900字范文 > linux tcp重传超时时间 tcp 重传超时次数

linux tcp重传超时时间 tcp 重传超时次数

时间:2022-07-21 08:37:16


linux tcp重传超时时间 tcp 重传超时次数

tcp 重传超时次数

数据被重发以后若还是收不到应答, 则进行再次发送. 此时等待确认应答时间会以 2 倍, 4 倍的指数函数延长.

此外, 数据也不会被无限, 反复的重发. 达到一定的重发次数之后, 如果仍然没有任何确认应答返回, 就会判断为网络或者对端主机发生了异常, 强制关闭连接.

Linux 的设置

最小重传时间是 200ms

最大重传时间是 120s

重传次数为 15TCP retransmits an unacknowledged packet up to tcp_retries2 sysctl setting times(defaults to15)usingan exponential backoff timeoutforwhich each retransmission timeoutisbetween TCP_RTO_MIN(200ms)andTCP_RTO_MAX(120seconds).Oncethe15thretryexpires(bydefault),the TCP stack will notify the layers above(IE.App)ofa broken connection.

ThevalueofTCP_RTO_MINandTCP_RTO_MAXishardcodedintheLinuxkernelanddefinedbythe following constants:



Linux 2.6+ uses HZ of 1000ms, so TCP_RTO_MIN is ~200 ms and TCP_RTO_MAX is ~120 seconds. Given a default value of tcp_retries set to 15, it means that it takes 924.6 seconds before a broken network link is notified to the upper layer (IE. application), since the connection is detected as broken when the last (15th) retry expires.

image.PNGFromtheLinuxkernel doc


Thisvalueinfluences the timeoutofan alive TCP connection,

when RTO retransmissions remain unacknowledged.GivenavalueofN,a hypothetical TCP connection following

exponential backoffwithan initial RTOofTCP_RTO_MIN would

retransmit N times before killing the connection at the(N+1)th RTO.

Thedefaultvalueof15yields a hypothetical timeoutof924.6

secondsandisa lower boundforthe effective timeout.

TCP will effectively timeoutat the first RTO which exceeds the

hypothetical timeout.

RFC1122recommends at least100secondsforthe timeout,

which corresponds to avalueofat least8.



来源: /p/51d7f7fb3e4b
