900字范文 > 北京理工大学计算机学院研究生孙灿 蒋芃_北京理工大学计算机学院

北京理工大学计算机学院研究生孙灿 蒋芃_北京理工大学计算机学院

时间:2023-04-14 15:56:13


北京理工大学计算机学院研究生孙灿 蒋芃_北京理工大学计算机学院


1. Peng Jiang, Fuchun Guo, Willy Susilo, et al.. PPFilter: Provider Privacy-aware Encrypted Filtering System, IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, . (SCI 一区, IF: 4.305,top期刊)

2. Peng Jiang, Jianting Ning, Kaitai Liang et al.. Encryption Switching Service: Securely Switch Your Encrypted Data to Another Format, IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, . (SCI 一区, IF: 4.305,top期刊)

3. Peng Jiang, Jianchang Lai, Fuchun Guo, Willy Susilo, Man Ho Au, Guomin Yang, Yi Mu, Rongmao Chen. Identity-Based Revocation System: Enhanced Security Model and Scalable Bounded IBRS Construction with Short Parameters. Information Sciences, vol. 472, pp. 35--52, . (SCI 一区, IF: 4.305,top期刊)

4. Peng Jiang, Fuchun Guo, Willy Susilo, Man Ho Au, Xinyi Huang, Joseph Liu. Efficient and Adaptive Procurement Protocol with Purchasing Privacy. IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, to appear, . (SCI 一区, IF:4.418,top期刊 )

5. Jianchang Lai, Yi Mu, Fuchun Guo, Peng Jiang, Willy Susilo. Privacy-enhanced attribute-based private information retrieval. Information Sciences, vol. 454-455, pp. 275--291, . (SCI 一区, IF: 4.305,top期刊)

6 . Willy Susilo, Peng Jiang*, Fuchun Guo, Guomin Yang, Yong Yu, Yi Mu. EACSIP: Extendable Access Control System with Integrity Protection for Enhancing Collaboration in the Cloud. IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics & Security, vol. 12(12), pp. 3110-3122, . (CCF-A,SCI 一区,IF: 5.824)

7. Peng Jiang, Fuchun Guo, Kaitai Liang, Jianchang Lai, Qiaoyan Wen. Searchain: Blockchain-based Private Keyword Search in Decentralized Storage. Future Generation Computer Systems, to appear, .(SCI 二区,IF:4.639)

8. Peng Jiang, Yi Mu, Fuchun Guo, Qiaoyan Wen. Secure-Channel Free Keyword Search with Authorization in Manager-centric Databases. Computers & Security, vol. 69, pp. 50-64, .(CCF-B,IF:2.650)

9. Peng Jiang, Yi Mu, Fuchun Guo, Qiaoyan Wen. Private Keyword Search for Database Systems against Insider Attacks. Journal of Computer Science and Technology (JCST), vol. 32(3), pp. 599–617, .(CCF-B,IF:0.878)

10. Peng Jiang, Yi Mu, Fuchun Guo, Xiaofen Wang, Qiaoyan Wen. Online/Offline Ciphertext Retrieval on Resource Constrained Devices. The Computer Journal, vol. 59(7), pp. 955-969, .(CCF-B,IF:0.792)
