900字范文 > 备战中考英语 完形填空题知识点归纳及专题训练二(可打印)

备战中考英语 完形填空题知识点归纳及专题训练二(可打印)

时间:2022-09-03 04:06:36


备战中考英语 完形填空题知识点归纳及专题训练二(可打印)




【例1】Life is very( ) so don rush to make decisions.Life doesn let you plan.

A.hard B.busy C.short D.long


【例2】He told his dad that Kate was scratching(划损)the newly bought car with a nail.

Mr Smith ran outside and became very( ) as soon as he saw it.

A.happy B.angry C.brave D.relaxed


【例3】There was only one way to make money,and that was to ( ) it.He would have to find a job.

A.borrow B.earnC.raiseD.save

【例4】On my first day at school,the other kids made fun of me because of my hearing aid and the way I talked.Iwas hurt deeply and I saw myself as a(n)( ) kid.

A.ugly B.smart C.handsome

解析:由关键词“made fun of me”和“I was hurt deeply”可知,“我”把我自己看成一个“丑陋”的孩子。故A项正确。


【例1】The children born in the village and left hopeless for lack of access to education( )our sympathy.

A.needs B.had C.make D.deserve


The children born in the village and left hopeless for lack of access to education ( )our sympathy.


【例2】Evidence provided by the school has proved that John was a good student whose gradesand attendance as he became addicted( )to playing video games.

A.increased B.raised C.fell D.fallen

解析:本句evidence作主语,provided by the school作主语的后置定语,has proved作谓语,后接that引导的宾语从句。从句中John是主语,was 是谓语,a good student是表语,而表语 student 后接由whose引导的定语从句。定语从句中grades and attendance作主语,fell作从句的谓语,后接由as引导的原因状语从句。

Evidence provided by the school has proved that John was a good student

主语 后置定语 谓语 宾语从句

whose grades and attendance( ) as he became addicted to playing video games.定语从句 (从句谓语) 状语从句






Dear Michael,I am glad to learn that you have been chosen to study in China.Your dream has come true!

I can well remember that you( 1 )China for the first time when you were nine.Ever since you returned,you have been interested in Chinese culture and have put a lot of ( 2 )into learning Chinese.When you first started to learn Chinese,I( 3 )it was nothing but a passing fad(一时的狂热).However,you didn ( 4 )halfway,but kept on learning and did a good job in the HSK(汉语水平考试).Now you finally got what you had( 5)fora long time.You got the chance to ( 6 )life in China for one year.You should have it,my son,for chances only come to those who are( 7 ).

When you study there,you will have to face ( 8 )in everyday life that you have never experienced before,but after a year abroad,you will return with a new ( 9)at life-and at yourself.

Your mum and I are both ( 10 )you.Keep it up,my son!


()1.A. built B. visitedC. missedD. changed

()2.A. difficulty B. success C. effortD. space

()3.A. thought B. agreed C. forgot D. added

()4.A. cheer upB. grow up C. turn upD. give up

()5.A. writtenB. wantedC. touredD. paid

()6.A. introduce B. experience C. respectD. imagine

()7.A. prepared B. honestC. friendly D. helpful

()8.A. examples B. meetings C. challenges D. dreams

()9.A. lookB. touchC. guessD. speed

()10.A. different from B. similar to C. polite toD. proud of



