900字范文 > 《神探夏洛克:可恶的新娘》电影精讲


时间:2023-03-31 20:34:49



Lestrade: Yesterday morning.

Holmes: The brides face, how was it described?

Lestrade: "White as death, mouth like a crimson wound."

Holmes: Poetry or truth?

Lestrade: Many would say they e the same thing.

Holmes: Yes, idiots. Poetry or truth?

Lestrade: I saw her face myself. Afterwards.

Holmes: After what?

Emelia: You? Or me?

Holmes: Oh, really, Lestrade, a woman blows her own brains out in public and you need help identifying the guilty party? I feel Scotland Yard has reached a new low.

Lestrade: Thats not why Im here.

Holmes: I surmised.

Watson: What was her name, the bride?

Lestrade: Emelia Ricoletti. Yesterday was her wedding anniversary. The police, of course, were called. And her body taken to the morgue.

Holmes: Standard procedure. Why are you telling us what may be presumed?

Lestrade: Because of what happened next. Limehouse. Just a few hours later. Thomas Ricoletti. Emelia Ricolettis husband.

Holmes: Presumably on his way to the morgue to identify her remains?

Lestrade: As it turned out, he was saved the trip.

Emelia: ♪ Do not forget me ♪

♪ Do not forget me ♪

♪ Remember the maid... ♪

Thomas: Who are you?

Emelia: ♪ The maid of the mill... ♪

Thomas: Why are you doing this? Just tell me who you are!

Emelia: You recognise our song, my dear? I sang it at our wedding.

Thomas: Emelia? You, you e dead, you can be here, you died!

Emelia: Am I not beautiful, Thomas? As beautiful as the day you married me?

Soldier: What the hell is all this about?!

Emelia: What does it look like, my handsome friend? Its a shotgun wedding.

Holmes: Till death do us part. Twice in this case.

Watson: Extraordinary.

Mary: Impossible.

Holmes: Superb. Suicide as street theatre, murder by corpse. Lestrade, you e spoiling us. Watson, your hat and coat.

Watson: Where are we going?

Holmes: To the morgue. Theres not a moment to lose, which one can so rarely say of a morgue.

Mary: And am I just to sit here?

Watson: Not at all, my dear. Well be hungry later. Holmes, just one thing, tweeds in a morgue?

Holmes: Needs must when the devil drives, Watson.

(中国日报网英语点津 陈丹妮)
