900字范文 > 雅思口语考官常问的100个话题整理-自己整理


时间:2021-12-22 14:03:51





1. What"s your name?

My name is ****, my English name is ***, you can call me ****.

2. Does your name have any specialmeaning?

When I was born,my parents asked a highly respected person of my village to give me a name, andhe looked up the dictionary, and gave me a name with special meaning. My givenname means I will be promoted step by step, it’s very close to a Chinese idiom.I loved my name since I was a kid, due to its perfect meaning, I even used theidiom as my QQ nickname.

3. Where were you come from?

I come from Enshi,Hubei, China, and I belong to Tujia echnic group. Enshi is located in the southeastern corner ofHubei province.

4. What kind of landscape surroundsyour hometown?

There are manyhuge mountains in my hometown, If you have never seen a huge mountains, if conditionspermits, you can pay a visit to my hometown.

5. What is the main crop in your hometown?

My hometown is amountainous area, it’s relatively poor here, we used to plant rice and corn,but now, we are accustomed to buy rice and corn instead of cultivating paddyfield and corn field.

6. What is the difference betweenBeijing and your hometown?

As we all know,Beijing is the capital of People’s republic of China. There are many businesscenters here, there are well-developed transportations such the railway, theplanes, and there are many cultural relics, such as the famous great wall, theForbidden city. What’s more, Beijing is the heart of Chinese Internet,Zhongguancun is the well-known city of technology, just like the silicon valleyin America.

My hometown ispoor, there are various kinds of groves here, such as bamboo, maples and so on,the water is quite clean without any pollution, I can see the blue sky in mostdays of a year. In short, when I am in my hometown, I can get close to natureeasily.

7. What are the main places ofinterest in your hometown?

I am from Enshi Tujia and MiaoAutonomous Prefecture, which is located in the southwestern corner of Hubeiprovince, Enshi is the cradle of “Ba Culture” and “Dragon Boat Melody”, one ofthe world’s best folk songs. There are many places of interest here, such asFlying Dragon Cave and Enshi Grand Canyon, which is as great as Grand CanyonColorado. What’s more, Enshi is an historic Ancient city, the typical place isEnshi Tusi city, which is a national 4A tourist attraction, Tusi city is theliving place of ancient Tusi emperor, then become a typical place forappreciating the Tujia Culture.

8. What is the climate like In yourhometown?

It’s generally very hot in summer, and very cold inwinter, but less colder than Heilongjiang province, and almost every family areequipped with the central heating system, they will feel very comfortableindoors, but there is no central heating system in my hometown, to some extent,I can feel more cooler than the people in northern China. The spring andautumn are both mild and pleasant, with temperatures ranging from around 18 to25 degree Celsius.

9. What is the character of thepeople like in the region where you live?

I am currently apostgraduate, people around me are teachers, doctorial students, postgraduates,they are very friendly and versatile, we often eat lunch together and discussacademic problems, TV series, movies, They share their opinions and amusement,I love the atmosphere here.

10. What are the differences inaccent between the people of your hometown and Beijing?

In my hometown,Enshi, we often speak dialects, but people in Beijing usually speak mandarin.we have different pronunciations.

We havedifferent customs, because there are many ethnic minorities, such Tujia andMiao ethnic groups. We are accustomed to eating rice and drinking tea, we enjoyvarious kinds of snacks. But people in Beijing usually eat steamed buns, fried bread stick and drink soybean milk,etc.

11. What is people"s favoritefood in your region?

My favorite foodin my hometown is roast potato, I think it’s the most delicious food in theworld,

The roast potatois often mixed with manmade spice, so it’s very hot and spicy, my mouth isspontaneously watering when I recall the fresh roast potato.

12. How do you make dumplings?

At first, weneed to buy some flour, fresh meat and fragrant-flowered garlic. Next ,weshould chop the meat, fragrant-flowered garlic and spice into small pieces.Then put them into a bowl and stir. And then begin to pack, we need to wash handsand use flour to wrap the minced meat. Maybe I am not a good cook, I often packugly, but it’s delicious anyway. After this step is already finished. We needput the dumplings into the boiled water, then we need to spend about tenminutes before tasting the delicious food.

13. What do you do during the SpringFestival?

I often spend springfestival with my family, especially when it is in the Chinese Lunar New Year,my mom will prepare a fancy dinner, we need to worship our ancestors accordingto our local custom, and then we can enjoy the feast. What’s more, we need toshoot off fireworks in the midnight, I often enjoy the great beauty with mybest friends. In the rest days of Spring Festival, we usually pay a new years’call and pay a visit to my relatives, it’s a big part of our traditional NewYear.

14. Why is the Spring Festival soimportant to Chinese people?

In the past, people could not oftenhave meat, rice or other delicious food, and they could only eat these food duringthe spring festival. So every year they hoped that the Spring Festival wouldcome soon.

Now, althoughpeople’s life is much better than before, we can even eat delicious food almosteveryday, people still like the festival, because to most people, they can havea long holiday and we are free to go on a trip or visit our friends or haveparties with our family. In the evenings, we can watch the interesting TV showsor chat with people who we have separated for a long time.

I like thespring festival very much, I also love my hometown and my family.

15. Can you describe one of the mainfestivals celebrated in your country?

National Day,which is on October 1st, is a big holiday. We get three days off andthere is military parade, it’s a symbol of my great motherland, we often gohome and get together with my family after a long period of going out. And somepeople will go for a travel, because it is a much needed holiday for relaxing.

No matter whereI am, I will remember I am a Chinese, I love my country, I love the big family.

16. Tell me something about theLantern Festival.

Lantern Festivalis a Chinese festival celebrated on the fifteenth day of the first month in thelunisolar Chinese calendar. It marks the final day of the traditional ChineseNew Year celebrations.

During theLantern Festival, children go out at night to temples carrying paper lanternsand guess riddles on the lanterns.

In ancienttimes, the lanterns were fairy simple, and only the emperor and noblemen hadlarge ornate ones. In modern times, lanterns have been embellished with manycomplex designs. For example, lanterns are often made in the shape of animals.The lanterns can symbolize the people letting go of their past selves andgetting new ones, which they will let go of the next year. The lanterns arealmost always red to symbolize good fortune.

17. Tell me something about the QingMing Festival.

The QingmingFestival, also known as Tomb-sweeping Day in English, is a traditional Chinesefestival on the first day of fifth solar term of the traditional Chineselunisolar calendar.

The QingmingFestival is an opportunity for celebrants to remember and honour theirancestors at grave sites. Young and old pray before the ancestors, sweep thetombs and offer food, tea, wine, chopsticks, joss paper or libations to the ancestors, the rites has a long tradition inAsia, especially among farmers. Some people carry willow branches with them onQingming or put willow branches on their gates or front doors. They believe thatwillow branches help ward off the evil spirit that wanders on Qingming.

18. Tell me something about thecustoms of your country.

When it comes tothe customs of my country, the CCTV New Year’s Gala com to my mind. The CCTVNew Year’s Gala, also known as the spring festival Gala, is a Chinese New Yearspecial produced by China Central Television. Shown on the eve of Chinese NewYear on its flagship CCTV-1, cable channel CCTV-3 and so on, the broadcast hasa yearly viewership of over 700 million viewers, making it one of the premiertelevision events of China.

The Gala has thelargest audience of any entertainment show in the world, and it is consideredthe world’s most watched television program. The special is a variety show,often featuring musical, dance, comedy, and drama performances. It has become aritual for many Chinese families, including overseas Chinese, to tune in to theshow on Chinese New Year’s Eve.

It’s a well-knowcustom for Chinese people, maybe it’s a symbol of the nation.

19. How long have you lived inBeijing?

I haven’t livedin Beijing before, but I paid a visit to Beijing when I graduated from thelocal high school, as far as what I saw in Beijing, the first feeling wascrowded, I met lots of traffic jams in the highway, which made me feel veryuncomfortable.

There are manyplaces of interest in Beijing, I used to visit the summer palace, the forbiddencity, the Juyongguan Great Wall, The Ming Tombs and so on. These places are sogreat that it is really a good trip for me. But I dislike the food in Beijing,except the Beijing roast duck, maybe I am a southerner and we southerner ofteneat rice and drink tea, steamed buns is not my favorite, there are alsosouthern food but it’s not authentic, it has a taste, I can’t bear it.

In short,Beijing is good place for us to visit, the roast duck is the most deliciousfood that I have ever eaten.

20. What is the weather like inBeijing?

Beijing has a typical temperate zone climate. During most time of theyear, Beijing is dry. But in summer, when the weather becomes hot, it rains alot. And in winter, the weather becomes very windy and it causes thetemperature to drop sharply. Generally speaking, the four seasons in Beijinghave their distinct features.

21. How do you compare the climate inBeijing with that in your hometown?

My hometown is a typical subtropical humidclimate. There are many forest here, my hometown, Enshi, was once regarded asone of the best places for humans to live in. In winter, the weather is drymost of the time, sometime it’s snowy. But there are frequent sand storms inBeijing, and it’s drier and cooler than my hometown.

In summer, it’s hot through the country, ofcourse, my hometown and Beijing are both hot, but my hometown is rainyfrequently, the weather in Beijing is relatively drier than my hometown.

22. What place in Beijing do you likebest? Why ?

when asked what place in Beijing I like best, other may see the great wall,forbidden city, the summer palace. But Iam passionate for the University, especially the Tsinghua university andBeijing university, I am a student, I wish to pay a visit to the two topuniversity, I think it’s the every students’ dream to study in the twouniversities, because only the top students of one province can be entitled tostudying here.

Iam not the top student, but I appreciate the university, there are resourcefulteaching supplies and great teachers. This is a place of all the talents, thewhole nation is proud of the university.

23. Which is the worst placeyou"ve been to China?

I have never thought where the worst placewas in China, after several minutes’ thinking, as far as I am concerned, Ithink Beijing is the worst place I have ever been, which leaves me a badimpression when I set up my traveling plan after graduated from high school.

I met traffic jams several times, and I hadto wait several hours to get through the expressway, which got me crazy at thattime, what’s more, as a southerner, I was not used to the food, the rice washard, and the fried carrots was harder. The people in the scenic regions wascrowded, I almost lost my breath when I was in the crowd. In short, it was likea nightmare for me.

I don’t want to visit Beijing once again.However, if anyone can bear the crowded people, Beijing is also a place worthvisiting.

24. Which is the best placeyou"ve been to China?

The best place I have ever visited is Taicang,which lies in the Suzhou, Jiangsu province, Taicang is rich and beautifulplace.

The best place I have ever visited is Taicang,which lies in the Suzhou, Jiangsu province, Taicang is rich and beautifulplace. I took part in a summer practice when I was in the university, my summerpractice group contains 10 people and one teacher, we were very friendly toeach other, we visited the historical relics, and we went shopping in themarket, we took a lot of pictures. In short, we had a great time within thesedays.

I made a lot of friends since then, whohelped a lot later. I thank them for what they have done for me, it’s abeautiful city, and w have a group of interesting people.

25. What places in Beijing should aforeigner visit? Why?

There are many places of interest forforeigners to visit, such as the great wall, the summer palace, the forbiddencity, birds-nest, Temple of heaven and so forth. What I want to emphasis isthat Beijing university and Tsinghua University are the most valuable placesfor the foreigners to visit, the two universities are the first classuniversities of China, and the learning atmosphere, the living conditions areall very good, you may meet the most influential people in the academic worldby chance, we can learn a lot from these people.

Ithink that you learn something from others is better than you purely enjoy thebeautiful sceneries in Beijing, what you learn will affect your lifetime, butwhat you just enjoy is transient.

26. What are the major socialproblems in Beijing? How can they be solved?

Beijing, as the capital of China, is famousall over the world. Just like other developed city, Beijing itself has manysocial problems, such as the traffic congestion, the consistent rise of houseprices, the sand storm, the air pollutions. As far as I know, Beijing has been describedas the world’s most congested city, the number of vehicles is extremely huge,one time, I went to Beijing for a visit, the crowded people make me want tovomit, I met the traffic plenty times, which made me get crazy. However, theseare not problems compared with the increasing tendency of house prices, most ofthe ordinary people can’t afford to buy a mall house during their lifetime inBeijing, the house is too expensive and too rare. The government is making everyattempt to control the rise of the house prices, but it produces very littleeffect, I believe the problem will no longer be a problem one day.

27. What is the biggest problem Chinafaces?

In my eyes, the biggest problem in China isthe overpopulation, China’s population is over 1.388 billion, the largest ofany country in the world. Despite having the largest population of any countryin the world, China isn’t having enough babies, because the one-child-onlypolicy has influenced generations a lot. Fortunately, the government hasamended the only-child policy in early so that all Chinese family can havetwo children.

But it doesn’t make any sense in theessential problem, due to the large population, we must face resources shortages,such as fossil fuels, land, houses and so on, we much face the seriouspollutions, over-exploitation, heavy weather. And there problems are urgentright now, the government have to face the challenges for a long time.

29. Could you tell me something aboutyour family?

My family is a extended family,except for my parents, I have a grandmother and a sister, my grandmother is 78years old, she often get sick, we all are so worried about her health, she isselfless to her children, especially to her grandchildren, every time I wenthome, they would take out her food that she specially left for us in private, Iwas once moved several times, she was a great and respectable person, I love mygrandmother from the beginning to the end.

My parentsare the bread-earners of the family, my mother is good at cooking, I love myfamily’s meal so much, my father used to be addicted to gambling, but he getmuch better now since I was admitted to the university, he is now the backboneof my family.

My sister was married when I was atcollege, she has a 4-year-old son and a happy family, I often tell my sisterthat I spare all my time for my study, I admire you that you have a perfectfamily, you are a life winner worthy of the name.

In short, I hope that my family can getbetter in the future.

35. How have weddings changed inrecent years?

I don’t know much about the wedding, as faras I know, recent years, most young people have a preference for the westernwedding. Music played at Western weddings includes a processional song forwalking down the aisle either before or after the marriage service. The ritualof wedding is royal, the couple should make a pledge in front of the priest,following the vows, the couple exchange rings. The atmosphere is elegantly andwonderful.

I belong to a minority group, my home has a traditionalwedding ceremony, the bride should wear traditional red wedding clothes, thebridegroom dress a formal suit, and there is a band playing the tradition windinstruments, such suona horn, drums, Crash Cymbals and so on. People set off fireworks, and the couple makea pledge according to the questions from the wedding host, the style is verydifferent from the western wedding ceremony. But it is equally dramatic.

36. Are there any special customsabout wedding in your region?

Yes, of course. I am a member of tujia ethnic minority.my home has a traditional wedding ceremony, the bride should wear traditionalred wedding clothes, the bridegroom dress a formal suit, and there is a bandplaying the tradition wind instruments, such as suona horn, drums, CrashCymbals and so on, it sounds wonderful. Otherpeople set off fireworks, and the couple make a pledge according to thequestions from the wedding host.

37. Describe a traditional weddingceremony.

I am a member of tujia ethnic minority. I once experienced a wedding ceremonyin person, my bother-in-law and my sister was going to be married four yearsago, I told my counsellor that I need to ask for a leave in order to attend mysister’s ceremony, she agreed my request without hesitation.

I don’t know much about the formal wedding ceremony, asfar as I have experienced, the bridegroom would ask at least five wedding carsto my home, and my sister, the bride wore a wedding gown and carefully dressedup, would take the wedding car, we all took the rest cars, after several hoursof riding, we went to the bridegroom’s house, there was a group of peoplewaiting for the bride, some people would set off fireworks and play the music.

The couple would bow to each other, bow to the bridegroom’sparents, hand out red packets and wedding candies to relatives. It’s verybustling.

38. Where did you go for yourhoneymoon?

That’s a good question, but I have been single for along time.

39. Did you have to ask forpermission from your parents before you got married?

Yes, I did.

40. Is it acceptable for couples tolive together without marrying?

It’s hard to say, if the couple know much about eachother, they all plan to get married, it’s acceptable, it will save a lot ofmoney if they both go out for work and it will be convenient for them to takecare of each other.

You had better not live with the people that you don’ttrust, no matter what he or she promise to do, you should be responsible foryourself.

41. Where do you think a newly coupleshould live? Living with their parents or on their own?

As the work requires, lots of young couple will chooseto live in a big city, leaving their old parents in the village, I think it’sthe situation that most people from villages will face.

As for me, I prefer to live on my own, because I willstay in developed cities for a long time, my hometown is a village, I can’tafford the high cost of living with my parents in the city, we have our ownlife, my old parents also have their life, we contact with each other veryoften. What’s more, I don’t wish that my parents worry about me especially whenI am busy working.

42. What responsibilities should acouple take?

At first, they should love each other, There are severalresponsibilities that couples should take. Allow me to explain by mentioningsome of them briefly. In the first place, I believe they should be responsiblefor their own finances. For example, young couples usually do not have a lot ofmoney, and find it difficult to make ends meet. Secondly, I believe that laterthey have to look after their children. For example, they have to feed andclothe them, and ensure that they get a good education.

43. How do Chinese usually celebratebirthdays?

While westerners tend to make a big deal of birthdays,celebrating each year of a person’s life with parties, cake, and gifts. TheChinese traditionally reserve birthday bashes for infants and the elderly.While they acknowledge most passing years, they don’t consider most birthdaysworthy of festivities. Globalization has made western style birthday partiesmore common in China,

44. Are there any traditionsconcerning the birth of a baby?

I don’t know how to answer this question, because I am amember of a ethnic minority, to be exact, I am a member of Tujia people, but Idon’t know much about the custom about the birth of a baby, I am not married,it’s the main reason.

As far as I know, a husband should carry his bride overa pan of burning coals when entering his home for the first time to ensure shewill pass through labor successfully.

When a child is born is also important to Chinesecustom, The hour, day, month, and yearthe baby is born dictate which of the eight characters he is born under. TheEight Characters are considered so important they will rule child’s life.

In the first 100 days of a child’s life there areseveral events celebrating her life. The family and friends will dine togetherand celebrate all night, money is given in bright red envelops and the babywears a silver or gold bracelet, the husband will set off fireworks for thegreat day.

45. What kind of parent do you intendto be?

I want to be a versatile person, first, I will be a goodhusband, I know how to take care of the child, and how to maintain the goodrelationship between people around me. Second, I will be a bread-earner, I willdevote my entire life to supporting the family and help my child happily growup. Then I will be a singer, because I want to make my life colorful, and Ihave learned lots of music theory and I can play two instruments, I will learnmore in the future.

46. What do you think of One-ChildPolicy in China?

The one-child policy was a population planning policy ofChina, it was introduced in 1979. I think the government was aware of theseverity of large population in China from the whole prospective at that time, China was trapped in poverty,and can’t afford to solve the problems of the large population, I agreed thepolicy at that critical period. But it began to formally phase out in , itwas a wise choice, a good policy may become the burden of furtherdevelopment, and it has historicallimitations, so we should adjust the one-child plan according to meeting theneeds of times.

47. Why do people in Chinatraditionally want to have a son?

This is an interesting question. Allow me to explain mypersonal views by shortly mentioning the following points: Firstly, I believethat fathers all over the world want someone to carry their name into thefuture. For example, in many western countries it is customary for a boy toreceive his grandfather’s name. A second reason that I could mention is thatparents worry about what will happen to them after they had retired. They feelthat when they have a son he would be able to provide for them in the future.

48. What difficulties do Chinesefarmers have concerning their old age?

They have no pension and therefore must rely on theirfamilies to support them. If they have a son, by tradition, he must take careof his parents. But, if it’s a daughter, she leaves to join her husband’sfamily, and there is no one left to provide for the parents in their old age.It’s really a terrible situation for farmers, because they work so hard alltheir lives, and if they don’t have a son, they have no sense of security whenthey get old.

49. What do you think needs to bedone in order to relieve the farmer"s worries?

at first, the governments should take measures to increase the farmers’ income,and complete security systems of the famers, every farmer have to be insured sothat they can get a pension when they are old. Volunteers, and charities shouldbe encouraged to help the old farmers so that they may feel less lonely intheir old ages, and then, they no longer need to care about whether they shouldhave a son to provide help for them.

50. What hope or fears do you havefor your children?

I hope my child will go to the university, find a goodjob, and have a family. But, children have a very tough life these days. Theymust study all the time just to have a chance to go to university. They havelittle time to play and enjoy as a child. I really fear that my child will beold before time, and I fear that they are not well educated and are trapped inthe rat race, I will feel so regretful for what I have done for the children.

51. What sort of culture do you hopeyour child will grow up in?

I hope my child will still know something about China’sancient culture and traditions, and also have a chance to combine these withmodern technology. I don’t want him to just accept everything that is “western”and throw away everything that is “Chinese”. Certainly there are people whojust think “western” things are better than “Chinese” things. I want my childto be proud of his Chinese heritage, but also be able to choose the best fromthe west.

52. Are you going to bring up yourchild differently from the way you were brought up? How?

Yes, I want to hug and praise them more. My parentsrarely complimented me about anything, though I know they love me very much.They just did what they wanted to do and provided for my physical needs, butthey never, ever asked me about how I was feeling about and things like that. Iwish I could have communicated more openly with them.

53. Do you enjoy shopping?

No, because I am a boy, but my mother and my sister sometimesforce me to go shopping, not because they are crazy, but I haven’t boughtclothes for a long time, they want to change my old fashioned appearance. Tobegin with, I am so tired of this behavior, but later on, I realize that I haveto change myself, so I feel grateful for what they have done for me.

54. Who does most of the shopping inyour family?

As far as the topic is concerned, I could say that mymother does most of the shopping, but my father and I will do some shoppingfrom time to time. my parents both work outside, they rarely go home, I studyon campus, and my university is far away from my home, so I have to live in thedormitory. Every time I go home, my parents will return home and buy a lot ofdelicious food from the market, I feel the grand family affection, its preciousand priceless.

55. What are you good at cooking?What is your favorite dish?

I am good at cooking the fried rice and egg, it’s a kindof home cooking, when my families all go out, I have to cook the dish for meal,it’s very simple, and I only need to add the rice and egg to the pan, and addsome flavours, then the food is ready for me to eat.

I love eat roast potatoes, it’s a kind of local snack,my families like to eat roast potatoes very much as well, it’s very spicy, andmy mouth is watering when I think back to the tastes of the potatoes, and it’svery cheap, every time I go home, I will eat it at first.

56. Who does most of cooking in yourfamily?

My mother does most of the cooking, but my father and Iwill do some cooking from time to time. for example, sometimes my mother willbe out the whole day, then my father and I will do the cooking ourselves, butour cooking skills seem not bad, because at least the food I cooked is delicious,I can eat up these dishes.

57. Is there *** discrimination inChina?

58. How do you sum up women"sconditions in China?

In recent years, women play a more and more importantrole in our society, they are equal to men now, the gender discrimination isless popular among young people. Women can get an education like men, there arelot of charities helping various aspects of women’s life, they may have ahappier life than before.

59. What are the causes of ***discrimination?

60. Should government pay certainsalaries to those housewives? Why or why not?

Certainly, as chairman MAO said, women can hold up halfthe sky. Women has made great contribution to our country, even they do thehousework, they deserve it.

Secondly, women is the vulnerable group of the society,extra measures should be taken to protect them.

61. Would you want your wife tocontinue with her career or to stay at home taking care of the household afteryou get married?

I think it all depends, if I become a rich man at thattime, I tend to let wife take care of the household and the baby, it’s a goodway for children’s growing up with the help of the mother, I am thebread-earner, if the baby grow up as a teenager, and my wife want to start hercareer, I will be happy for her, and spare no effort to support her career.

But if I live a poor life, we have no choice, we allhave to work, and take care of the household at the same time.

62. Have you ever wished to be one ofthe opposite ***? Why (why not)?

63. What would you do if yournext-door neighbor were noisy nearly all the time?

Noisy neighbors can really be irritating at times, disturbing your sleep andregular activities. They may not even know they are bothering you, so it’susually best to start by being polite. If it doesn’t work after the first fewtries, you might have to move on to a stronger measures. Your other neighborswill thank you.

First, discuss your noise issue with your neighbor.Approach them calmly and politely with your complaint. Ask that they quiet downand come up with a plan together of how to solve noise problems.

Second, if you find that noise can’t be resolved betweenjust you and the other person, seek out resolution with the help of a thirdparty. Sometimes a board member or apartment manager can help facilitate theconversation and avoid fueling the conflict between you and the neighbor.

third, when you are on the hunt for a place, let yourlandlord know that living in a relatively quiet building is important to you.

64. Do you have a lot of friend?

Yes, I have a lot of friends. Some of them are onlycasual friends like my friends at work, but I have some best friends. Forexample, I have some friends who I have known for many years. I will doanything to help them when they need me, and I know they would do the same forme.

65. What does friendship mean to you?What kind of people do you make friend with?

Friendship means a special emotion to me. It’s aprecious spirit that different from the love between families, lovers, but it’simportant, even sometimes more important than those emotions. Friendship is themost clean and refined power.

I want to make friends with the people who really wantsto make friends with me in her/his deep heart. I wish we can keep the preciousthrough the lifetime, as an adult, it may take huge time and energy to keep anauthentic friendship than before, life is short, don’s waste your time to whoare not sincere.

66. What is your major?

I major in computer application and technology, myresearch area is deep learning, which is the hottest are in machine learning,and it’s the branch of the artificial intelligence.

67. How do you like your major?

I like computer science, speaking in detail, you know,the internet is popular all over the world, in the area of the computerscience, you can have many opportunities to get a good job, you may have highsalary to support your family.

What’s more, you can use your technology to do a lot ofinteresting things, for example, you can use the open source framework to setup your own person website, writing your Techblogs, sharing your pictures,making some comments about the movies you saw on your website, it’s meaningfuland interesting. Furthermore, if you are good at programing, you can developyour own applications, such as an interesting android app, or an ios app, youmay make money through your applications.

68. When and where did you graduate?What qualifications have you obtained?

I have graduated from the CCNU, CCNU is a beautifulplace, I can see the sunrise in the morning, the sunshine will shine into my dormitorysometimes, I have to open my sleepy eyes, and welcome another nice day, I lovethis kind of life.

I have got a master’s degree, and I have obtained thesoftware developer certificate, I feel so happy with what I have, I willcontinue to pursue my master’s degree.

69. Do you still remember your schooldays?

Of course! Those were some of the best times in my life.Allow me to explain myself by shortly mentioning the following points: firstly theywere carefree days. What I mean to say is that I had no or very few worries. Myparents provided in my day-to-day needs, and all I had to do was to get goodgrades. Secondly, I had many friends in school. For instance, some of my bestfriends today were people that I met in school.

70. What impressed you most when youwere at university?

I was most impressed by the knowledge and skills of mylecturers. For example, they had experience in the working environment, andcould tell us exactly what we would come across there. Secondly, I wasimpressed by the facilities. For example, we had a large library, well-equippedlaboratories, and sporting facilities at our disposal.

71. Which is the best university inyour country?

in some degree, it’s hard for me tochoose the best. In the mainland of China, there are more than 200universities, at least 20 universities are the fist class universities in theworld, as far as these top universities, ever university has its unique featurethat other universities find it hard to compare with. If you really want me to pickout the best, I tend to choose the Tsing university, the university is worldfamous, and it has top tutors, advanced equipment, superior education resourcesand top students, in short, it is too perfect to list a disadvantage.

My dream is to study here, but it’s mere a dream rightnow. Anyway, I don’t regret, because I have tried my best.

72. Could you sum up your own studyhabits in a few points?

At first, you need to be responsible for yourself, it’sbe basic point towards study, if you have the awareness of importance of study,you may have strong motive to improve yourself, you will develop your ownspecial study habits. I often recite lots of beautiful sentences for my Englishstudy, I think that reciting is the main component of a language study, thenafter repetitive appreciating these sentences, you will learn to apply thesebeauty to your daily life.

Second, practice more and think more, it’s the best wayto understand to problem totally. Lastly, focusing one question at a time,don’t do multiple things simultaneously.

Don’t waste your time crying for the split milk, makegood use of your time, that’s the key for you to strength yourself, you’llthank yourself later.

73. What do you think of the practiceof setting up key schools in primary and secondary school education in China?

I think it’s not suitable to set up key schools inprimary school education, but it is relatively better to set up key schools insecondary school education. Because the children are too young when they studyin the primary, key school will increase their study pressure, their heart istoo young to bear this kind of stress, however, setting up key schools are veryimportant for elite education, children will get well education which may leadto their future’s success. I recommend that we can set up key schools insecondary school education, let children feel free in their primary school,it’s a wise way to realize dual objectives.

74. Do you think the subjects you arestudying today are relevant to present-day society? Why ?

I think most we learned in school are relevant topresent-day society directly and indirectly. Because when we study thosesubjects we not only acquire the knowledge, but also learn how to study, whichis very important to our life in our future.

Some people may not be good at mathematics and often geta low grade at math tests, and they think math is useless in our daily life,it’s totally wrong, to the contrary, learning mathematics well have an indirectimpact on your thoughts, you may spontaneously think logically and take everyfactor into consideration, which will help you a lot in your life time.

75. What do you think educationshould be? Should it be a process of learning what is useful for your futurelife or should it be simply learning for enjoyment? Why?

After many years of study, I deeply feel that Chineseeducation is score first, ignoring other parts that help children grow uphealthily, such as, teaching students to pay attention to manners and let themknow how to conduct themselves, and giving more time to learn how to deal withthe psychological problems. So thecurrent education need to be further reformed.

I think a process of learning should be useful for yourfuture, what’s the most important ability, it’s making a living, if a manhardly maintain his life, he can’t survive from fierce competitive society.

76. What do you do for a living?

I am a postgraduate. Allow me to explain myself byshortly mentioning the following the points:

Firstly, I work in the laboratory, my tutor will givesome living subsidies every month. Secondly, the government will give anallowance of 500 yuan for every postgraduate. Lastly, my parents willirregularly give some money for eating or buying clothes.

It’s very poor but I feel happy, coz I can do what Iwant to do without any constraints.

77. What do you do in the office every day?

At first, I will watch some news on the internet, then Iwill search a lot of articles related to my research area, and sort them out,and read the article by marking up and taking notes. If I have any inspirationsthrough reading, I will program and realize my thoughts immediately, I enjoyprograming and the free and lazy life.

78. Since your job seems tooprofessional to me, could you explain it in detail?

I major in computer application and technology, mostpeople think that people from the school of computer can repair a computer, andcan solve and computer related problems, actually, only a small proportion ofskilled people can be qualified for the work, because there is no course aboutthe computer repairing, so the only way for them is to study on their own.

As a member of computer science, I need to do a lot ofpractice of programing, sometimes I have to use various kinds of programminglanguages to work out a software project, such as python, java, C and so on.What’s more, I need to learn much theory of programing and mathematics, so I amusually busy and stay up late, and I have to keep constantly learning, cos Ihave to update my programing skills.

79. What are your job prospects?

First, I should devote myself to my research, I hope Ican write an academic paper, I hope I can publish my article on an importantinternational academic conference so that I can be entitled to graduate.

Next, I may want to find a job for the Algorithm Engineer,so I have downloaded a lot of digital copies of machine learning books, I oftenopen these ebooks, and read and make notes at the same time. what’s more, Iwill write some codes about the machine learning algorithms for practice,

It can strengthen my understanding of these complexalgorithms.

Then, I try my best to study English well, so I am hereto take the IELTS exam, it’s a huge challenge for me, because I am anengineering student, and I am not good at talking. I seldom speak in my dailylife, let alone speaking English. But I have confidence, since I still keeplearning English and never thinking about giving up.

80. If you had the opportunity tochange your job, what would you do with it?

If the job is what you have been pursuing all the time,I am willing to change the job; and before I leave my current job, I will makean appropriate arrangement, then I willinform my parents of my thoughts, after hearing some relevant suggestions, Iwill resign my job to pursue a better future.

81. Do you have any ambitions?

Ambitions in our lives play an important as they help usstay focused and plan accordingly to achieve them.

I have finished my graduation in computer science from arelatively common university in my country and then continue to pursue master’sdegree in another reputed university. The valuable experience I gather duringthese years would be very helpful for me to further enhance my later life. Inthe meanwhile, if I can work for a world first class company and deal with thetop-notch businesses, would be a great uplift for my future.

I decided to fulfil this goal 2 years ago. In fact,IELTS exam I am participating in and the master’s degree I am pursuing were partsof my preparation to requirement fulfilment to achieve this goal.

82. Will any possible future changesaffect your job in any way?

you know, in recent years, artificial intelligence is popular all over theworld, anyone who have studied AI may know the development of AI hasexperienced ups and downs for two times, and this is the third time for AI tobe well known throughout the world, I hope this is the spring of the AI, notthe cold of the winter. If the development of AI meets the bottleneck, thepublic may look down upon the AI workers, the AI economy will become a bubble.

The public expect too much about the functions of AI,but artificial intelligence technology is not mature enough, and the AItechnology is in its infancy, no one can promise its promising future, thereare still many questions waiting for us to explore the answer.

83. What are your spare timeinterests?

As a matter of fact, I have very little spare time these days. My studies areso important to me that I have given up all my other activities. For example, Iused to go swimming in summer, but these days I haven’t gone anywhere, I juststay on campus, I simply do not have the time. In addition, I used to play my traditional Chinese windbamboo instrument more often, Chinese name is Dizi, and I will record someChinese flute songs for fun.

84. How do you spend your weekends?

If I don’t have any special plan, such as going out fordinner, paying a visit to my friends. I would like to spend my weekendsworking, but I will spare some time for amusement, for example, I often watchmovies on Friday morning after I get off work from laboratory, then I will takea shower and have a good sleep at night, the next day, I will take my Chineseflute, and practice my favorite songs, but I will spend most time inlaboratory, I am a workaholic so I amusually busy.

85. What is your favorite sport? Whatare the rules?

my favorite sport is table tennis, Tabletennis, also known as ping pong, is a sport in which two or four players hit alightweight ball back and forth across a table using a small bat. The gametakes place on a hard table divided by a net. Except for the initial serve, therules are generally as follows: players must allow a ball played toward them tobounce one time on their side of the table, and must return it so that itbounces on the opposite side at least once. A point is scored when a playerfails to return the ball within the rules. Play is fast and demands quickreactions. Spinning the ball alters its trajectory and limits an opponent'soptions, giving the hitter a great advantage.

86. What is the most popular sport inyour country?

I'd have to say that football's really the most popularsport in China. There are literally millions of crazy football fans. Wheneverthere's a match on TV between China and another country, you can hear loudcheers and shouts all around the city whenever China scores a goal, and loudgroans and moans when the other country scores.

87. What are the sporting facilitieslike in your university?

my campus, Huazhong university ofscience and technology is located in the center of wuhan, and neighbors guanggusquare, the largest commercial center in wuhan, and due to its lage area, theuniversity has lots of sporting facilities, as far as I know, there are two footballcourts in the western part, and one in the middle, and another one in theeastern part, and there is a large stadium called guanggu stadium, there arelots of facilities, apart from the large basketball courts, and there are morethan 6 badminton courts, and 2 table tennis courts, besides, there are roomsfor dancing and practicing judo or taekwondo, in short, it’s well furnished,many singers hold concerts and many celebrities come here for important eventshere.

88. What do you know about Qigong? Doyou believe in Qigong?

Qigong, is a holistic system of coordinated body postureand movement, breathing, and meditation used for health, spirituality, andmartial arts training. With roots in Chinese medicine, philosophy, and martialarts, qigong is traditionally viewed as a practice to cultivate and balance qi(chi), translated as "life energy".

Qigong practice typically involves moving meditation,coordinating slow flowing movement, deep rhythmic breathing, and calmmeditative state of mind. Qigong is now practiced throughout China andworldwide for recreation, exercise and relaxation, preventive medicine andself-healing, alternative medicine, meditation and self-cultivation, andtraining for martial arts.

89. What do you do in your sparetime?

Well, I have lots of hobbies I like to do in my sparetime. I am very interested in studying English and I'm also quite into movies -sometimes I combine these two interests by watching British or American movies.What I particularly enjoy doing, though, is playing my wind bamboo flute, Ihave studied this instrument for more than 4 years, and sometimes will recordsome flute songs for amusement, it’s really interesting.

90. Do you often read newspapers? If not, whyones do you read?

I read the newspaper almost every day.

Reading a newspaper or a magazine is always helpful forlearning new information. Newspapers provide contemporary local news,international news, editorials, entertainment, news, sports news and so on.Without reading newspapers or magazines one can't keep himself / herselfupdated with the latest news and views of the world. I purchase the PC Worldmagazine every month and read it for about 7 days. Sometimes I read olderversions as well to find out any particular reviews or articles. This magazineis helpful for basic, moderate and advanced computer users and techno lovers.Someone who has a computer should read it to increase his/ her knowledge of hardwareand software. Even it’s helpful for those who are going to buy computers,printers, cameras, scanners, software or other hardware devices. I enjoyreading it a lot.

91. What do you think of computer?

Actually, I major in computer science, I know a lotabout computer, computer is a complex system, people can do almost everythingthrough computer, the public often misunderstand the computer science students.

The general population of normalpeople think:

“Computer science? Canyou fix my printer?”

“Computer science? Ohyou’re a programmer!”

“Computer science? Oh youcan make websites!!!”

“Computer science? Oh Ican handle the business side!! Sign this NDA to be my slave.”

They do not realize that computer science is acatalystic science, similar to math, computer science is actually an extensionof mathematics.

However, sadly, when the majority of people think“computer science” they think “programmer”.

Luckily, there are the minorities that know “computerscience” is a science! It has a limitless ability to aggregate, propel, andaccelerate other industries.

Luckily, we have great scientists contributing in everywhich way in a multitude of industries.

Truly the last decade has done a great injustice forcomputer science. Computer science is synonymous with programmer, and many cannot differentate it.

This is because of trade schools (examples from America)like ITT Tech, General Assembly, Hacker Reactor, and even universities thatsimply taught Computer Science in correctly!

I was fortunate enough to have gone to UC Berkeley,which is one of the founding universities for the study of Computer Science. UCBerkeley share curriculum notes with MIT and Standford. It is truly a haven forComputer Science!

(9 UC campuses ranked among world’s best universities)

As how we have predatory lending, we also have hadpredatory schooling. Schools and trade schools that offered some form ofprogramming under the banner of Computer Science. Forcing student to rack updebt they are gambling a degree/certificate to help pay off.

Current Programmer Training vs Computer Science is ascam. It's very important to go to a strong and well recognized college ofComputer Science.

92. Do you think computer has changedour life so much?

Well, yes. I think computers have truly revolutionizedour life. From the way we communicate, to the way we learn to the way we paybills or do anything, has changed completely. Earlier, people used to writeletters to each other, now we are almost in a constant touch. There are noqueues anymore, people are learning more and better. So, for instance, I canlearn from the professors of Harvard sitting at my home and that to puters have surely made our lives easier. I think there are certain issuesalong them, like health and time, but if one manages well, computers are trulya boon for all of us.

93. Do you often go to thecinema/theatre?

Yes, I go to the cinema as often aspossible. I believe that films are a wonderful form of art. Please allow me toexplain. Firstly, in films there are a wide range of genres ranging from comedyand drama, to horror and science fiction. For example, recently I have seen thedrama ‘T itanic’, which has been described as the most expensive film evermade. The extent to which the producers attended to the details of the originalship was astounding. Another example would be the thriller with my favoriteactor Anthony Hopkins in the lead role called ‘Silence of the lambs’. It had meon the edge of my seat for most of the time.

94. What kind of films do you likebest?

I like comedies. First of all, comedies aregreat fun. What I mean to say is that I have a good laugh while watching.Secondly, comedies seldom contain violent scenes. For instance, you would noteasily find murders, shooting, fighting, and so on in a comedy. Lastly,comedies often contain excellent acting by famous stars. For example, RobbieWilliams in ‘Mrs. Doubtfire’ is considered one of the most extraordinaryperformances ever by an actor.

95. Do you often watch TV? What isyour favorite program?

Yes, I often watch TV. My favoriteprogram is called‘Discovery’. Firstly, it is not a science fiction but adocumentary on real life events and happenings. For example, it had a programon the latest eclipse of the sun that occurred at the end of the year.Secondly, it often has items about nature. For example, last week it explainedhow some birds have adapted to survive in a desert.

96. Do you think watching TV too muchis a waste of time?

TV has become a favourite past time ofalmost everyone regardless of the age of the person. It has begun to rule ourlives and dictate our daily routines. We have become more sensitive towards theimaginary characters as compared to the people around us. It is not anexaggeration to say that we have forgotten to live our lives (Sitting on acouch while watching television is definitely not a life lived well!). speakingin some examples:

Watching television hampers creativity.Although, TV is the most popular source of entertainment, it leaves nothing toour imagination. Our brains become captives of the idiot box and do not thinkanything beyond that.

Television shows make us insomniac as weare compelled to stick to the TV screen until the show(s) gets over. It alsogives rise to obesity as we continue to sit in a place for long hours and donothing.

Too much of television makes us couchpotatoes. The precious time that can be spent indulging in your hobbies ordoing something productive such as reading a book, going for a walk, meeting afriend, writing a blog, drawing etc. is wasted on watching useless stuff.

97. What kind of music do you enjoy?

I like pop music very much. Allow meto explain. First of all, pop music is lively, and suits me at my age. What Imean to say is that youngsters like to listen to music that fits in with theway we feel. Secondly, it usually has a good rhythm. For instance, it issuitable for us to dance on. Lastly, pop music is simple to understand. That isto say, I like it because it is not difficult to understand, and it helps me torelax after I have been studying hard for some time.

98. Who is your favorite film star?Will you describe him/her to me?

My favorite film star is George Clooney. Heis an American actor, film director, producer, and screenwriter. For his workas an actor, he has received two Golden Globe Awards and an Academy Award.Clooney is also noted for his social activism and has served as one of theUnited Nations Messengers of Peace since January 31, .

99. Do you enjoy travelling?

Yes, very much. I've been to most ofthe major cities in China, and I've also traveled to Thailand and Singapore. Ithink the more I travel, the more I want to travel. I just like seeing howother people live, and it's really amazing to learn about differentcu1tures-much more exciting than just reading about them in a textbook.

100. Where have you been travellingto? Which place interested you most?
