900字范文 > 「晚安」干净又扎心的个性签名 简短精辟 看完很想哭!

「晚安」干净又扎心的个性签名 简短精辟 看完很想哭!

时间:2021-07-21 10:48:03


「晚安」干净又扎心的个性签名 简短精辟 看完很想哭!


I like to be with you, but I don like your eyes but others besides me, although girls who look good in summer wear very little.


Don always think that I have a big fish pond with fish that I can catch. In fact, I just like playing games, brushing videos and watching your photos in a daze.


I have also checked his mobile phone, turned his chat history, and forced him to delete friends of the opposite sex before, but now I will not, I will give him space and freedom, because I need freedom, but also need to adapt to the days without him.


Since you love him so much, you tell me how good he is and who he is. Its worth crying and breaking your throat, its worth not eating, talking, drinking, insomnia, or even crashing.


I suddenly figured it out, even if I like it again, because I love you, but you can’t love me, then I will let go of you and myself, although it is sad, but it’s okay, just cry Passed.


I want to hug you, even if the mountains and rivers stop, wind and rain, and the road is dead, I can go across all difficulties to find you, you know that I have never been afraid to go, only because you don’t love me and even take your toes No courage.


Its not a trivial thing that you let me collapse, but I clearly told you that I like you very much, and you still have such an indifferent attitude.



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