900字范文 > 生活小百科:关于处暑你不知道的6个小知识


时间:2020-05-18 23:54:07



The traditional Chinese lunar calendar divides the year into 24 solar terms. End of Heat, (Chinese: 处暑), the 14th solar term of the year, begins this year on Aug 23 and ends on Sep 6. 中国传统农历将一年分为24个节气。处暑是第14个节气,今年处暑从8月23日开始,9月6日结束。 End of Heat implies that most parts in China are getting rid of the hot summer and entering autumn. But in some areas, especially in South China, autumn is late in coming and people are still bothered by hot weather. End of Heat is also the busy harvest season for farmers. 处暑意味着中国大部分地区酷热已止,秋天已到。不过在某些地区,特别是中国南方,秋天总会姗姗来迟,人们仍然受秋老虎所困。处暑也意味着农忙收获季节的开始。 The following are seven things you should know about End of Heat. 以下是关于处暑你需要知道的6件事。 Enjoying fall colors in early September 1.欣赏初秋亮丽的色彩 In China, regions beyond the Great Wall will enter autumn in early September. People can enjoy the scenery as it changes gradually from summer to autumn. 在中国,长城以北的地区9月初就步入了秋天。人们可以欣赏到从夏天过渡到秋天的美景。 Autumn weariness 2.秋乏 There is a saying that, "People tend to feel sleepy in spring, doze in summer and feel tired in autumn." As the weather becomes cool during End of Heat, many people will feel languid and weary, which is called "autumn weariness". It is a sign that the human body needs rest, since people have consumed excessive energy in the summer. Get enough sleep, do more exercises and keep plants indoor to help. 中国有句老话,“春困秋乏夏打盹儿”。随着处暑的到来,天气变凉,很多人会感到疲惫无力,打不起精神,这被称做“秋乏”。这是身体发出了需要休息的信号,因为酷暑里人们能量消耗过度。保持充足睡眠,多做锻炼,室内放一些植物等可以缓解秋乏。 Enjoying clouds 3.看巧云 When the End of Heat comes, summer heat is gone. Clouds in the sky scatter around forming different shapes. There is a saying that goes, "Enjoying the clouds of various forms in July and August (lunar month)." 处暑后,暑气止,天上的云彩也开始疏散自如,形成各式各样的形状。民间向来有“(农历)七月八月看巧云”之说。 Time for night-blooming cereus 4.观昙花一现 The night-blooming cereus is a flower full of mystery, which often blooms during the period of End of Heat. This is because the climate during End of Heat, characterized by warm days and cold nights, is similar to tropical deserts. Night-blooming cereus originates in the tropical deserts from Mexico to Brazil in South America. They blossom at night to avoid the blazing daytime 昙花是一种充满了神秘感的花朵,通常在处暑时节开放。这是因为处暑时昼热夜凉,和热带沙漠的气候很相似。而昙花原生于南美洲墨西哥到巴西一带的热带沙漠地区。它们在夜晚开放,避免白天骄阳炙烤。 Eating Duck 5.处暑吃鸭子 Duck has a sweet flavor and according to Chinese traditional medicine it has a "cool" nature. A folk tradition is to eat duck during the End of Heat period. There are many recipes for cooking duck such as roast duck, cooked duck with lemon, smoked duck with walnut dressing and sautéed duck with ginger shoots. The tradition of eating duck during the End of Heat period is still popular in China. 据中医记载,鸭肉味甘,性凉,民间有处暑吃鸭子的传统。鸭子的吃法也有很多种,比如烤鸭,柠檬鸭,熏鸭,子姜鸭等。处暑吃鸭的传统在中国各地仍很盛行。 The Fishing Season Festival 6.开渔节 For fishermen, the End of Heat is a season of harvest. During this period, the Fishing Season Festival is held in regions along the coastline of the East China Sea in Zhejiang province. The festival is held on the day when the fishing ban ends and fishermen can start fishing again. Due to high temperatures in the sea, stocks of fish remain and become mature. People can enjoy many kinds of seafood during this period. 对于渔民来说,处暑意味着收获的季节来了。在此期间,中国东部沿海浙江省很多地区都会举行开渔节。人们会在休渔结束的那天举行盛大的仪式,捕捞季又开始了。由于此时海水温度依然偏高,鱼群会停留在渔场周围,慢慢发育成熟。此时人们往往可以品尝到种类繁多的海鲜。 (编辑:何莹莹)
