900字范文 > 印度泰姬陵将限时参观 每次最多3小时

印度泰姬陵将限时参观 每次最多3小时

时间:2024-04-11 00:32:21


印度泰姬陵将限时参观 每次最多3小时



One of Indias most famous landmarks, the Taj Mahal, is planning to place a three-hour cap on visits to avoid overcrowding at the popular tourist location.泰姬陵是印度最著名的地标建筑之一。为避免这一著名景点过于拥挤,印度计划将游客每次游览泰姬陵的时间限制在3小时以内。

The enormous white marble tomb, listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, can attract at least 50,000 visitors a day on the weekend, according to a spokesman for the Archaeological Survey of India, which oversees the Taj Mahal.庞大的汉白玉陵墓泰姬陵联合国教科文组织被列为世界遗产之一。据泰姬陵监管部门、印度考古调查委员会发言人说,周末每日到访泰姬陵的游客至少有5万人。

"Sometimes people end up spending a whole day at the Taj. This creates a situation where there are too many people," the spokesman D N Dimri told CNN.发言人D·N·迪姆利告诉美国有线新闻网的记者说:“有时候游客会在泰姬陵里呆上一整天,导致里面人群拥挤。”

"It is being implemented so that the movement of visitors can be regulated. Day by day, the number of visitors are increasing. This is to ensure no untoward incidents or accidents occur."他说:“我们正实行限时措施,这样游客的活动能得以监管。游客人数每天都在增加。这能确保这里不发生麻烦的事件或者意外事故。”

He added there had been no incidents due to overcrowding at the site.他还补充说,泰姬陵还没有因为人群过于拥挤发生过事故。

The Taj Mahal was built in the 17th century by Muslim Mughal emperor Shah Jahan to honor his third wife Mumtaz Mahal, who died while giving birth. It was completed in 1648.泰姬陵始建于17世纪,由伊斯兰教莫卧儿王朝君主沙贾汗为纪念他的第三任妻子——已故皇后慕塔芝玛哈(姬蔓芭奴的封号)兴建,于1648年竣工。姬蔓芭奴在生产时去世。

Currently it draws at least seven million visitors every year and was recently described by Tourism Minister Alphons Kannanthanam as "Indias pride."目前每年到访泰姬陵的游客至少有700万人,最近还被印度旅游部长阿尔方斯形容为“印度的骄傲”。

The cap will come into place from April 1 and will apply to both local and international visitors, Dimri said.迪姆利说,这一游览时间限制将从4月1日起实施,本地和外国游客都需遵守。

The spokesman said there was no suggestion of a cap on the total number of visitors to the Taj Mahal at this stage, saying it would be wrong to deny people who had come from far away to visit the monument a ticket.发言人说,目前还没有针对泰姬陵总游客人数限制的建议。游客远道而来,当然不能让他们连票都买不到。

But he said there had been discussions on putting further limits on the "carrying capacity" of the Taj Mahal at a future stage, though he would not elaborate further on what this would entail.不过,他表示,正在讨论对泰姬陵未来的“承载能力”进行进一步限制,但他不愿透露更多细节。

