900字范文 > 初二英语下册知识点大全:重点词组整理(仁爱版)


时间:2023-01-15 17:30:38



on the first (1 st) / second (2 nd) / third (3 rd) / fourth (4 th) floor(在)第一/二/三/四层楼 over there 在那边 be made of …由……制成 wear 穿着 put on 穿上 (be) on sale 出售 on special days 在特殊的日子里 in fact 事实上 depend on 依靠,依赖 the same way of dressing as… 与……相同的着装风格 (be) the same as…与……相同 (be) different from ….. 与……不同 according to 根据,依据 catch one’s eye 引起……注意 as well 也 protect…from… 保护……免受, 不受……侵害 more than (1)不仅仅, (2)=over超过 in modem / old society 在现代/ 旧社会 do exercise 锻炼 be active 充满活力 easy-going 随和的 Topic 2 plan to do sth. 计划做 make uniforms for….做制服 look ugly on sb. 在身上很难看 allow sb. to do sth. 允许某人做某事 agree with sb. 同意某人 make a survey 做调查 It is true / important that+ 句子 on weekdays 在工作日 casual clothes/ shoes/ 休闲服装/鞋 carry out 执行,开展,贯彻 at work 在工作 stop…from (doing) sth. 阻止做某事 take off 脱掉 wear suitable clothes 穿得体的服装 on every occasion 在每一个场合 wear business suits 穿职业/西装 protect sb./ sth. from….. 保护……不受……的危害 pilots wearing uniforms 穿着制服的飞行员 people in danger 处在危险中的人们 tell sb.sth. about….告诉……关于….. the art of dressing 时装的艺术 a coat in a dark color 深颜色的上衣 Topic 3 talk about 谈论 pants with two pockets 带有两个口袋的裤子 a special costume 一种特色的服饰 be full of 充满 stand for 代表 be / become known 闻名 be different from 与……不同 not only… but also….不但…..而且….. either ….or….或者……或者…… a women’s dress with Chinese features 有着中国特色的女装 at one time 曾经 Unit 7 Topic 1 prepare for 准备 have a food festival 举行一次美食节活动 make money 挣钱,赚钱 turn to sb/sth. for help 转向某人求助,求教于 chat with 和……聊天 try one’s best = do one’s best 尽某人最大努力 make tea 沏茶 make some green tea 沏绿茶 cook soup 煲汤 make biscuits 做饼干 I have a sweet tooth 喜欢吃甜食 western food 西方食品 such as 诸如,例如 American chocolate cookies 美国巧克力饼 Greek cheese pie 希腊奶酪派 Indian curries 印度咖喱 Italian pizza 意大利比萨饼 Chinese fried rice and dumplings 中国炒米饭和饺子 Japanese sushi 日本寿司 South African beef curry 南非咖喱牛肉 Russian black bread 俄罗斯黑面包 What’s more. 而且 It’s a pleasure./ That’s OK./ That’s all right./ You’re welcome./ My pleasure. 不用谢 Will you please do sth?=Would you like to do sth? 请你做……好吗? tell sb. sth.= tell sth to sb. 告诉某人某事 send sb.sth. = send sth. to sb给某人发送 (send you an e-mail=send an e-mail to you be pleased to do sth. 很高兴做某事 keep up = keep on 继续, 坚持 in order to do sth为了 hope to do sth. 希望做某事 hope that +句子 thank (sb).for doing sth.谢谢(某人)做某事 come from =be from 来自,出生于 a gold medal一枚金牌 a few supplies 一些设施 be pleased with sth. 对某事感到高兴/满意 give one’s best wishes to sb. 致以某人最衷心的祝福 come true 实现 Welcome to… 欢迎参加…… Topic 2 make fried rice 炒饭 be glad that+(宾从) 高兴…… be glad to do sth高兴做…… be proud of 为……而自豪 would like sb. to do sth =want sb to do sth. 想要某人做某事 would like to do sth=want to do sth 想做某事 would like sth =want sth. 想要某物 cut up…finely精细地把……切小, cut up 切碎, 制碎 Well done!真棒 fry…lightly 轻微地炒一下 for a few minutes 一会儿 make bone soup 熬骨头汤 fill sth with 用…..装满 70%-80% full 七八成满 be tired of (doing) sth 讨厌 fast food restanrant快餐店 时间顺序的副词: first—then—next—after that—finally (首先,然后,接下来,再之后,最后) two pieces of bread 两片面包 spread sth.on/ over 往……上涂抹……. put sth together 把…….放在一起 pour sth over 往……倒….. learn sth. from…从…….学到…… Follow me, please. 请跟我学 be ready准备好 come on 过来 Help yourself (yourselves) to ….自用……. It’s polite / impolite to do sth. 做某事有礼貌 / 没礼貌 Not bad. 不错
