900字范文 > canvas节点无法导出图片_html页面 canvas导出图片

canvas节点无法导出图片_html页面 canvas导出图片

时间:2020-10-23 15:44:03


canvas节点无法导出图片_html页面 canvas导出图片

1 /**2 * Created by tengri on -5-9.3 */


5 /**6 * 导出类7 * @param content 要导出的内容8 * @constructor9 */

10 functionExport2Image(content,opts){11 this.exportObj = typeof(content) == "string" ?document.getElementById(content) : content;12 if(!this.exportObj) throw new Error("导出内容对象只能传递ID和DOM对象");13 this.opts = opts ||{};14 if(this.exportObj.nodeName !="CANVAS"){15 this.exportType = "html2Image";16 this.canvas = document.createElement("canvas");17 this.canvas.style.display = "none";18 //如果没有设置宽度和高度,实际是多大就导出多大

19 this.canvas.width = this.opts.width || this.exportObj.scrollWidth + 10;20 this.canvas.height = this.opts.height || this.exportObj.scrollHeight + 10;21 }else{22 this.exportType = "canvas2Image";23 this.canvas = this.exportObj;24 }25 if(this.opts.width && this.opts.height){26 this.actualWidth = this.opts.width;27 this.actualHeight = this.opts.height;28 }29 this.type = this.opts.type || "png";30 this.fileName = (this.opts.name || new Date().getTime()) + "." + this.type;31 this.init();32 return this;33 }34

35 /**36 * 初始化37 */

38 Export2Image.prototype.init = function(){39 this._fixType();40 }41

42 Export2Image.prototype._encodeData = function(data){43 if(!window.btoa) throw "btoa undefined";44 var strDtata = "";45 if(typeof(data) !="string"){46 for(var i = 0 ; i < data.length;i++){47 strDtata +=String.fromCharCode(data[i]);48 }49 }else{50 strDtata =data;51 }52 returnwindow.btoa(strDtata);53 };54

55 /**56 * 根据配置生成固定大小图片57 * @param width58 * @param height59 */

60 Export2Image.prototype._scaleCanvas = function(width,height){61 var w = this.canvas.width;62 var h = this.canvas.height;63 width = width ||w;64 height = height ||h;65

66 var newCanvas = document.createElement("canvas");67 newCanvas.width =width;68 newCanvas.height =height;69 var ctx = newCanvas.getContext("2d");70 ctx.drawImage(this.canvas,0,0,w,h,0,0,width,height);71 this.canvas =newCanvas;72 };73

74 /**75 * 获取canvas的Dataurl76 */

77 Export2Image.prototype._getDataURL = function(){78 return this.canvas.toDataURL(this.type);79 };80 /**81 * 获取导出图片类型82 * @private83 */

84 Export2Image.prototype._fixType = function(){85 var type = this.type.toLocaleLowerCase().replace(/jpg/i,"jpeg");86 var res = type.match(/png|jpeg|bmp|gif/)[0];87 this.type = "image/" +res;88 };89

90 /**91 * 获取数据92 */

93 Export2Image.prototype.getData = function(){94 if(this.actualWidth && this.actualHeight){95 this._scaleCanvas(this.actualWidth,this.actualHeight);96 }97 var strData = "";98 if (/bmp/.test(this.type)) {99 var data = this._getImageData();100 strData = this._getBitmapImage(data);101 } else{102 strData = this._getDataURL();103 }104 returnstrData;105 }106

107 /**108 * 普通图片获取109 * @private110 */

111 Export2Image.prototype._getImageData = function(){112 var w = this.canvas.width, h = this.canvas.height;113 return this.canvas.getContext('2d').getImageData(0, 0, w, h);114 };115

116 /**117 * 位图获取118 * @private119 */

120 Export2Image.prototype._getBitmapImage = function(oData){121 var aHeader =[];122

123 var iWidth =oData.width;124 var iHeight =oData.height;125

126 aHeader.push(0x42); //magic 1

127 aHeader.push(0x4D);128

129 var iFileSize = iWidth*iHeight*3 + 54; //total header size = 54 bytes

130 aHeader.push(iFileSize % 256); iFileSize = Math.floor(iFileSize / 256);131 aHeader.push(iFileSize % 256); iFileSize = Math.floor(iFileSize / 256);132 aHeader.push(iFileSize % 256); iFileSize = Math.floor(iFileSize / 256);133 aHeader.push(iFileSize % 256);134

135 aHeader.push(0); //reserved

136 aHeader.push(0);137 aHeader.push(0); //reserved

138 aHeader.push(0);139

140 aHeader.push(54); //dataoffset

141 aHeader.push(0);142 aHeader.push(0);143 aHeader.push(0);144

145 var aInfoHeader =[];146 aInfoHeader.push(40); //info header size

147 aInfoHeader.push(0);148 aInfoHeader.push(0);149 aInfoHeader.push(0);150

151 var iImageWidth =iWidth;152 aInfoHeader.push(iImageWidth % 256); iImageWidth = Math.floor(iImageWidth / 256);153 aInfoHeader.push(iImageWidth % 256); iImageWidth = Math.floor(iImageWidth / 256);154 aInfoHeader.push(iImageWidth % 256); iImageWidth = Math.floor(iImageWidth / 256);155 aInfoHeader.push(iImageWidth % 256);156

157 var iImageHeight =iHeight;158 aInfoHeader.push(iImageHeight % 256); iImageHeight = Math.floor(iImageHeight / 256);159 aInfoHeader.push(iImageHeight % 256); iImageHeight = Math.floor(iImageHeight / 256);160 aInfoHeader.push(iImageHeight % 256); iImageHeight = Math.floor(iImageHeight / 256);161 aInfoHeader.push(iImageHeight % 256);162

163 aInfoHeader.push(1); //num of planes

164 aInfoHeader.push(0);165

166 aInfoHeader.push(24); //num of bits per pixel

167 aInfoHeader.push(0);168

169 aInfoHeader.push(0); //compression = none

170 aInfoHeader.push(0);171 aInfoHeader.push(0);172 aInfoHeader.push(0);173

174 var iDataSize = iWidth*iHeight*3;175 aInfoHeader.push(iDataSize % 256); iDataSize = Math.floor(iDataSize / 256);176 aInfoHeader.push(iDataSize % 256); iDataSize = Math.floor(iDataSize / 256);177 aInfoHeader.push(iDataSize % 256); iDataSize = Math.floor(iDataSize / 256);178 aInfoHeader.push(iDataSize % 256);179

180 for (var i=0;i<16;i++) {181 aInfoHeader.push(0); //these bytes not used

182 }183

184 var iPadding = (4 - ((iWidth * 3) % 4)) % 4;185

186 var aImgData =oData.data;187

188 var strPixelData = "";189 var y =iHeight;190 do{191 var iOffsetY = iWidth*(y-1)*4;192 var strPixelRow = "";193 for (var x=0;x

196 strPixelRow += String.fromCharCode(aImgData[iOffsetY+iOffsetX+2]);197 strPixelRow += String.fromCharCode(aImgData[iOffsetY+iOffsetX+1]);198 strPixelRow += String.fromCharCode(aImgData[iOffsetY+iOffsetX]);199 }200 for (var c=0;c

206 var strEncoded = this._encodeData(aHeader.concat(aInfoHeader)) + this._encodeData(strPixelData);207

208 return this._makeDataURI(strEncoded);209 };210

211 Export2Image.prototype._makeDataURI = function(strData){212 return "data:" + this.type + ";base64," +strData;213 }214

215 /**216 * 保存217 * @param data218 * @param fileName219 * @private220 */

221 Export2Image.prototype._saveFile = function(data,fileName){222 try{223 //TODO:IE浏览器

224 new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");225 var oImg = document.createElement("img");226 oImg.src =data;227 oImg.onload = function(){228 myWindow=window.open('','_blank','width=800,height=600');229 myWindow.document.write("")230 myWindow.focus()231 }232 }catch(e){233 var saveLink = document.createElementNS("/1999/xhtml","a");234 saveLink.href =data;235 saveLink.download =fileName;236 var event = document.createEvent("MouseEvents");237 event.initMouseEvent('click', true, false, window, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, false, false, 0, null);238 saveLink.dispatchEvent(event);239 }240

241 };242

243 Export2Image.prototype.exportPic = function(){244 if(this.exportType == "html2Image"){245 if(typeof(html2canvas) !="function"){246 alert("需要引入html2canvas.js库文件");247 return;248 }249 var that = this;250 html2canvas(this.exportObj, {251 onrendered: function(canvas) {252 that.canvas =canvas;253 var data =that.getData();254 var imgData = data.replace(that.type,'image/octet-stream');255 that._saveFile(imgData,that.fileName);256 }257 });258 }else{259 var data = this.getData();260 var imgData = data.replace(this.type,'image/octet-stream');261 this._saveFile(imgData,this.fileName);262 }263

264 };
