900字范文 > 又苦又甜的经历 A Bitter Sweet Experience-大学英语作文_3000字_英语作文

又苦又甜的经历 A Bitter Sweet Experience-大学英语作文_3000字_英语作文

时间:2019-03-02 16:03:47


又苦又甜的经历 A Bitter Sweet Experience-大学英语作文_3000字_英语作文

又苦又甜的经历 A Bitter Sweet ExperienceA Bitter Sweet ExperienceThe results of the college entrance examinatiun came. I tore open the envelope. As soon as I saw the score, tears streamed down my face. I fell into my bed and did not get up the whole day. All was over. What is the meaning to live on earth? For the first time I thought of death, of being a vagrant and of being single all my life. I was only seventeen. Wasn't it cruel to me? My father was hurt and he could not stand it, that his son was a disgrace. He was angry beyond words. My mother kept silent, and often I saw her in tears. Horror filled the house.Encouraged by my parems I took the exam again. Again I failed. It seemed that my fate would go against my will. Hearing the news, my mother lost ten pounds in just a few days. I remember even now the sad looks in her eyes. My father locked all my books irrelevant to the exam. I was broken down. I was left with no choice but to fight my way out.I can never forget the day when I left for my study area. On September 2nd, 1986 I bid farewell to my mother and stepped on my way. My father sent me by ear. I sank down in the back seat, weak and discouraged, like a prisoner going on exile.In the following year, I exerted myself in study trying hard to keep myself in control. I worked and worked. At last, success showed me her late coming smiling face. I entered Anhui University. Friends and relatives poured in for congratulations. I received lots of gifts, among them there were pens.Maybe those who have experienced bitter failure know deeply the sweet taste of success.又苦又甜的经历高考分数下来了,我拆开信封一看,顿时泪流满面,一头扑到床上,整整一天都没起床。一切都完了,人活在世上还有什么意思?这时,我第1次想到死,想到了去当流浪汉,也想到了终生独身。可那年我才17岁,这一切想法对我不是太残酷了吗?我的父亲深感受了伤害,他不能容忍自己的儿子为他丢人现眼,怒不可遏。我母亲则默不出声,经常以泪洗面。家中一片恐怖。在父母的鼓励下,我再次参加高考,可又再次失败。命运似乎在和我作对。母亲一听到这个消息,几天之内,一下瘦了10磅。至今我依然忘不了她那忧郁的眼神。我父亲将我所有与考试无关的书都锁了起来。我别无选择,只能背水一战。我永远不能忘记前往学习区的那天。1986年9月2日,我告别母亲上路了。父亲用小汽车进我。我瘫在汽车后座了,全身无力。垂头丧气,仿佛像一个囚犯被押往流放地。在随后的一年里,我发愤苦读,极力克制自己。成功终于向我露出了那姗姗来迟的笑脸。我考上了安徽大学。亲戚朋友都前来祝贺。我收到很多礼物,其中,仅笔就以数计。也许,只有那些经历过失败痛苦的人才深知成功的甘甜。
