900字范文 > 周四 | 当我们面对不幸……

周四 | 当我们面对不幸……

时间:2018-10-20 18:08:29


周四 | 当我们面对不幸……

In the face of misfortune



Suffering, we can’t avoid it no matter how hard we tried. Betweenthe poor, homeless and sick, suffering is all around us. We like to think we take it in stride, but how do we really react to it?贫穷、流浪、疾病,不幸无处不在。我们总认为面对不幸我们能泰然处之,但事实上我们究竟是如何应对的呢?

If you saw an older man shivering on a curb with only a thin blanket and old clothing, you are likely to feel bad but you’d keep walking. We all feel the pain of seeing this older gentleman looking as though he might not make this night, but seldom do we stop and do anything. Our reactions are what make us who we are, both individually and as a species.如果你看到一个老人在路边瑟瑟发抖,身上仅有一条单薄的毯子,衣衫褴褛,你很有可能会感到难过,但你依旧会走开。我们都会在看到这个老人的时候感到痛楚,认为他可能熬不过这个晚上了,但我们很少会停下来帮忙。我们的行为决定我们的本质。无论从个人角度还是站在整个种族的立场,这一点都是成立的。

Naturally, mankind is sympathetic to the pain and suffering of others. Psychologist Edward Kitchener translated the German word “Einfüllung” meaning “feeling into”, into English in 1909, turning it to the word most of us know today as empathy. However, feeling bad for something is not empathy, though most people think so. The feelings we get are instead a mixture of other emotions. What’s the interpretation of some of these emotions?人类天生就会同情他们的不幸和苦难。1909年,心理学家爱德华基奇纳将德语单词“Einfüllung”翻译为英语,意为“感情植入”,也就是今天我们众所周知的“共情”。然而,和大众理解的不同,替某人感到难过并不是共情。我们所感受的情感实际上是很多情绪的集合。那么该如何细分这样的一些情绪呢?


Pityis often distress, discomfort and overall sadness when witnessing someone else’s misery. If you were to see someone yelling at their significant other, you will most likely feel sorry for them, and look on for a few seconds before moving on. Pity is the acknowledgment of another’s pain, and that you feel bad for them, but pity doesn’t go beyond this. Like-bait is another example of pity, where someone online posts a picture or video to make their viewer feel bad, by the end of which it says “like, repost, reblog, retweet, share if you understand X’s pain and want to help”. Of course, a like won’t help their suffering, it’s just helping the poster by giving them likes on something they posted.



Sympathyis the physical display of pity, and hoping that person will be relieved of that pain or suffering. It’s caring about the well-being of somebody without personally knowing the struggle. You try to understand by putting yourself in their shoes.



Empathyis both caring and personally knowing whatever struggle the other person is going through. Remember, personally knowing is not always paired with caring, which means it’s not true empathy. This is evident in psychopaths. You have to have personal experience and care in order to empathize.



Compassionis either empathy or sympathy, paired with a desire to relieve that person of their pain. With compassion, you actively seek a solution. You do something with sympathy or empathy rather than just walking away.



It must be noted thataltruismis very different from empathy, sympathy, pity and compassion. When someone acts altruistically, they are acting on the basis that it is the right thing to do, not because they feel bad. Altruism can be detached and emotionless, as it’s not buried in personal emotions, only in doing the perceived right thing. One way that altruism can backfire is being ignorant of pain, not understanding the problem, but trying to fix it anyway. A good example of this is replacing a child’s old broken toy that holds memories because you believe it’s the right thing to do. However, by replacing the toy, you are tossing out all the memories that have attached to that toy.


So, if you were to see that same old man shivering, what would your reaction be? Pity? Sympathy? Empathy? Would you give him another blanket out of altruism or out of compassion?那么,如果你看到了那个瑟瑟发抖的老人你会作何反应?怜悯?同情?共情?还是出于利他主义或是慈悲给他一条毯子?







