900字范文 > 英语语法想学好 天天看我:第35篇:并列连词

英语语法想学好 天天看我:第35篇:并列连词

时间:2023-06-18 21:22:59


英语语法想学好 天天看我:第35篇:并列连词


(1)表示转折的并列连词常见的表示转折的并列连词有while,but,yet,however,nevertheless,still等,用来连接两个意思不同甚至相反的词、短语或分句I was born in Xian while I grew up in Changchun.我出生在西安,然而在长春长大。He wants to go, but his sister wants to stay.他想走,但他妹妹想留下。The problem is difficult, however, many of us have solved it.这道题目是难了些,但我们很多人都做出来了。

(2)表示因果的并列连词常见的表示因果的并列连词有:so,for,hence,thereforeThe boss called me just now, so I must go to the office at once.老板刚才打电话找我,因此我必须马上去办公室。I must be away for a week, for III fix the machine for a factory.我必须离开一周,因为要为某厂修机器。注意:副词then(那么,因而),thus(因此),therefore ( 因此.所以 ) 等也可以放在句首表示因果关系He studied hard, then he got a full mark.他很用功,因而他得了满分。His car broke down, thus he was late for work.他的车坏了,因此他上班迟到了。He was busy, therefore he could not come.他很忙,因此他没有来。

(3)表示选择的并列连词常见的表示选择的并列连词有:oror else(否则)either…or…otherwise(要不然;否则)

or 的用法

a.or 意为“或”表示一种选择Would you like tea or coffee?你想喝茶还是咖啡?b.or用在“祈使句+or +简单句”结构中,其中or在此意为“否则”Study hard, or you will fail.努力学习,否则你就会失败。c.or用在否定句中代替and表示并列关系He can read or write.他既不会读也不会写。You must be joking,or elseyou e mad.你一定是开玩笑,不然你就是疯了。You may wear either of the coats.你可以穿两件大衣中的任何一件。Either you or he has to go.=Either he or you have to go.不是你就是他得去。(就近原则)He reminded me of what I should otherwise have forgotten.他提醒了我,要不然我就会把这件事给忘了。

(4)表示并列关系的连词常见的表示并列关系的并列连词有:andnot only…but also…as well asboth…and…neither…nor…either…or…它们用来连接两个并列或对称关系的词、短语或分句Kate and I are in the same class.凯特和我在同一个班。We should not only be cautious but alsobe brave.找们不仅应该谨慎而且应该勇敢。She is a writer as well as a teacher.她既是一个作家又是一位教师。Both you and she are right.你和她都对。Neither you nor I am to blame.你和我都不应受责备。Come to see her either today or tomorrow.今天或明天来看她吧。
