900字范文 > 父亲节的高一英语作文5篇汇总


时间:2021-11-19 01:56:54





Father's day is coming, my mother and I are considering what kind of gift for dad, he will like it.

"Mom, what's your dad want to send a gift?" I asked mother chin up in their hands. After mom pondered said: "the fruit basket!" Let's go to boutique "."

So we went to the shop and left to choose the right to choose, selective, think of these gifts. "Oh, my father was born in the year of the dog, they brought him a puppy!" I suddenly have such an idea.

We go to plastic, found to have a vivid puppy is very interesting. Fluffy hair, jiongjiongweishen eyes, smiling face, let a person more see more like it. I thought to myself, the puppy is quite lovely, just it.

I bought it, please the waiter after packaging, gladly went home.

At home, I wrote a blessing words on the paper, gift together on the bed.

My mother and I to discuss, to a scary: we hide in father into the room of place, such as father came in, frighten him. So we quickly hid. "Knocked..." "Dad!" Grandma come forward to open the door, when dad walked from the front of us. "Wow" a cry and jumped out of us. "Oh, scared me to death!" Dad shaking. 'a man, he was we're scared, ha ha! "Mom at dad.

When father entered the room found gift, eyes wide, wide cannot help hold me turned several turn in the living room.

The dad for father's day is happy!











Today is father's day, I send what gift to dad? Reasoning or send a card to my father the most meaningful. Because I was a little, it is the body long period of knowledge, not money. So, I send this special gift to dad the most appropriate, is very meaningful!

My parents, I, I, send me to school to study, it took how much manpower and material resources, again with I don't know how many money, makes me very grateful! In order to thank the parents gratefulness, I bought by the father's day, greeting card, write a few words to say: I remember to my loving parents, at school, listen to the teacher, observe the school discipline, study hard, learn to practise, grow up to be an asset to the state, repay parents' love. Happy father's day!

I believe that after my father saw this special gift, his heart must be very happy! Don't abandon? Otherwise, he secretly will applaud for me! If this is not the case, asked his mother for money, buy expensive gift for dad, dad would say: "who are these gifts to buy for you the money to buy?" I thought, he not only won't praise me, I will get to a big scold!

Dad, I wish you a happy father's day!






Father's Day is a celebration honoring fathers and celebrating fatherhood. Father's Day was first born in 1910 in the United States. It was proposed by a lady when she was celebrating Mother's Day. Many countries celebrate it on the third Sunday of June, but it is also celebrated widely on other days.

The celebrations are often related to gifts giving and family dinners. On Father's Day, people choose specific flowers to respect for his father. In China, because of the national character, few people wear flowers to show his respect for his father and there is no large celebrations. But on the influence of the west, there are a growing number of people celebrate this holiday and tell their love to fathers.




two years before his death, my father gave me a small suitcase filled with his writings, manuscripts1 and notebooks. assuming his usual joking, mocking2 air, he told me he wanted me to read them after he was gone, by which he meant after he died.

a week after he came to my office and left me his suitcase, my father came to pay me another visit; as always, he brought me a bar of chocolate (he had forgotten i was 48 years old). as always, we chatted and laughed about life, politics and family gossip3. a moment arrived when my father’s eyes went to the corner where he had left his suitcase and saw that i had moved it. we looked each other in the eye. there followed a pressing silence. i did not tell him that i had opened the suitcase and tried to read its contents, instead i looked away. but he understood. just as i understood that he had understood. just as he understood that i had understood that he had understood. but all this understanding only went so far as it can go in a few seconds. because my father was a happy, easygoing4 man who had faith in himself: he smiled at me the way he always did. and as he left the house, he repeated all the lovely and encouraging things that he always said to me, like a father.

as always, i watched him leave, envying5 his happiness, his carefree and unflappable6 temperament. but i remember that on that day there was also a flash of joy inside me that made me ashamed. it was prompted by the thought that maybe i wasn’t as comfortable in life as he was, maybe i had not led as happy or footloose7 a life as he had, but that i had devoted it to writing —you’ve understood... i was ashamed to be thinking such things at my father’s expense. of all people, my father, who had never been the source of my pain — who had left me free. all this should remind us that writing and literature are intimately linked to a lack at the centre of our lives, and to our feelings of happiness and guilt.

but my story has a symmetry8 that immediately reminded me of something else that day, and that brought me an even deeper sense of guilt. twenty-three years before my father left me his suitcase, and four years after i had decided, aged 22, to become a novelist, and, abandoning all else, shut myself up in a room, i finished my first novel, cevdet bey and sons;

with trembling hands i had given my father a typescript of the still unpublished novel, so that he could read it and tell me what he thought. this was not simply because i had confidence in his taste and his intellect: his opinion was very important to me, because he, unlike my mother, had not opposed my wish to become a writer. at that point, my father was not with us, but far away. i waited impatiently for his return. when he arrived two weeks later, i ran to open the door. my father said nothing, but he at once threw his arms around me in a way that told me he had liked it very much. for a while, we were plunged9 into the sort of awkward silence that so often accompanies moments of great emotion. then, when we had calmed down and begun to talk, my father resorted to highly charged and exaggerated language to express his confidence in me or my first novel: he told me that one day i would win the prize that i am here to receive with such great happiness.

he said this not because he was trying to convince me of his good opinion, or to set this prize as a goal; he said it like a turkish father, giving support to his son, encouraging him by saying, ‘one day you’ll become a pasha10!’ for years, whenever he saw me, he would encourage me with the same words.

my father died in december of .

today, as i stand before the swedish academy and the distinguished11 members who have awarded me this great prize — this great honour — and their distinguished guests, i dearly wish he could be amongst us.









my dear dad:(我挚爱的爸爸)

today is father's day.(今天是父亲节)i love my father very much.(我极爱我的父亲)i want to send my best wishes to you.(我要把我最好的祝福送给您)

i remember all the beautiful times

between us.(我记得我们在一起享有的美妙时光)sush as you hold my hand to see the brilliant sunshine over the land.(比如您牵着我的手看那灿烂阳光沐浴大地) you hold my hand across the flowering forest.(您牵着我的手穿越绿意盎然的大森林)you hold my hand to roam the endless grassland.(您牵着我的手徜徉于无边无际的草原) you hold my hand to play on the white beach near the equator's island.(您牵着我的手在赤道小岛的白色沙滩上嬉戏)you hold my hand to visit the great terra-cotta warrious.(您牵着我的手参观宏伟壮观的秦始皇兵马俑) you hold my hand to run into the blue and shining seaside.(您牵着我的手在碧蓝晶莹的海边奔跑)you hold my hand to enjoy the sweet smell of the rain and dew.(您牵着我的手品尝雨露的甘甜)

many many things you are together with me.(如许多的事情,我们在一起经历。)we can count the stars.(我们一起数着星星)we can breathe deeply in the morning.(我们在清晨深深呼吸)we can walk in the dusk.(我们在黄昏漫步)

if you are with me,there's nothing between us.(如果您和我在一起,困难将不值一提)if you are with me,there's peace inside me.(如果您和我在一起,我的内心将充满平静)if you are with me,i will do all i can.(如果您和我在一起,我将尽我所能)

my dear dad,ilove everything of you,(我的好爸爸,我爱您的一切)your handsome(您的帅气),your laughing(您笑声),your words,(您的话语)your step(您的步伐),everything ,you know?(一切的一切,知道吗?)

so ,all together ,happy father's day!(总之,父亲节快乐)

your dear honey


