900字范文 > 华为交换机 查ip冲突_华为交换机如何查看本交换机IP地址?

华为交换机 查ip冲突_华为交换机如何查看本交换机IP地址?

时间:2018-06-26 01:02:22


华为交换机 查ip冲突_华为交换机如何查看本交换机IP地址?

1,dis cu 这是查看交换机所有配置的命令。你要看的IP应是VLAN的IP

interface vlan 1

ip address 看到这就是交换机的IP。

像H3C Quaidway 6506这是个三层的交换机,可能会划很多VLAN,所以它会有很我IP。vlan1的IP可以做管理IP(就是做远程配置的IP如:telnet)。如果有多个VLAN IP那非VLAN1的IP就是你所有在那个VLAN里的主机的网关了。

像H3C S1024就是个二层的,一般就会给VLAN1配个IP为以后的方便管理用。


【第一步 重启交换机,按Ctrl+B进入BOOTROM菜单】

Starting at 0x1c00000...



* Quidway Series Routers Boot ROM, V9.07 *



Copyright(C) 1997- by HUAWEI TECH CO., LTD.

Compiled at 18:10:29 , Oct 14 .

Testing memory...OK!

128M bytes SDRAM

32768k bytes flash memory

Hardware Version is MTR 1.0

CPLD Version is CPLD 1.0

Press Ctrl-B to enter Boot Menu

Please input Bootrom password: /默认密码为空/

Boot Menu:

1: Download application program with XMODEM

2: Download application program with NET

3: Set application file type

4: Display applications in Flash

5: Clear application password

6: Start up and ignore configuration

7: Enter debugging environment

8: Boot Rom Operation Menu

9: Do not check the version of the software

a: Exit and reboot

Enter your choice(1-a):

【第二步 选择第六项“6: Start up and ignore configuration”,并确认】

Boot Menu:

1: Download application program with XMODEM

2: Download application program with NET

3: Set application file type

4: Display applications in Flash

5: Clear application password

6: Start up and ignore configuration

7: Enter debugging environment

8: Boot Rom Operation Menu

9: Do not check the version of the software

a: Exit and reboot

Enter your choice(1-a): 6

Start up and ignore configuration, Are you sure?[Y/N]y

Set Succeeds

【第三步 选择a项重启系统】

Boot Menu:

1: Download application program with XMODEM

2: Download application program with NET

3: Set application file type

4: Display applications in Flash

5: Clear application password

6: Start up and ignore configuration

7: Enter debugging environment

8: Boot Rom Operation Menu

9: Do not check the version of the software

a: Exit and reboot

Enter your choice(1-a): a

Exit and reboot,are you sure?[Y/N]y

Start to reboot...

【第四步 当系统以空配置起来以后,使用“more config.cfg”查看配置脚本】


Directory of flash:/

0 -rw- 5748224 Nov 19 17:23:05 main.bin

1 -rw- 5746199 Nov 30 14:51:21 v330-0008.bin

2 -rw- 8650414 Nov 22 12:26:57 system

3 -rw- 1053 Dec 15 18:46:41 config.cfg

4 -rw- 8695261 Dec 15 09:59:45 340-0006.bin

31877 KB total (3706 KB free)

more config.cfg

sysname RTA


FTP server enable


local-server nas-ip key huawei


domain default enable system


radius scheme system

server-type huawei

primary authentication 1645

primary accounting 1646

user-name-format without-domain


domain system

access-limit disable

state active


local-user aaa

password cipher ;)<01%^&;YGQ=^Q`MAF4<1!!

service-type terminal

level 3

local-user admin

password cipher .]@USE=B,53Q=^Q`MAF4<1!!

service-type telnet terminal

level 3

service-type ftp


interface Aux0

async mode flow

link-protocol ppp


interface Ethernet0/0

ip address dhcp-alloc


interface Ethernet1/0

ip address dhcp-alloc


interface Ethernet1/1

ip address dhcp-alloc


interface Serial0/0

clock DTECLK1

link-protocol ppp

ip address ppp-negotiate


interface NULL0


user-interface con 0

authentication-mode scheme

user-interface aux 0

user-interface vty 0 4

authentication-mode scheme






2)修改该文件中对应帐号的密码“password cipher ;)<01%^&;YGQ=^Q`MAF4<1!!”为类似“password simple aaa”的口令


4)disp cur确认当前配置和以前的配置一致后,save配置后重新启动系统







