900字范文 > 梳理中考英语单项选择题高频考点 提升中考应试效率

梳理中考英语单项选择题高频考点 提升中考应试效率

时间:2021-12-08 16:01:51


梳理中考英语单项选择题高频考点 提升中考应试效率


解题方法:1.大多数题通过分析选项(考点)+题干标志词(条件)来完成;2.翻译的方法适用于情态动词,连词和情景交际题 。



send up;send to;send for; look up; keep out;clean up; make coffee;eat up; in surprise;depend on;look through; instead of;give up; tell somebody. (not)to do; get along(on)with;care for;put off; have trouble finding out;look forward to…;be different from;be famous as (for);have confidence in=be confident of; look over;open up ;plan to ;spend…(in)doing;feel like doing;have (make/let) somebody.do; have something.done;be supposed to;used to do something; be used to doing;hand in;turn on;turn off ;turn up;turn down;be good at/to/for;be mad at;be strict in(with);arrive in(at);get to;put up;put off ;stay up ;be interested in;be made(of/from/by/in/by/into/ up of );not ...until;what if;even if;even though;such···that;such as;as soon as;come up with;I beg your pardon;too much ;too many;much too等。

2.现在完成时中延续性动词的考查 :


b,how long+谓语动词(完成时/延续性动词)

例如:1). How long have you had the book?

2). The movie _____for only a few minutes. You can’t miss it.

A. has begun B. has been on C. began D. was on

3).I _____here for only a few minutes.

A.had been B.was C.has been D.have been

c,常见瞬间动词变延续动词有:open-be open;close-be closed;begin-be on;finis/end-be over;become-be, join—be in/a member of, die—be dead, get up—be up, come/arrive/reach/get, to---be in/here, catch a cold--- have a cold, come back—be back, buy---have, borrow—keep, leave—be away;marry---be married



what型:what+名词词组+主谓!例如:What fun it is!

方法:a,一断;二 加;三提前;四省/加

b, 数空格法

1).Did you go skateboarding last weekend? Yeah.______we had!

A. How a fun B. How fun C.What fun D.What a fun

2).____terrible weather it is!--The report says it will get worse later.

A What B.How C.What a D.How a



时态对应:主谓一致、/主从一致 主现不限;主过从过;客观不变。

关联词:that;whether(if );关系代词或关系副词。 )

1) ---Do you think______ Mike can pass the college entrance exam or not? A. that B. which C. if D. whether

2) The teacher said the light___(travel) faster than sound.

3)I want to know _____ for New York last night.

A. when he leaves B. when does he leave C. what time he left D. what time did he leave

4) He gave a description of what he had seen.

5) We’ll do whatever we can to help him.

6) Do you know_____ tomorrow? A. when did she come B. when she came C.when will she come D. when she will come

7) I wonder if it’s large enough.


常见引导词:who ;which;that;when;where;why;whose;whom等。

代人用who/that/whom ;代物用which/that ;既代人又代物用that ;在...地 where ;在...时when ;代原因why;代...的 用whose.

先行词为最高级,序数词,the only,人和物并列,不定代词时,用that引导。


He wasn’t the only one of the students____ the TOEFL.

A.who had passed B.who have passed

C.who has passed D.whom passed

1)He wasn’t the only one of the students ____the TOEFL.

A.who had passed B.who have passed C.who has passed D.whom passed

2) This is the pan in which I boiled the milk.= This the pan that I boiled milk in.

3)The agency from which we bought tickets went bankrupt.=The agency that we bought tickets from went bankrupt.

4) I’ll never forget the day_____ the great scientist came to our school and gave us a speech.

A. that B. which C. when D. where

5) You are one of the most excellent athletes_____ well in the contest.(who does, who do)

6、比较级(than是标志)及修饰比较级的词 (口诀:四A:a little/a lot/a bit/a great deal;没有 no任何 any马骑 much/many,甚至 even说,怎么走得远far),

同级比较(as…as, not so…as);

the比较级,the 比较级;

比较级and 比较级 ;


比较级than any other名词;

比较级than the other名词;

One of the最高级 +名词(复数);

the 序数词 最高级+名词(单数);

The+ 比较级 the taller of the two

The machines made in China are cheaper than those made in Japan.

The weather is colder than that in Shanghai.

7. Neither/so 引导的倒装句

I like collecting coins in my free time.

________.(So does my sister)

so+v+s; so+s+v;neither+v+s (与 主将从现结合)


9.sound, taste, look, ,smell,feel ///,turn, get ,become,grow ,go//keep/stay 等系动词的考查。

What delicious cakes(they are)!

They would taste_____with butter.

A.good B.better C.bad D.worse

10.情态动词表推测(can’t, may, must)

肯定推测:must be;不大确定may/might/can/could be;否定推测:can be.

He must be a student,---- -----?(变反义疑问句)

He must be a student.(变成否定句)


否定:mustn :needn .

问答 ——Must/May/can I ...?

---No, —— ——.

Must I do the dishes after dinner , Mum? ____. Review your lessons, please.

A.Yes, you must B.Yes, you should C.No, you mustn’t D.No, you don’t have to

11.冠词(a, an, the及零冠词)的用法。





He must be a student,____ ___?

Lets···,---- --- ?

Let us...,---- ---?

祈使句,---- ----?

There is···,-------- ------?

He thinks you are right,---- ----?

I think you are right,---- ----?

I don think you are right,--------?




不定代词(everything, nothing,somebody …;some,any;little/a little/few/a few,other/others/the other/ the others /else.

He seemed to be worried in the waiting room. A bottle of water went from one of his hands to ______.

A.another B.others C.the other D.the others


How long多久,对时间进行提问; How often多久一次,对频率进行提问;How far多远,对距离进行提问;how soon多久将,对in+一段时间提问。




I don know if he will come tomorrow.

If he comes, I will tell you.

If I were you,I would give the money to the poor.

16.介词(in, on, among, of…)/用 //介词+时间 //with(without)//because of //including//be made +介词//in(on)the tree//in the sun // among between // 除了

It’s very kind_____them to pick me up at the railway station and drive me home.

17.被动语态 be done


一般现在时:am/ is/ are/+v.pp;一般过去时:was/were+v.pp;现在完成时:has / have + been +v.pp;过去完成时:had been+v.pp;现在进行时:am / is / are + being + v.pp;过去进行时:was/were+being+v.pp;一般将来时:will+ be + v.pp;过去将来时:would be +v.pp.

含有情态动词的被动语态构成:情态动词+ be + v.pp.

不定式的被动语态:to + be +v.pp.

1)Sheep _____(keep) by farmers for _____(produce) wool and mutton.

2)The trees must_____(water) three times a day. 3) The flowers need___(water).

4) A year can____(divide) into twelve months.

5) Some famous paintings____(show) in the hall next week.

.18.连词(从属连词even though, until, while, though,unless, as, as far as,when, so that,since, in order that等;并列连词:and 和;but 但是;nor 也不;so 因而;yet 然而;however 可是;then 然后;for 因为;or 或者,否则;nevertheless 然而;as well as 也,又;not only……but also 不仅……而且;both……and 两者都;neither……nor 既不……也不……;either……or 或者……或者)

1)Milk quickly turns sour_____ it’s in the fridge. A.until B.since C.as D.unless

2)Newton was playing under an apple tree when an apple fell onto his head

3)As China is growing stronger and stronger, Chinese is taught in more and more countries.

4)As far as I know , many thousands of tourists from the Mainland have been to Taiwan.

5)Yesterday evening I was playing the piano ____the doorbell rang. A. when B. before C.while D.after

6)These stories for children are awfully written.

They are___interesting___exciting.

A.either;or B.neither;nor

C.both;and D.not only; but also

19.名词所有格two weeks’ holiday;Lily’s and Lucy’s mother;an old friend of Jack’s mother’s… ;a map of China; As and Bs; A and Bs; two hours walk; 节日。


Would you mind …? ------

Could you please…? ----

Would you like...?-----

Would you like to....?-------

21.excited/exciting, interested/interesting, impressed/impressing;annoyed/annoying(生气的).表示情感的及物动词如excite, discourage, disappoint, encourage, inspire, interest, move, please, puzzle, surprise, worry等,其分词常加上后缀-ing或-ed转化为分词(也可称为形容词),用作表、定、状或补语。在这种情况下,分词主要体现了语态的不同。现在分词有主动意味,含有“具有令人……的特性”的意思;而过去分词有被动意味,含有“受到影响而感到……”的意思。


People, person;family, class等。

Two thirds of the company ______(be) women.

Three quarters of the population ___ (be)Chinese.

23. 序数词 on the second floor twelfth, ninth, ninetieth, fourth, fourteenth,fortieth ;

基数词变序数词 :1,2 ,3 ,8 ,9 ,5 ,12 ,20 ,21 等;

a/the +序数词;

the序数词+最高级 +n.


The young soldier really doesn’t know ____to stop the baby from crying hard.

A. what to do B.how to do C.when to do D.where to do

what to do是完整的(what是do的宾语),表示做什么,故不定式后不可再加宾语,

how to do是不完整的(how提问方式),必须加上do的宾语,表示如何做...一般情况do后必须加上宾语。

25.there be /there used to be/there will be

26. You’d better do /not do

27. see somebody do/doing ;

hear,/ watch,/ make /somebody do;

somebody is made to do.

28. 数词

hundred, thousand. million/billion;

Room 3 /the third room;


分数:1/3 2/3 1/4 1/2 3/4 2/5;

点钟 : 3:00, 3:01 , 3:29 , 3:15 .

29. 虚拟语气(if)If I had one million dollars, I would….

30. something interesting ,somewhere quiet and beautiful

31.used to(过去常常干); be used to(习惯于…); be used to(被用于...)

32. in different colors/sizes;in surprise ;to one’s surprise;by the way等。



---Our family are travelling to Germany for the Beer Festival.---_________.

Congratulations B. See you later! C.Have fun D. Take care

What does Mary look like?



1._____about Wenchuan earthquake keeps everyone in China in deep sorrow.

A.News B. Information C. Messages D. Advice

2.British people eat____ a lot, and they are usually cooked in different ways. A.chicken B.beef C.fish D.potatoes

35.祈使句+and+简单句,祈使句+or +简单句

Hold on your dreams, ____one day they may just come true. A.and B.but C.so D.or


36. 复合形容词 a ten-day holiday ;three years old ;three-year--old.

37.many;few; little ; much;a few;a little.

The reporters asked the man__questions, but he said___words.

A. many,few B.much, a little C.a lot of, a few D.some, a little


过去/现在进行时;现在完成时;when从句与主句时态对应;if从句与时态对应;宾语从句与时态对应;By the time从句与主句时态对应。

39. neither , none, either,any,each,every, both,all.

40. 非谓语动词的考查。

41. It的用法。

42. 特殊句式:插入语;否定转移;省略句等。
