900字范文 > 复活节是几月几日 各国都怎么放假(中英文)

复活节是几月几日 各国都怎么放假(中英文)

时间:2022-07-06 06:39:02


复活节是几月几日 各国都怎么放假(中英文)

In the Netherlands both Easter Sunday and Easter Monday are national holidays. Like first and second Christmas Day, they are both considered Sundays, which results in a first and a second Easter Sunday, after which the week continues to a Tuesday. Even though Good Friday is an official national holiday, it is not a mandatory day off for commercial companies. 在荷兰,复活节和复活节周一均为全国性假期,并且会把复活节周一这一天当做周日看待。因此,在荷兰会有两个复活节周日,而在此之后的一周从周二开始。尽管受难日在当地也是一个法定假日,但是并不强制企业休假。 In Commonwealth nations Easter Day is rarely a public holiday, as is the case for celebrations which fall on a Sunday. In the United Kingdom both Good Friday and Easter Monday are bank holidays.However, in Canada Easter Sunday is a public holiday, along with Easter Monday. In the Canadian province of Quebec, either Good Friday or Easter Monday are statutory holidays (although most companies give both). In some countries Good Friday is a public holiday as well. 在英联邦国家中,复活节很少成为公共假日,因为所有庆祝活动都在周日进行。在英国,受难日和复活节周一均为银行假日。而在加拿大,复活节和复活节周一定为法定假日。在加拿大魁北克省,受难日和复活节周一均未被定为法定假日,尽管很多公司会选择这两天放假。还有一些国家会将受难日作为公共假期。 In Australia, because of its location in the southern hemisphere, Easter takes place in autumn. Hence, Australian Easter is associated with harvest time, rather than with the coming of spring as in the northern hemisphere. The religious aspect of Easter remains the same. Good Friday and Easter Monday are public holidays across all states and territories. "Easter Saturday" (the Saturday before Easter Sunday) is a public holiday in every state except Tasmania and Western Australia, while Easter Sunday itself is a public holiday only in New South Wales. Easter Tuesday is additionally a conditional public holiday in Tasmania, varying between award, and was also a public holiday in Victoria until 1994. 在澳大利亚,由于其地处南半球,复活节是在秋天。和北半球不同,澳大利亚的复活节伴随的不是春天的到来,而是收获的季节。尽管如此,复活节的宗教意味被保留了下来。在澳大利亚,受难日和复活节周一均为全国性假日。同时,复活节周六(Easter Saturday)在除西澳、塔斯马尼亚岛以外的地区也被定为法定假期。而复活节则尽在新南威尔士州被定为法定假期。 In the United States, because Easter falls on a Sunday, which is already a non-working day for federal and state employees, it has not been designated as a federal or state holiday. Easter parades are held in many American cities, involving festive strolling processions, with the New York City parade being the best known. 在美国,因为复活节是在周日,本身就是休息日,因此并未被设为联邦或州假日。美国很多城市会举行复活节游行,其中最出名的是纽约的复活节游行。 最新热文推荐: (责任编辑:Hui)
