin s Theory Concerning the Overall Development of Human;论江泽民同志关于人的全面发展思想

13.On Marx"s Thought of Human Essence and Human Development in All-round论马克思人的本质观和人的全面发展思想

14.On the Heritage and Development of “All-around Perfection ”by Jiang Ze-min;论江泽民对“人的全面发展思想”的继承和发展

15.The new stage of all-round human development theory --On Jiang Zemin s idea of all-round human development;人的全面发展理论的新阶段——江泽民人的全面发展思想浅析

16.Probing Research on "the Thought of All-round Development of Human Being" by Marx;试论马克思关于“人的全面发展”的思想

17.On the Four Possesses New People and Jiang Ze-min s ComprehensiveDdevelopment Ideas on Human Beings;“四有”新人与江泽民“人的全面发展”思想

18.Explaining Jiang Zemin s Important Thought of All round Development of People;试论江泽民关于人的全面发展的思想


the view of scientific development全面发展思想

3)thought of individual development人的发展思想

4)all-round development of human being人的全面发展

1.All-Round Development of Human Being and Construction of Core Value System;人的全面发展与核心价值体系的建构

2.Marx s Theory on the All-round Development of Human Being and the Construction of Socialist Harmonious Society;马克思关于人的全面发展理论与构建社会主义和谐社会

3.It takes as the core value orientation the realization ofall-round development of human being.作为一种全新的文明发展模式,科学发展观以统筹经济社会的协调发展,协调经济、社会、环境、资源与人的关系,完善人的生存环境,逐渐增进人民福祉为手段,以实现人的全面发展为核心价值取向。

5)All-round Development of Man人的全面发展

1.The Important Thought of Three Representatives and theAll-round Development of Man;“三个代表”重要思想与人的全面发展

2.Knowledge economy and all-round development of man;知识经济与人的全面发展

3.Build a well-off society in an all-round way and improve an all-round development of man;全面建设小康社会推进人的全面发展

6)all-round development of human beings人的全面发展

1.Inheritance and Innovation: Improving All-round Development of Human Beings in Building a Harmonious Society;继承与创新:在构建和谐社会中促进人的全面发展

2.On All-round Development of Human Beings from Human-oriented Economics Criticism on Economic-man Theor y;从人本主义经济学对经济人理论的批判看人的全面发展

3.Reform of physical education in school under the conception ofall-round development of human beings;人的全面发展理念下的学校体育改革


