900字范文 > linux安装了vnc服务器 Linux安装VNC服务及配置

linux安装了vnc服务器 Linux安装VNC服务及配置

时间:2019-08-15 06:19:32


linux安装了vnc服务器 Linux安装VNC服务及配置


[root@solgle Desktop]# rpm -ivh VNC-Server-5.2.1-Linux-x64.rpm

Preparing... ########################################### [100%]

1:realvnc-vnc-server ########################################### [100%]

Checking for xauth... [OK]

Updating /etc/pam.d/vncserver

NOTICE: common configuration in /etc/pam.d contains the following modules:


The default vncserver PAM configuration only enables pam_unix. See

`man vncinitconfig for details on any manual configuration required.

Looking for font path... not found.

Generating private key...done

Installed init script for VNC X11 Service-mode daemon

Start and stop the service with:

/etc/init.d/vncserver-x11-serviced (start|stop)

Use chkconfig to start or stop the service at boot time.

Installed init script for VNC Virtual-mode daemon

Start and stop the service with:

/etc/init.d/vncserver-virtuald (start|stop)

Use chkconfig to start or stop the service at boot time.

[root@solgle Desktop]#


[root@solgle init.d]# vncserver :1

VNC(R) Server 5.2.1 (r5668) 64-bit (Aug 18 12:26:41)

Copyright (C) 2002- RealVNC Ltd.

VNC is a registered trademark of RealVNC Ltd in the U.S. and in other


Protected by UK patent 2481870; US patent 8760366.

See for information on VNC.

For third party acknowledgements see:


Error: No license keys found.

Run vnclicense to apply a license key. [NoLicense]


----add license

[root@solgle init.d]# vnclicense -add WHJRK=UXYY7V=Q34M9-C2U8L-8KGFA

Error: This is not a valid license key.

A license key consists of 25 alphanumeric characters, divided by hyphens into 5

groups of 5 characters each.

[root@solgle init.d]#


[root@solgle init.d]# vnclicense -add 3TH6P-DV5AE-BLHY6-PNENS-B3AQA

License key has been successfully applied.

[root@solgle init.d]#



root@solgle ~]# vncserver :1

VNC(R) Server 5.2.1 (r5668) 64-bit (Aug 18 12:26:41)

Copyright (C) 2002- RealVNC Ltd.

VNC is a registered trademark of RealVNC Ltd in the U.S. and in other


Protected by UK patent 2481870; US patent 8760366.

See for information on VNC.

For third party acknowledgements see:


If a desktop environment fails to load for this virtual desktop, please see:


Running applications in /etc/vnc/xstartup

VNC Server catchphrase: "Sofia unit nickel. Campus tic-tac north."

signature: 25-b2-6d-b7-ae-f4-b3-e6

Log file is /root/.vnc/solgle:1.log

New desktop is solgle:1 (


[root@solgle ~]# ps -ef | grep vnc

root 2680 2651 0 13:49 pts/0 00:00:00 grep vnc

[root@solgle ~]#


[root@solgle sysconfig]# vncpasswd

Setting "Password" VNC parameter in /root/.vnc/config.d/vncserver-x11



Passwords don't match - try again



Successfully set Password" VNC parameter in /root/.vnc/config.d/vncserver-x11

---配置防火墙:vnc server端口从5900开始,比如 5901,5902

---设置成功,使用vnc viewer 连接成功


[root@solgle sysconfig]# vncserver -kill :1

Can't find file /root/.vnc/solgle:1.pid

You'll have to kill the Xvnc process manually.

[root@solgle sysconfig]# ^C

[root@solgle sysconfig]# vncserver :1
