900字范文 > 适合发朋友圈的心灵鸡汤语录 句句唯美经典

适合发朋友圈的心灵鸡汤语录 句句唯美经典

时间:2022-02-21 02:19:53


适合发朋友圈的心灵鸡汤语录 句句唯美经典

一、感情都是一点点淡的,人心也都是一点点凉的,不是所有的人,都能一直等待,也不是所有的爱,都能失而再来。当你知道了许多真实、虚假的东西,就没有那么多酸情了。你越来越沉默,越来越不想说。Feelings are a little light, peoples hearts are also a little cold, not all people, can always wait, not all love, can be lost and come back. When you know a lot of real and false things, there is not so much sour feelings. You are more and more silent, more and more do not want to say.

二、蜗牛一寸寸地爬,每一寸皆是突破;青蛙一米米地跳,每一米皆是奋进;雄鹰一里里地飞,每一里都是创新。做人就要学习蜗牛往上攀爬的精神,保持快乐;借鉴青蛙不停跳跃的毅力,永不气馁;洞悉雄鹰展翅高飞的恒心,一直向前飞。突破自我,挑战自我,做最好的自己!Snails climb inch by inch, every inch is a breakthrough; frogs jump inch by inch, every metre is a struggle; eagles fly inch by inch, every mile is innovation. To be a man, we should learn the spirit of snails climbing upward and keep happy

learn from the perseverance of frogs jumping constantly, never be discouraged; understand the perseverance of eagles flying high, and fly forward. Break through yourself, challenge yourself, be the best self!

三、牵挂一个人,有时是问候,有时是沉默。沉默,不是因为无话可说,而是心中想说的太多太多……曾经以为,只有面对面地交谈才能算是倾听,却没想到,其实体会沉默也是一种倾听。最近才明白,爱情,原本不是要成为生命中一份沉重的负荷。Care for a person, sometimes greetings, sometimes silence. Silence is not because there is nothing to say, but because there is too much to say in your heart. Once thought that only face-to-face conversation can be regarded as listening, but did not expect that in fact, the experience of silence is also a kind of listening.

Only recently did I realize that love was not meant to be a heavy burden in life.

四、无论我们如何努力,终究得不到认可,世间的任何规则真的如此么?十年,我们都回不去了。可能每个人都应该慢慢学会接受,没有谁会陪谁一辈子,也应该习惯,孤单的时候比快乐的时刻要多。No matter how hard we try, we will not be recognized. Is any rule in the world really like this? Ten years, we can go back. Maybe everyone should slowly learn to accept, no one will accompany who for a lifetime, should also be used to, lonely time is more than happy time.

五、最难过的不是不曾遇见,而是遇见了,也得到了,又匆忙的失去,然后在心底留了一道疤,它让你什么时候疼,就什么时候疼,你连反抗的权力都没有。The most sad thing is not never met, but met, got, and lost in a hurry, and then left a scar in the bottom of my heart, it let you when pain, when pain, you even have no right to resist.

六、 不要只是一味注视前方的美景,有些时候抬起头亦是一道美丽的风景!有人帮你,是你的幸运;无人帮你,是公正的命运。没有人该为你做什么,因为生命是你自己的,你得为自己负责。Don just gaze at the beautiful scenery ahead. Sometimes raising your head is also a beautiful scenery! Its your luck to have someone to help you; its your fair destiny to have nobody to help you. No one should do anything for you, because life is your own, you have to be responsible for yourself.

七、只有当你比别人优秀的时候,你才有选择的权利。四季流转,这座城市依然车水马龙,没有人会在乎一个过客的心事儿,回忆只会让人更心痛。与你毕竟相爱过,纵使悲离还有情,回眸近在咫尺,爱你的心依然。You have the right to choose only when you are better than others. Four seasons, the city is still busy, no one will care about a passer-by, memories will only make people more distressed. After all, you have loved each other. Even though you are sad and still in love, looking back is very close, your heart still loves you.

八、当无力去改变一切,无力去做一些想做的事,无力去拥有想要的东西,是多么压抑…尤其无力改变身边最亲近的人,内心是多么焦虑,一切是那么无奈。距离之所以可怕,因为根本不知道对方是把你想念,还是把你忘记。How oppressive it is to be unable to change everything, to do something you want, to have what you want. Especially unable to change the closest people around, how anxious is the heart, everything is so helpless. Distance is terrible because you don know whether the other person misses you or forgets you.

九、没有永远不被毁谤的人,也没有永远被赞叹的人。当你话多时,别人会批评你,当你话少时,别人也会批评你,当你沈默时,别人有可能还是会批评你,在这个世界上,没有一个人没被批评过。不要因为众生的怀疑,而给自己烦恼;也不要因众生的无知,而痛苦了你自己。走自己的路,让他们去说吧!There is no one who will never be slandered or praised. When you talk too much, others will criticize you, when you talk too little, others will criticize you, when you are silent, others may still criticize you, in this world, no one has not been criticized.

Don worry about yourself because of the doubts of all living beings; don hurt yourself because of the ignorance of all living beings. Go your own way and let them talk!

十、天涯路,从来远。儿女意,向来痴。天高海阔八万丈,芸芸众生尽匍匐。星万点,月正明,苍天冷,冷如霜。可笑万物如刍狗,谁为覆雨谁翻云?不满意就换,不喜欢就分,不舒服就走,不高兴就撤。人生哪有那么多痛苦,无非是你不放过自己。Tianya Road is never far away. Sons and daughters are always foolish. The sky is high and the sea is 80,000 feet wide. Stars are ten thousand, the moon is bright, the sky is cold, as cold as frost. Funny things are like ruminant dogs.

Who turns clouds for the rain? If you don like it, you can change it. If you don like it, you can leave if you are uncomfortable. If you don like it, you can withdraw. Where there are so many pains in life, its just that you don let go of yourself.

十一、我怪自己太聪明,不该知道的都懂了,所以我很累。要不是因为我在乎你,我会因为你一句话想东想西、不堪一击么?我又不傻,又不是不知道要爱自己。I blame myself for being too smart to know, so I am tired. If it weren for me to care about you, would I miss everything and be vulnerable to a blow because of your words? Im not stupid, I don know to love myself.

十二、 活的真诚、独特、潇洒,那么这样活当然很美。人的-生什么最快乐,没有贪心的人是最快乐的,没有嗔心的人,没有嫉妒心的人,没有分别心的人最快乐。快乐来自于奉献,快乐来自于觉悟。Live sincerely, unique, chic, then of course, such a beautiful life. People - what is the happiest life, people without greed are the happiest, people without voice, people without jealousy, people without separation are the happiest. Happiness comes from dedication, and happiness comes from consciousness.

十三、拒绝这回事,越果断越好。无法回应的感情,就从一开始断了对方的念头,如果确信做不到那就连希望不要给。很多时候我们都害怕拒绝别人,觉得这是一种伤害。其实不是,快刀斩乱麻,不吊着别人其实就是最大的善良。The more decisive the rejection, the better. Unable to respond to the feelings, from the beginning to stop the other partys thoughts, if you are sure that you can not do that, even hope not to give. Many times we are afraid of rejecting others and feel that it is a kind of injury. In fact, its not. Cutting the knife quickly without hanging others is actually the greatest kindness.

十四、人生最大的压力来源是怕压力,当你相信自己能、而能面对事情时,这已是一个好的开端,一切的多虑都将消失,你终会发现:事情并不棘手难办,别人能、当然,你也能。The greatest source of stress in life is fear of pressure. When you believe in yourself and can face things, this is a good beginning. All the worries will disappear. You will find that things are not difficult, others can, of course, you can.

十五、直到你我的缘分结束了,我都不知道自己到底有没有爱过你,只知道那时候为你流过的眼泪是真的,心酸是真的,想和你在一起一辈子也是真的。Until the end of your fate with me, I do not know whether I have ever loved you, only know that the tears flowing for you at that time are true, sadness is true, and want to be with you for a lifetime is also true.

十六、如果有一天,你走进我心里,你会哭,因为里面全是你。如果有一天,我走进你心里,我也会哭,因为那里没有我。该如何告诉你,你是我今生唯一的美好。该如何让我明白,你是我望尘莫及的美好。If one day, you come into my heart, you will cry, because its all you. If one day, I walk into your heart, I will cry, because there is no me. How can I tell you that you are the only beauty in my life? How to let me know that you are beyond my expectation.

十七、好人品,是一个人最大的财富,是一个人最高的学历。一个人,可以没钱没势,但一定要有德有品。可以普通如草,但一定要稳重如山。外表上的美丑不重要,重要的是内心善良,说话要言而有信,做事要踏踏实实,待人要真诚热情,为人要善良端正!好人品,就是有人格魅力。Good character is a persons greatest wealth, is a persons highest educational background. A person may have no money and no power, but he must have virtue and character. It can be as common as grass, but it must be as stable as a mountain. Beauty and ugliness on the outside are not important.

What matters is kindness in the heart, trustworthiness in words, steadfastness in deeds, sincerity and enthusiasm in dealing with people, and kindness and correctness in people. Good character is charm of personality.

十八、有些人天天笑嘻嘻的,好像和谁都合得来,但私下里又从来不会主动联系谁。也会特别喜欢在朋友圈里点赞,但自己的心情却敲上去又删掉。别人以为他活得好热闹,其实他每晚都只是听听音乐看看书,独自昏睡。Some people laugh and laugh every day, as if they can get along with everyone, but they never contact anyone in private. I also like to give praise in the circle of friends, but my mood is knocked up and deleted. Others think hes living a lively life, but in fact, he just listens to music and reads books every night, sleeping alone.

十九、 有一种缘分叫一见钟情,有一种感觉叫曾经拥有,有一种结局叫命中注定,有一种心痛叫绵绵无期。后来才发现,并不是所有的喜欢都会有结果,终究要明白,遇见就已经很难得。There is a kind of fate called love at first sight, a kind of feeling called once owned, a kind of ending called fate, there is a kind of heartache called endless. Later found that not all likes will have results, after all, to understand that it is very rare to meet.
