900字范文 > 一些致自己的正能量的话 送给疲惫的你!

一些致自己的正能量的话 送给疲惫的你!

时间:2021-08-13 05:27:28


一些致自己的正能量的话 送给疲惫的你!

一、最难过的是遇见了,得到了,又匆忙的失去,然后在心底留了一道疤,它让你什么时候疼,就什么时候疼。很幸运与你相识,暧昧着沉默互知。你知道,我所有的事,或默许,或怒火加持,到最后,只能淘汰完事。The most sad thing is to meet, get, and lose in a hurry, and then leave a scar in the bottom of my heart, it makes you hurt whenever you feel pain. Fortunately to meet you, ambiguous silence and mutual knowledge. You know, everything I do, either acquiesce or anger, can only be eliminated in the end.

二、人总是在遭遇一次重创之后,才会幡然醒悟,重新认识自己的坚强和隐忍,所以,无论你正在遭遇什么磨难,都不要一味抱怨上苍不公平,甚至从此一蹶不振,人生没有过不去的坎,只有过不去的人。people always wake up after suffering a heavy blow and recognize their own strength and tolerance. Therefore, no matter what hardships you are experiencing, don complain about Gods unfairness blindly, or even from now on, there are no obstacles in life that can be overcome, only those who can pass.

三、 上帝会懊悔没在人身上添一条能摇的狗尾巴,因此减低了不知多少表情的效果。——《围城》,总要等到过了很久,总要等退无可退,才知道我们曾亲手舍弃的东西,在后来的日子里,再也遇不到了。God would regret not adding a waggable dog tail to a human body, thus reducing the effect of some facial expressions. —— "Fortress Besieged" always waits for a long time, and there is no way to retreat, before we know what we have abandoned personally, and in the days to come, we will never meet again.

四、人生,总会有不期而遇的温暖,和生生不息的希望。不管前方的路有多苦,只要走的方向正确,都比站在原地更接近幸福。如果能把自己搞砸的事推到别人身上,很多人会觉得好受一些,但其实这很幼稚。life, there will always be unexpected warmth, and endless hope for life. No matter how hard the road ahead is, as long as the right direction is taken, it is closer to happiness than standing in the same place. Many people would feel better if they could put their own mess on others, but in fact its very naive.

五、我们无望可及的人生。人生很多时候,已经写下了岁月的最初模样,只是我们不愿意去承认这所有的所有。最终,欺骗的还是自己最为无助的自尊。或许是,在微笑里朝着曾经所有的岁月败笔挥手,那也是人生的一种极致。: Our hopeless life. Many times in our life, we have written down the initial appearance of the years, but we are not willing to admit all of them. Ultimately, its your most helpless self-esteem that cheats you. Perhaps, waving at the failure of all the years in the smile is also the ultimate of life.

六、好想关心你,可你老不生病。我一直在这里, 不是我不想走, 而是我不能走。前阵子,台风过境,这个城市刚下过一场暴雨,早晨着急的出门忘了关窗。等到下班回到家,看着屋里淌进来的水,一片狼藉,只好默默的把眼泪往心里咽。wants to care about you, but you are always sick. Ive been here, not because I don want to go, but because I can . A few days ago, a typhoon passed through the country. The city had just had a heavy rain. In the morning, when we hurried out, we forgot to close the window. When I got home from work, I watched the water flowing into the house and was in a mess, so I had to silently swallow my tears into my heart.

七、拼搏如一汪清水,有源则灵,沉寂而终;拼搏如向日之花,有光则茁,无温而萎;拼搏如扬起之帆,顺风则行,无风则止;拼搏如穿石之滴,有恒则稳,无疾而终。很想打电话告诉你我不恨你了然而又凌晨3点了我又开始恨你了。strives like a clear water, active is spiritual, silent and final; struggle like the flowers of the sun, light thrives, no temperature and wilting; struggle like sails, the wind goes, no wind stops; struggle like drops through stones, constant is stable, no disease ends. Id like to call to tell you that I don hate you, but I hate you again at 3 a.m.

八、命运二字,一个是天定,一个是人为,天自有定数,比如父母,家庭,疾病等,我们轻易改不得,但是我们可以通过后天努力使贫穷的家庭变得富裕,用运动慢慢变得健康,用努力抓住一切机遇。fate, one is destiny, one is man-made, the day has its own destiny, such as parents, families, diseases, we can not easily change, but we can make poor families rich by the day after tomorrow, slowly become healthy with exercise, and seize all opportunities with great efforts.

九、你之所以会觉得累,是因为你说的比做的多,欲望大过本事。想要改变却又无能为力,想要顺其自然却又无法心安理得。生活这场表演,需要百遍练习,才可能换来一次美丽。生活给你一些痛苦,只为了告诉你它想要教给你的事。一遍学不会,你就痛苦一次,总是学不会,你就在同样的地方反复摔跤。The reason why you feel tired is that you say more than you do, and your desire is greater than your ability. Want to change but can do anything, want to let nature go, but can feel at ease. Life this performance, need a hundred times to practice, in order to exchange for a beautiful. Life gives you some pain just to tell you what it wants to teach you. If you can learn it once, you will suffer once. If you can learn it all, you will wrestle repeatedly in the same place.

十、在经济上取决于男人的女性,在许多事情上,女性似乎都发不出合理的声音,因为男人不知道你在家里努力干活,他以为你整天是无所事事,闲在家里享清福呢。depends financially on mens women. In many things, women seem to be unable to make a reasonable voice, because men do not know that you work hard at home. He thinks you are idle all day and enjoy happiness at home.

十一、我在陌生的城市,那一年我离开你所在的城市,现在离你已经很远,只能在心里默默地为你祝福。爱而不得,当守候成为一种无奈,当时间划过年轻的脸庞,当再次飘雪,我数着年轮,原来,你已离开很久很久……I am in a strange city, that year I left your city, now far away from you, can only silently bless you in the heart. Love but not, when waiting becomes a helpless, when the time crosses the young face, when the snow again, I count the rings, the original, you have been away for a long time... & lt; br /& gt;

十二、“那时候我眼光不好,喜欢了就喜欢了,没有办法。”你永远没有要求,却永远不知道满足。不必过于在意人与人之间表面的情绪;挚交之人不需要,泛交之人用不着。情绪这东西,你不在乎,它就伤不到你。: "At that time, I had a bad eye, liked it, there is no way." You never ask, but you never know how to meet. Don care too much about the superficial emotions between people; people who have close acquaintances don need them; people who have extensive acquaintances don need them. Emotion, you don care, it won hurt you. The reason why

十三、记忆之所以美好,乃是它在停止之处就不再随时间而折旧,到了后来,甚至时间的痕迹都被抹盖。或许在某个夜里,你会无端想起一个人,那个曾让你对明天有所期待,但却完全没有出现在你明天里的人。s memory is so good is that it ceases to depreciate with time, and in the end, even the traces of time are erased. Maybe one night, you will think of someone who once made you look forward to tomorrow, but never appeared in your tomorrow.

十四、条码还是路线,全取决与自己,每一个人都有天生属于自己的条码,问题是条码会出错还是作废还是正常无损?生活本来就是一场恶战,给止疼药也好,给巴掌也罢,最终都是要单枪匹马练就自身胆量,谁也不例外。& 39; Bar code or route, all depends on themselves, everyone has their own bar code, the question is whether the bar code will be wrong or invalid or normal? & amp; 39; Life is a vicious battle, give pain killer or give a slap, eventually it is to practice their own courage, no exception.

十五、你的笑声,永远是我最好的安眠药,我要感谢时光让我遇到了你,不论前方有多长,未来只要有你一切都好。世上任何有价值的东西与有意义的事,都需要用辛劳、痛苦与煎熬换取。此生,我从未羡慕过任何安稳无忧的人,但我羡慕那些遭遇困苦但能从容应对的人。your laughter is always my best sleeping pill. I want to thank the time for meeting you. No matter how long ahead, everything will be fine as long as you are in the future. Everything valuable and meaningful in the world needs to be exchanged for hard work, pain and suffering. In this life, I have never envied anyone who is safe and secure, but I envy those who are able to cope with the hardships.

十六、时间久了,你会发现男人的相貌并不重要,重要的是脑子里有智慧,心中有担当!男人的甜言并不重要,重要的是能否兑现承诺!男人的金钱多少不重要,重要的是花不花在你身上!男人的人在哪里不重要,重要的是心里是否牵挂你。Over time, you will find that the appearance of a man is not important. What matters is that he has wisdom in his mind and responsibility in his heart. It doesn matter whether a mans sweet words are fulfilled or not. It doesn matter how much money a man has. Its important that he doesn spend it on you. It doesn matter where men are, it matters whether they care about you.

十七、夜雨扰芳华,尘埃中挣扎,一生悲喜谁人问,青灯一盏无颜色,这山河远阔,人间烟火,无一是你,无一不是你。生活告诉我们,这个世界从来不存在完美的人和事,过于完美的东西,只发生在童话和想象中,现实的常态,除了平淡,就是千疮百孔与劫后重生。night rain disturbs Fanghua, struggling in the dust, life sadness and joy who asked, a blue lamp without color, the mountains and rivers are vast, the world fireworks, all are you, all are you. Life tells us that there are never perfect people and things in the world. Except fairy tales and imaginations, things that are too perfect happen. The normal state of reality, apart from plainness, is full of holes and rebirth after disaster. Its not a sudden decision for anyone in

十八、任何一个人离开你,都并非突然作的决定。人心是慢慢变冷,树叶是渐渐变黄,故事是缓缓写到结局。而爱,是因为失望太多,才变成不爱。积极的态度会带来积极的结果,因为态度是具有感染力的。to leave you. The human heart is slowly getting cold, the leaves are gradually turning yellow, and the story is slowly written to the end. And love, because too much disappointment, it becomes not love. Positive attitudes can lead to positive results, because attitudes are infectious.

十九、对你只是利用的人不交也行,不把你放在心上的爱不要也罢。永远都不要卑微的去讨好,更不要无期的去等待。心给疼你的人,才好;爱给懂你的人,才行,为了不爱你的,错过爱你的,真的很不值。can not turn in the people you are just using, nor can it put your love in your heart. Never be humble to please, let alone wait indefinitely. If you love someone who loves you, its good; if you love someone who understands you, its worthless to miss someone who loves you in order not to love you.

二十、好想你,却又不敢打扰你,以前,我总是比你先转身,然后,再站在那里望着你的背影,直到消失,怕你看到我为你哭。也许是上一辈子欠了你,这辈子投入太多情感,一片痴心,爱到陌路,不自知。misses you very much, but dares not disturb you. In the past, I always turned around before you, and then stood there looking at your back, until it disappeared, lest you see me crying for you. Maybe I owed you all my life. I invested too much emotion in my life. I was crazy and loved strangers without knowing it.
