900字范文 > 自体毛发移植 autogenous hair transplantation英语短句 例句大全

自体毛发移植 autogenous hair transplantation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-09-22 06:55:00


自体毛发移植 autogenous hair transplantation英语短句 例句大全

自体毛发移植,autogenous hair transplantation

1)autogenous hair transplantation自体毛发移植

1.Methods 60 patients with hair loss due to seborrheic dermatitis underwentautogenous hair transplantation for repair,of whom 23 had one transplantation and 37 examples had one more transplantation for hair density.目的探讨使用自体毛发移植治疗脂溢性脱发的临床效果。


1.Nursing care of autologous pelage transplantation to treat patients with permanent alopecia自体毛发移植治疗永久性秃发的护理

2.Autogenous hair transplantation in treatment of hair loss due to steatorrhea:an analysis of 60 cases自体毛发移植治疗脂溢性脱发60例

3.To remove hair from(the body).脱毛从(身体)移走毛发

4.Development of Murine Cloned Embryos Reconstructed by Nuclei of Cumulus Cell from Self-or Different Individual Donors自体或异体小鼠卵丘细胞核移植胚胎的发育

5.Treatment of recurrent dislocation of patella using autohamstring tendon transplantation自体腘绳肌腱移植治疗复发性髌骨脱位

6.Curative Analysis on the Recurrent Pterygium Treated by Epithelium Transplantation of Auto-corneal Edge自体角膜缘移植治疗复发性翼状胬肉疗效分析

7.Allogenous Tenden Grafting in Management of Spontaneous Extensor Rupture in Thumb同种异体肌腱移植修复拇长伸肌腱自发性断裂

8.Application of Follicular Unit Transplantation in Repairing Hair Loss;单位毛囊移植在毛发缺损修复中的应用

9.Subcutaneous implantation of embryonic skin cells to construct a model of hair development in nude mice胚胎皮肤细胞裸鼠皮下移植构建毛发发育模型

10.Effects of Posttransplantation Jiggling Force on the Experimental Autotransplantation of Teeth in Vivo;移植后往复正畸力对犬自体移植牙的影响

11.Human Mitochondria Transfer with Self-granular Cells to Improve Oocyte"s Quality and Embryo"s Development;人自体颗粒细胞线粒体移植改善卵子质量和胚胎发育的研究

12.Auto-hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation for Multiple Myeloma Accompanied with Amyloidosis in Four Limbs自体造血干细胞移植治疗伴发四肢淀粉样变性的多发性骨髓瘤

13.The Clinical Observation of Simple Hairs Auto-transplantation Combined with Minoxidil Application in Patients with Hair Loss简易毛发移植联合外用米诺地尔酊治疗毛发缺稀的临床观察

14.Application of Segmental Osteometomy in Dental Implant Reposition:Two Case Reports带种植体的自体骨块移植纠正种植体植入位置不良初探

15.Study on Preservation of Hair Follicle Units and the Feasibility of Delayed Hair Transplantation;毛囊单位体外保存及延期移植的可行性研究

16.The Effect of the Competition between Ovaries of Hosts and the Grafted and FSH in Recipients on the Growth and Development of Transplanted Fetal Ovarian Tissues in Rats宿主自身卵巢竞争与体内FSH对移植胚鼠卵巢生长发育的影响

17.Transplantation of highly purified autologous CD34~+ cells from peripheral blood for treatment of HES自体纯化CD34~+细胞移植治疗特发性嗜酸性粒细胞增多症的临床研究

18.Transplantation of fresh amniotic membrane combined with corneal limbus autografts for the treatment of recurrent pterygium新鲜羊膜联合自体角膜缘移植治疗复发性翼状胬肉的疗效分析


Pounch scalp grafts自体毛发移植术

3)Hair transplantation毛发移植

1.Conclusion Damage of the dermal papilla should be avoided in hair transplantation surgery.结论在毛发移植过程中要避免手术器械对毛乳头的损伤。

4)automatic hair transplant system自动毛发移植系统

1.Application of combined technique of hair implanter andautomatic hair transplant system in hair transplantation;自动毛发移植系统结合毛发移植器修复毛发缺损

5)hair implanter毛发移植器

1.Application of combined technique ofhair implanter and automatic hair transplant system in hair transplantation;自动毛发移植系统结合毛发移植器修复毛发缺损

6)hair autotransplantation毛发移植术

1.Therapeutic effect ofhair autotransplantation in 146 patients with alopecia;自体毛发移植术治疗永久性秃发146例疗效观察


自体睾丸移植术自体睾丸移植术autotransplantation of testis指将睾丸带着精索动、静脉移植到身体另一个地方,就地接上相应的动、静脉,恢复睾丸的血运和功能的手术。临床上用于高位隐睾患儿作睾丸复位手术时,由于精索动、静脉太短,无法牵下阴囊,故将睾丸连同其血管切下来,移到阴囊去,再接上腹壁下动、静脉。此种情况的输精管是够长可伸入阴囊的。此术比勉强将隐睾牵引下来为好。此术式是1976年Sibler最先报告,国内王玲珑(1985年)亦报告此手术。
