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时间:2021-06-26 23:32:06



Also, I can enjoy the culinary delight in these western style restaurants like salmon, American style hamburgers, spaghetti and stuff like that. 精品店的纪念品souvenir offered in the boutique: jewelry, bracelet, necklace 海滩、海上活动activities: surfing, scuba diving, snorkeling, tubing, wakeboarding, boating, jet skiing, 必背句子(穿起来以上的水上运动造句): 不挑战一下水上运动不是好汉子: The last thing you should miss out when visiting this nice and beautiful city is sea and water activities like snorkeling, wakeboarding and even jet skiing, which is the most exciting activity. You might get a little sun burnt but still worth it. 描述海滩必杀句子: 去热带城市度假: I am a wimp(胆小鬼,用法很生动) and hate the cold,I would say Id like to take my bathing suits and go to a warm place, a coast city like Sanya in the very south of China. 波澜壮阔的大海让我流连忘返: The beach is breathtaking! There are fantastic views and the atmosphere is absolutely gorgeous! The coast is marvelous. The Sea is clear and picturesque. 食物和美景让我欲罢不能: It has a grip on(控制) my sense of fun, adventure, love of food, and it is amazingly beautiful, and the people are awesome. 个性化描述一个地方非常安全: It is also a very safe place. There are not many places in this world where a women can walk the streets alone in the middle of the night without fear. 描述一个国外小镇的特色: The culture, language, food and people could be enormously fun and you can find many western style bars, restaurants and coffee shops virtually everywhere. 描述北京有人情味: Beijing has a unique local culture and the people down there have a real appreciation for the things that make life worth living. People there are super nice, for example, they are very keen to help visitors out when they got lost somewhere. 中国历史文化遗迹: Tiananmen Square, Forbidden City, Temple of Heaven, Summer Palace, the Great Wall, Lama Temple, 十三朝古都西安因兵马俑出名: It had served as the nations capital for 13 dynasties such as Western Zhou, Qin, Western Han and Tang for more than 1000 years. It is famous for its historical importance, and the city is best known for the terra cotta warriors. 形容大城市的词: metropolitan, modern,international, multicultural, exciting, thrilling, fascinating, spectacular, dynamic=full of dynamics, energetic, diversified, charming, hustle-bustle, hurly – burly, eventful, overcrowded 喜欢大城市的喧嚣: I would like to study in a metropolitan city like Beijing or New York, cuz a city like is very thrilling and multi-cultural, and its great fun to live in. You can explore its hustle bustle by going to shopping malls, restaurants, bars and even museums. (责任编辑:许爽) 版权声明:本文系新东方网独家稿件,版权为新东方网所有。转载须注明来源及作者,否则必将追究法律责任。
