900字范文 > 关于爱情的名人名言 关于爱情的名人名言英语

关于爱情的名人名言 关于爱情的名人名言英语

时间:2018-11-11 20:57:54


关于爱情的名人名言 关于爱情的名人名言英语

2. “爱不需要理由。” —— 罗莎·卢森堡

3. “爱情是两个人共同创造的事情。” —— 奥黛丽·赫本

4. “爱情不是寻求一个完美的人,而是与一个不完美的人共同创造一个完美的世界。” —— 爱德华·纽曼

5. “爱情是一种灵魂的交流。” —— 露西·梅·蒙哥马利

6. “爱情是一场激情的火焰,能够燃烧一切,包括自己。” —— 露易丝·布鲁赛尔

7. “真正的爱情是一种无私的奉献,是心灵的共鸣。” —— 塞缪尔·泰勒·柯勒律治

8. “爱情是两个人的彼此吸引,是一种精神的和肉体的统一。” —— 弗雷德里克·尼采

9. “爱情是一种信任,是两个人互相理解、互相关心的感情。” —— 露丝·贝尔·格拉汉姆

10. “爱情并不在于拥有一个人,而是在于让那个人快乐。” —— 蒂芙尼·汉森

11. “真正的爱情是一种互相了解、互相尊重、相互依赖的感情。” —— 迪克·范·戴克

12. “爱情是一种宝贵的礼物,它能为我们带来无尽的喜悦和幸福。” —— 奥利弗·韦德尔·霍姆斯

13. “在爱情中,我们需要的是真诚、忠诚和诚实。” —— 爱默生

14. “爱情并不需要说出来,因为它已经在心中。” —— 伊莲·伍尔曼

15. “爱情是一种发自内心的情感,是一种关怀和关注。” —— 玛丽亚·蒙特梭利

16. “爱情是一种无形的纽带,能够使我们与世界相连。” —— 艾玛·汤普森

17. “在爱情中,我们需要的是勇气和信念。” —— 伏尔泰

18. “爱情是一种高贵的感情,它能够让我们更加善良、更加宽容、更加平和。” —— 苏珊·布朗米勒

19. “爱情是一种神奇的力量,它能够带来无穷的美好。” —— 艾瑞克·弗洛姆

20. “爱情是一个人最美好的心灵家园。” —— 叶芝

21. “爱情是一份美好的礼物,需要我们用心去珍惜。” —— 莎士比亚

22. “爱情是一种崇高、美好、高尚的情感,它能使我们更加接近上帝。” —— 约翰·刘易斯

23. “爱情是一种能够打动人心、改变世界的力量。” —— 马丁·路德·金

24. “爱情是一种最纯洁的情感,它能够让我们体会到无穷的喜悦、幸福和满足。” —— 海伦·凯勒

25. “爱情是一种最高尚、最美丽的情感,它能够让我们更加接近真理、正义和美好。” —— 雪莱


This quote emphasizes the importance of not just feeling love, but actively showing it through actions. Love requires effort and action in order to be truly felt and understood.

2. “Love is like the wind, you can see it but you can feel it.” – Nicholas Sparks

This quote compares love to the intangible concept of wind – something that can be felt but not seen. Love may not be a physical object, but it is powerful and can greatly affect ones emotions.

3. “Love is an untamed force. When we try to control it, it destroys us. When we try to imprison it, it enslaves us. When we try to understand it, it leaves us feeling lost and confused.” – Paulo Coelho

This quote suggests that love is not meant to be controlled or understood completely. It is a natural force that cannot be tamed or confined. Instead, it must be embraced and allowed to flourish on its own.

4. “Love is not blind. It sees but it doesn mind.” – Unknown

This quote suggests that love has the ability to overlook faults or flaws in a person, and instead focuses on the positive qualities. Love sees everything, but chooses not to mind the negative aspects.

5. “To love oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance.” - Oscar Wilde

This quote emphasizes the importance of self-love and acceptance as being the foundation for any successful romantic relationship. One must first love themselves in order to be capable of loving someone else.

6. “We loved with a love that was more than love.” - Edgar Allan Poe

This quote describes a love that is so intense and pure that it goes beyond simple emotion. It is a love that is all-encompassing and all-enveloping.

7. “Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage.” – Lao Tzu

This quote suggests that both giving and receiving love can bring forth different types of strength and courage. Being loved deeply can give one the confidence to overcome challenges, while loving deeply requires vulnerability and bravery.

8. “The best love is the kind that awakens the soul and makes us reach for more, that plants a fire in our hearts and brings peace to our minds. And that’s what you’ve given me. That’s what I’d hoped to give you forever.” – Nicholas Sparks

This quote describes a love that inspires and motivates individuals to become the best versions of themselves. It brings a sense of peace and fulfillment to ones life.

9. “Love is an irresistible desire to be irresistibly desired.” - Robert Frost

This quote suggests that one of the greatest human desires is to be desired by someone else. It is an inherent quality of love – the need to feel wanted and desired by a significant other.

10. “Love isn’t something you find. Love is something that finds you.” – Loretta Young
