900字范文 > 牛津小学英语三年级Let’s go to the park教案

牛津小学英语三年级Let’s go to the park教案

时间:2024-05-02 23:03:03


牛津小学英语三年级Let’s go to the park教案

三 年级 英语 科目集体备课教案

课题:let’s go to the park



共 3课时,本课第1 课时

个人复备栏教学目标:能听懂、会说单词zoo ,a cinema , a park , a supermarket ,the great wall ,by bike /bus /plane/car。重点难点:单词supermarket和the great wall的发音课前准备:卡片,多媒体课件教学过程:step 1. warming-up.1. greetings : hello, boys and girls! how are you? fine, thank you. and you? i’m fine, too.2.sing a song :“hello ,how are you ?”3. free talk:t: look at my coat / jacket/ sweater/…ss: it’s nice/ pretty/ smart / how nice!step 2. presentation and practice.1 game :听声音猜单词t: what’s this ? ss: this is a dog.t: what’s this ? ss: this is a tiger.t: what’s this ? (听公共汽车的喇叭声音)ss: …t: it’s a bus.2 learn : a bus ,a car ,a bike ,a plane.read after the t.t: bike, bike, by bike ( read and do )t边说边做表示骑车的动作,帮助学生理解“by bike”。t: bus, bus, by bus.plane, plane, by plane.car, car, by car.3 t做动作,ss 猜单词。 s做动作,ss 猜单词。t: boys and girls , this is a park .(出示图片)4 看图片,学习新单词:a zoo ,a cinema , a park , a supermarket ,the great wall read after the t: “a park”step 3. practice.1 play a game :look and guess :what am i saying ? (t不出声说单词 ,ss根据口形猜单词。)2 which is missingt拿出四张图片,并从中抽出一张, ss猜一猜少了哪一张?3 high and low voice:if t says a word with low voice, ss say it with high voice; if t says a word with high voice, ss say it with low voice.4workbook:b listen and draw.5 sing a song:“goodbye!”板书设计:unit8 let’s go to the parklet’s go to the …ok,but how?by…练习设计:1、八个新单词每个抄写5遍。2、听课文录音。教后记:


三 年级 英语 科目集体备课教案

课题:let’s go to the park



共 3课时,本课第2 课时


教学目标: 1. 能熟练掌握单词zoo ,a cinema , a park , a supermarket ,the great wall ,by bike /bus /plane/car。 2. 能听懂、会说日常交际用语:let’s go to the… all right./ok./ good./ great! but how? by…重点难点: 能听懂、会说日常交际用语:let’s go to the… all right./ok./ good./ great! but how? by…课前准备: 卡片,多媒体课件,小动物的玩具,转盘教学过程: step 1. warming-up. greetings: t: hello, boys and girls! how are you? fine, thank you. and you? i’m fine, too. let’s go to school, ok? ss: ok! step 2. presentation and practice. 1 read the sentence after t: let’s go to school. ok./ all right!/ good!/ great! 2 t拿出两个小动物的手偶,一个动物说:go home now, panda! 另一个动物——熊猫说:ok! let’s go to the zoo. ss read the sentence after t: let’s go to the zoo. 3 ss read after t: zoo, zoo, go to the zoo; park, park, go to the park; supermarket, supermarket, go to the supermarket; cinema, cinema, go to the cinema; the great wall, the great wall, go to the great wall. 4 t: let’s go to the park. ss: ok./ all right./ good./ great! …… 5 t:who can invite me? ss: miss tang, let’s go to the cinema. t: ok, let’s go!/ all right./ good!/ great! t叫数名ss进行对话 ss: miss tang, let’s go to the cinema. t: ok, let’s go!/ all right./ good!/ great! but how? by bike, ok? ss: ok, let’s go! 教授句型:but how? by… step 3. practice. 1 ask and answer: t: let’s go to the park. ss: ok./ all right./ good./ great! but how? t: by bike/ bus/ car/ plane. exchange: ss: miss tang, let’s go to the cinema. t: ok, let’s go!/ all right./ good!/ great! but how? ss: by bike/ car/ bus/ plane. work in pairs. 2 game: 用两个大转盘,一个贴有地址的图片,一个贴有交通工具的图片。当转到哪个图片时,就用指针所指的图片对话:例如转到cinema和bike时: group1,2: let’s go to the cinema. group3,4: ok, let’s go! but how? group1,2: by bike. 然后请学生到前面来转动转盘,小组之间对话。 3 开火车,找朋友: 老师先做火车头,找到自己的好朋友: t: let’s go to the park. s: ok./ all right./ good./ great! but how? t: by bike. 然后由这位火车尾找朋友,找到下一个火车尾,邀请他外出玩,一直持续下去。 接下去,老师再请学生做火车头来邀请好友。 4 听课文录音,并跟读一遍。 step 4. consolidation. 1 say a rhyme: let’s go to the park. ok, let’s go! let’s go to the cinema. all right, let’s go! let’s go to the zoo. good, let’s go! let’s go to xi’an. great, let’s go! but how? by plane! 2 分角色表演课文板书设计: unit8 let’s go to the park let’s go to the … ok,but how? by…练习设计: 1、八个新单词每个抄写5遍。 2、听课文录音,背诵课文。教后记:
