900字范文 > 小时候 长大了 人生经典之句

小时候 长大了 人生经典之句

时间:2021-09-23 02:54:17


小时候 长大了 人生经典之句


People will grow slowly, the metropolis will become mature, what is maturity? Mature is like, want things you can endure not. What is an integer, maturity is what you want to say, you can hold back.


As you grow older, there is no longer the original innocence, no longer the original worry-free. Can not secretly cry like before, can not laugh like before, the older the more lonely.


When people grow up, their hearts will grow up. What they want to do is no longer to seek the opinions of others. As long as they can eat well, they are willing to suffer.


At the beginning, some things always thought that they could not do well. Now I know that some things can do what I dared to do as long as I insist on my own efforts. Now I can even think about it. When I grow up, my thinking will change.


When I was a child, I always liked to go to a lively place. Now I like to go to a quiet place more and more. This may be the age difference.


The first sentence when I came home when I was a child was to say that I was hungry. When I grew up, I returned home. The first sentence was to say that there was no rice, oil and salt in the house.


When I was a child, I always didn understand. When the day was not bright, my parents got up. I didn understand why it was so hot. They still went to work. When they grew up, they finally knew that this was responsibility. This is the responsibility.


When I was a child, I always felt that other peoples things were good. I wanted to eat two when I saw other peoples delicious food. When I see something from someone elses house, I want to touch it. When I grow up, I know that the best things in other peoples homes are others, and I have no relationship with myself.


When I was young, I always felt that the outside world was very beautiful and very longing for it. When I grew up, I realized that my home is so warm, and my home is my own harbor of life.


When I was a child, I always felt that my parents were annoyed by a few words. When I grew up, I finally understood that every sentence of my parents was their life experience. The parents of the world, now they have grown up, help, and can no longer throw themselves as before. But sometimes I still like the way they look, people, you have to remember, there are no parents in the world.


