900字范文 > 同声翻译|中意创新创业大赛总决赛(最佳项目路演BSSEC)圆满结束


时间:2020-10-04 12:56:00




同声翻译 | 中意创新创业大赛总决赛-鹿城(意大利最佳项目路演“BSSEC”)圆满结束

什么是“BSSEC”? 其英文全称为:“Best Startup Showcase & Entrepreneurship Competition”,中文意思为:意大利最佳项目路演。本次路演总决赛在浙江温州鹿城正式拉开帷幕,历经4小时的台上路演,最终圆满结束。来自意方十五支优秀创新创业团队,给鹿城本地企业带来了涉及“数字经济与设计创意”、“可持续与绿色创新”、“人工智能和大数据”、“生物技术与大健康”等领域的优秀落地项目。此次大赛标志着中意两国友好、互利共赢、多边交流合作迈向新台阶,同时也展示了我国深化改革开放,高度对外开放的姿态。衷心祝贺“中意友谊天长地久”!




Distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen,


Today, we are gathering here by the beautiful Oujiang River in Lucheng, Wenzhou to jointly hold the pairing activity for the BSSEC of Sino-Italian Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition.First of all, on behalf of the Lucheng District Committee and the district government, I’d like to extend a warm welcome to all foreign guests coming from afar, entrepreneurs, experts, venture capitalists and people from all walks of life attending this event, and sincere thanks to our host units, sponsors and partners.


Italy and Lucheng both have a special luck. On the one hand, Italy is the fashion capital of the world; on the other hand, Lucheng is the fashion city of China. Both sides have extensive cooperation space in shoes and apparel design, digital industry and intelligent manufacturing. The BSSEC was mutually initiated and sponsored by Ministry of Science and Technology of the P.R.C. and Research Department of Italian University of Education, and besides, it was listed in “Sino-Italian Strategic Plan for Science and Technology Innovation Cooperation Towards ” in Feb. , which has, bilaterally and multilaterally, set a good example for Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition. As of today’s roadshow, it aims to promote the exchanges and cooperation between enterprises in Lucheng and Italian creative technology and talents, as well as boost the further integration of international talent projects and industrial chain of Lucheng, with the theme of “Digital Economy Plus”.


Lucheng is the center of politics, economy and culture of Wenzhou, with 1,700 years of founding history. According to legendary stories, it was named after the glory of a white deer with flowers on its antlers when building the city. Nowadays, it has 294.4 square kilometers of jurisdiction area, abounding in 1.3 million resident population. In , the GDP of Lucheng reached 102.4 billion RMB, ranking the 48th among the “Top 100 Districts with Overall Strength”. Lucheng is the first development area for private economy in China, with the first business license for self-employed business nationwide, above 100, 000 market subjects in the district and 86,000 overseas merchants and entrepreneurs. It has become the business center among south Zhejiang province and north Fujian province, with the formation of global marketing network and industrial system, featuring as modern businesses, financial services, digital economy, shoes and apparel design, and high-end intelligent manufacturing etc. Besides, Lucheng is the birthplace of Chinese landscape poetry, fronting the Oujiang River and with hills at the back, abounding with mountains and rivers, which enjoys a high reputation of “Picturesque Landscape”.



Speaking of today’s Lucheng, it’s comprehensively implementing the development strategies of “Strong Districts with Talents”, thus issuing 30 policies for talents, aiming to provide all-round policy protection for innovation and entrepreneurship in Lucheng, with talent reward, entrepreneurial funding and housing security etc. Last but not least, I wish, the pairing activity of BSSEC, a complete success.


Thank you.

