900字范文 > 服务业产业内贸易 intra-industry trade in services英语短句 例句大全

服务业产业内贸易 intra-industry trade in services英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-07-10 20:57:23


服务业产业内贸易 intra-industry trade in services英语短句 例句大全

服务业产业内贸易,intra-industry trade in services

1)intra-industry trade in services服务业产业内贸易

1.We should developintra-industry trade in services to enhance China s Competitiveness of trade in services.在服务贸易两种统计分类的基础上阐述了服务贸易的性质;分析了中国服务业产业内贸易的现状;提出发展产业内贸易,提升中国服务贸易的国际竞争力。


1.Empirical Statistics and Analysis about China′s Intra-Industry Trade in Services;服务业产业内贸易的统计与中国实证

2.Research on the Influencing Factors of Sino-Japanese Intra-industry Trade in Services中日服务业产业内贸易影响因素研究

3.Empirical Study on the Influencing Factors of China s Intra-industry Trade in Service Sector;我国服务业产业内贸易影响因素的实证分析

4.Research on the Effects and Influential Factors of Service Intra-industry Trade in China中国服务业产业内贸易的影响因素及效应研究

5.An empirical analysis on intra-industry trade in the insurance industry and its determinants保险服务业产业内贸易及其影响因素的实证分析

6.Intra-industry trade and service trade relations theory competitiveness survey产业内贸易与服务贸易竞争力关系理论综述

7.On Thinking of Developing Knowledge Service Trade Industry Of China;发展中国知识性服务贸易产业的思考

8.The Global Industrial Transfer of Service and Trends of International Service Trade全球服务产业转移与国际服务贸易发展趋势

9.Trade in Service and the Growth of Total Factor Productivity of China′s Service Industry服务贸易与中国服务业全要素生产率增长

10.An Approach on the Key Factors of the IIT in Tourism Industry Between Sichuan and ASEAN;四川与东盟旅游服务产业内贸易的核心因素初探

mercial presence商业存在(服务贸易)

12.On Influential Factors of Intra-industry Trade and Intra-firm Trade Volume;产业内贸易与公司内贸易规模的决定

13.Analysis of Trade Theory and Trade Present Situation for Inner Industries;产业内贸易理论与我国产业内贸易现状分析

14.Study on the International Competitiveness of Strategic Industries of Chinese Service;我国服务贸易战略性产业国际竞争力研究

15.The Research on Chinese Service Trade"s Influence on the Optimization of the Industrial Structure我国服务贸易发展对产业结构优化的影响研究

16.Challenges and Measures of Developing China s Service Industry Under the Trend of Free Service Trade;服务贸易自由化下中国服务业的发展

17.The Relationship of Service Industry and Service Trade in China中国服务业与服务贸易发展关系研究

18.Analysis on the Coordinating Degree between China Service Industry and Service Trade我国服务业与服务贸易的协调度分析


IIT of tourism industry旅游服务产业内贸易

1.Applying the intra-industry theory, this paper analyzes the key factors which influence theIIT of tourism industry between Sichuan and ASEAN.本文以产业内贸易的视角来观察四川与东盟的旅游业发展状况,运用产业内贸易相关理论分析了影响四川与东盟旅游服务产业内贸易的核心因素,提出了区位条件、产品差异化、需求相似、区域经济协作和规模经济可以提升四川与东盟旅游服务产业内贸易水平,双方可以在较高的产业内贸易水平下,实现共赢。

3)industrialization of trade in services服务贸易产业化

4)service trade服务业贸易

1.Effect from China s WTO entry onservice trade in China and countermeasures;加入WTO对我国服务业贸易的影响及对策

5)services trading industry服务贸易业

6)intra-industry trade产业内贸易

1.Study ofintra-industry trade of machinery and electrical products in China;我国机电产品产业内贸易研究

2.The Empirical Research on the Intra-Industry Trade in Sino-US ATP Trade;中国与美国高技术产品产业内贸易的实证研究

3.The Intra-industry Trade between Developed countries and Developing countries——On the case of manufacturing industry between China and European Union;南北产业内贸易实证分析——以中欧制造业为例


