900字范文 > 悟透人生的智慧语录 经典有哲理 值得你一读再读!

悟透人生的智慧语录 经典有哲理 值得你一读再读!

时间:2019-08-26 17:12:22


悟透人生的智慧语录 经典有哲理 值得你一读再读!

一、我以前没有爱过别人,你是第一个爱人。所以我总怕自己做的不好,让你觉得爱情不过如此。寄语蓬莱客,山寒松未花。只因好春雨,不得到君家。白石通宵煮,青萍忘岁华。近来聋两耳,那得听胡笳?I haven loved anyone before. You e the first one to love. So Im always afraid that I can do it well, which makes you feel that love is just like this. Send a message to Penglaike, the mountains are cold and unflowered. Because of the good spring rain, you are not allowed to go to Juns house. Baishi cooks all night, Qingping forgets Suihua. Recently, deaf ears, that must listen to Hu Jian?

二、我在雪山上顿悟了,人生八苦:生、老、病、死、爱别离、怨长久、求不得、放不下。人生总是充满意外,愿那些不好的“意外”只是虚惊一场,而那些一直期待的美好总能如期而至。感谢你赠我一场空欢喜,我们有过的美好回忆,让泪水染得模糊不清了。I realized in the snow mountain that life is bitter: life, old age, illness, death, love and parting, resentment for a long time, can not be asked, can not let go. Life is always full of accidents. I hope those bad "accidents" are just false alarms, and the good things that I have been expecting always come on schedule. Thank you for giving me an empty joy, we have a good memory, so that the tears dyed blurred.

三、机会对于任何人都是公平的,它在我们身边的时候,不是打扮的花枝招展,而是普普通通的,根本就不起眼。看起来耀眼的机会不是机会,是陷阱;真正的机会最初都是朴素的,只有经过主动与勤奋,它才变得格外绚烂。Opportunity is fair to everyone. When its around us, its not dressing up, its common, its not noticeable at all. It seems that dazzling opportunities are not opportunities, but traps; real opportunities are at first simple, and only through initiative and diligence, it becomes extraordinarily brilliant.

四、原以为抛开过往,以后的日子就只会有偶尔的悲伤。可原来再努力,在用心,落得仍是痛彻心扉的悲伤。原来也有很多记忆,必要时会情愿永远抹掉它。没有忆,则没有痛。I thought that if we put aside the past, there will only be occasional sadness in the future. But the original efforts, and then the heart, is still painful sadness. Originally, there are many memories, and when necessary, they are willing to erase them forever. No memory, no pain.

五、 很多人都把拥有很多朋友作为炫耀和骄傲的标准硬件。朋友一多,连呼吸都带着放肆劲,但太多的应酬会让你的私人空间支离破碎,用心保养某段关系,常常也会让你带着面具力不从心。倒不如闲置着,让时间去判决哪些友谊是私有财产,哪些会随风而逝。有时候真的像歌里唱的那样寂寞寂寞就好。Many people regard having a lot of friends as standard hardware to show off and be proud of. A lot of friends, even breathing with unrestrained energy, but too much social interaction will make your private space fragmented, dedicated maintenance of a relationship, often will let you wear a mask powerless. Its better to leave it idle and let time decide which friendships are private property and which go with the wind. Sometimes its just as lonely and lonely as singing.

六、做一个特别简单的人,好相处就处,不好相处就不处。不必对每个人好,他们又不给你打钱。 请原谅我不会说话 ,宁愿一生中都不说话都不想讲假说话欺骗你。还有什么比沉默更难堪。我所梦我所期,全部喝彩因你起,迟两秒能与你碰上么?提前两步是否还会错过?聊天只能假装 表情更需勉强 爱过的成熟了犯错只因失恋太少。Be a very simple person, get along well with others, get along well with others. You don have to be nice to everyone. They don give you any money. Forgive me for not talking. I would rather not talk in my life than lie to you. What is more embarrassing than silence? My dream, I hope, all applause because of you, two seconds later to meet you? Will you miss two steps in advance? Chatting can only pretend to be emotionally mature and reluctantly in love, making mistakes only because there are too few lovelorns.

七、我想要遵从自己的内心去生活,却有着世俗太多的牵绊,我很羡慕那些什么都不用管,什么都可以不想,浪迹天涯,随时可以有一场说走就走的旅行。我仿佛被困在这座城市,不得离开半步,心被生活打磨的麻木了。I want to follow my heart to live, but there are too many secular obstacles. I envy those who don care about anything, can not think of anything, wandering around the world, at any time can have a say-and-go journey. It seems that I am trapped in this city, can not leave half a step, my heart is numb by life. & lt; br/>

八、如果最后我放弃了你,你一定要原谅我,因为我的热情已经被你耗尽,我不主动找你不是因为你不重要,而是我清楚我已经不再重要了。外物之味,久则可厌;读书之味,愈久愈深。If I give up you in the end, you must forgive me, because my enthusiasm has been exhausted by you, I do not take the initiative to find you because you are not important, but I know I am not important. The taste of foreign things can be weary for a long time; the taste of reading becomes deeper and deeper as time goes on.

九、做人其实很简单。只要你把我当回事,你的事就是我的事;想见你的人,24小时都有空。尽管我知道结局,可我依旧是个很投入的人,就算今天我把话说的再绝,明天醒来我还是会喜欢你。Being a man is very simple. As long as you take me seriously, your business is mine; those who want to see you are free 24 hours. Although I know the ending, I am still a very dedicated person. Even if I say nothing more today, I will still like you when I wake up tomorrow.

十、《红楼梦》中盖棺定论第一号聪明人物王熙凤说:“机关算尽太聪明,反误了卿卿性命。”其实,这是对很多太过于精明人的准确概括。我们自以为很聪明,确实也很聪明。但是,我们太聪明了,往往就让别人吃了亏。而别人也不傻,在一定的时候,我们就会为自己的聪明付出代价。小聪明,要不得。"A Dream of Red Mansions" in the coffin coffin concluded that the first smart person Wang Xifeng said: "The organ calculated too smart, but missed Qingqings life." In fact, this is an accurate summary of many too smart people. We think we e smart, and we e smart. But we are too smart to let others suffer. Others are not foolish. At some point, we will pay for our intelligence. Smart, or not.

十一、 长大后才发现,有时你说了真话,你还得和人家道歉,因为你戳穿了事实。所以想要活得顺畅,请时刻带上脑子。无论多么风光或是糟糕、快乐或者失意,过了这一刻,都成往事。除了你自己,谁又会更在乎?过不去的不是一个坎,而是你心中的执迷。——张小娴When you grow up, you find that sometimes you tell the truth, and you have to apologize to others, because you have punctured the truth. So if you want to live smoothly, take your mind with you all the time. No matter how beautiful or bad, happy or disappointed it is, it will be a thing of the past. Who cares more than yourself? Its not a barrier that you can get through, its your obsession. —— Zhang Xiaoxian

十二、土地告诉我,一切不为了肥沃,而为滋养。红尘一梦,等来一个人的心,错过一个人的情,唯一的错,错过一世的温柔,孤独的缘,藏着一个人的情,唯一的错,错过真情的泪滴。The land tells me that everything is not for fertility, but for nourishment. A dream of the world, wait for a persons heart, miss a persons feelings, the only mistake, miss the tender, lonely fate of a lifetime, hide a persons feelings, the only mistake, miss the tears of true feelings.

十三、当快乐来得太容易的了,悲伤也就不远了。所以不必祈求从天而降的快乐,但凡太容易到来的幸福,在生命里都只是停下、很难最终留下。When happiness comes too easily, sorrow is not far away. So there is no need to pray for happiness from heaven, but happiness that is too easy to come is only stopped in life, and it is difficult to stay at last.

十四、 越善良的人,越需要聪明。——黄执中。如果你执意要去做一件事,就不要再问自己,问别人值不值得,心甘情愿才会理所当然,理所当然才会义无反顾。The more kind people are, the more intelligent they need. —— Huang Zhizhong. If you insist on doing something, don ask yourself any more. Ask others whether its worth it or not. Only willingness can be taken for granted, and of course, will you have no hesitation.

十五、我没有惊天动地的大事情可以做,只想做一个小人物,给一个可爱的小孩做父母,给一对老人做孝顺的子女,给我未来的另一半一个简单而幸福的人生。I don have earth-shaking big things to do. I just want to be a little person, to be a parent to a lovely child, to be a filial son to an old man, and to give my future half a simple and happy life.

十六、我们所谓的人生,不过就是取决于我们能遇到什么样的人;我们能遇见什么样的人,不过就是取决于我们是什么样的人。如果你想要踏实,你就得踏实;如果你想遇到一个让你欣赏的人,那就得让自己具备被他人欣赏的特质。先变成自己喜欢的自己,再遇一个不需取悦的人。Our so-called life just depends on what kind of people we can meet; what kind of people we can meet depends on who we are. If you want to be down-to-earth, you have to be down-to-earth; if you want to meet someone you appreciate, you have to make yourself appreciated by others. Become what you like first, and meet someone you don want to please.
