900字范文 > 重构ElementUI解决DatePicker日期选择组件修改父组件placement参数问题[Vue.js项目实


时间:2023-08-20 02:22:23




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When usingel-date-picker, the browser console would send a vue warning:

... Prop being mutated: "placement" found in <ElDatePicker> ...



The problem arose because the latest element-ui (v2.15.9) changes vue propsplacementin the child componentdate-picker, which is not allowed in vue since the value will be overwritten whenever the parent component re-renders. The source code causing this issue seems like:

// node_modules/element-ui/packages/date-picker/src/picker.vueconst NewPopper = {props: {placement: Popper.props.placement,},};const PLACEMENT_MAP = {left: 'bottom-start',center: 'bottom',right: 'bottom-end'};export default {created() {// vue-popperthis.popperOptions = {boundariesPadding: 0,gpuAcceleration: false};this.placement = PLACEMENT_MAP[this.align] || PLACEMENT_MAP.left;this.$on('fieldReset', this.handleFieldReset);},}

Note thatthis.placement = PLACEMENT_MAP[this.align] || PLACEMENT_MAP.left;modified propsplacement. We resolve the problem by just simply muting this code according to #21943.

We usepatch-packageto make and keep fixes to npm dependencies:

# install patch-packagenpm i patch-package -D --legacy-peer-deps

Download element-ui releases v2.15.9 on GitHub, make the above modification to your downloaded git repo and rebuild element-ui to overwrite the lib folder innode_modules/element-ui:

cd /path/to/your/reponpm install --legacy-peer-depsvim packages/date-picker/src/picker.vuenpm run distmv -f /path/to/your/repo/lib /path/to/your/project/node_modules/element-ui/lib

Attention! The version of dependencynode-sassin element-ui git repo must match your node version. Node version support policy tells you about that. Modify package.json in your repo so that no error would be thrown.

Then we fix this bug in our dependencies after replacing the lib folder of element-ui, and run:

# use npx (included with npm > 5.2) to create a .patch filenpx patch-package element-ui# patch-package 6.4.7# • Creating temporary folder# • Installing element-ui@2.15.9 with npm# • Diffing your files with clean files# ✔ Created file patches/element-ui+2.15.9.patch

If this is the first time you’ve usedpatch-package, it will create a folder calledpatchesin the root dir of your app. Inside will be a file calledelement-ui+2.15.9.patch, which is a diff between normal old package name and your fixed version. Commit this to share the fix with your team:

# commit the patch file to share the fix with your teamgit add patches/element-ui+2.15.9.patchgit commit -m "fix picker.vue in element-ui@2.15.9"

Inpackage.json, make the following change to make sure the modification will be kept when reinstall the dependency:

"scripts": {+ "postinstall": "patch-package"}

重构ElementUI解决DatePicker日期选择组件修改父组件placement参数问题[Vue.js项目实践: 新冠自检系统]
