900字范文 > 自己动手实现简易光线追踪算法


时间:2020-01-28 02:43:53




    笔者在老虎书 “Fundamentals of Computer Graphics” 的第四章 "RayTracing" 中学习到了光线追踪的理论基础,并根据书上的理论自己实现了一个简易的光线追踪算法。借此篇记录算法实现上的一些要点。







但参与成像的光线的数量是有限并可知的,因为成像面的大小是固定的,每个像素点对应一条光线,则光线数等于像素数。如果把摄影成像的过程倒转过来,不是从光源出发计算落点,而是从成像面出发,逆推光线的路径,直到回溯到光源,就能逆向模拟成像过程。虽然这样做的计算量大,但却是当今计算机能够承受的。而这一个过程,就被称作“光线追踪 (Ray Tracing)”。


Figure 1: 1024*768全域光渲染器效果图 



for each pixel do :compute viewing rayif (ray hits an object) then :get hit object IDcompute reflected ray evaluate shading modelrecursively trace ray back until stopset pixel to shading colorelse :set shading color to background color




P(t)⃗=e⃗+t⋅d⃗t∈(0,∞)(1)\vec{P(t)} = \vec{e} + t \cdot \vec{d} \qquad t\in(0,\infty) \tag{1}P(t)​=e+t⋅dt∈(0,∞)(1)

其中 e⃗\vec{e}e 为光线源点的三维坐标,d⃗\vec{d}d 为光线的方向单位向量,ttt 是一个标量,表示沿 d⃗\vec{d}d 方向上到源点的距离。整个公式表示的是光线路径上与源点距离为 ttt 的一个点,而光线路径上所有点的总集构成了光线本身。


在计算机图形学领域中,主要有两种视角,即正交视角(Orthographic View,也被称为Parallel View)和透视视角(Perspective View)。在正交视角下,物体的成像是以垂直于成像面的方式映射在对应的像素点上,因此所有初始光线的方向均相同且垂直于成像面,而起始点则在各自对应的成像面像素点上。

而透视视角更贴近于人眼的成像,所有初始光线的均由一个点发出,通常这个点被称作视点(Viewing Point),而成像面则位于视点前,所有的初始光线由视点出发,再经过其对应的成像面像素点。因此在透视视角下,光线的方向是各不相同且呈现出辐射状的分布。两种视角下初始光线的差异可见下图的比较:

Figure 2: 正交视角和透视视角的对比 

因此对于任意一个像素点 p⃗=(x,y,z)\vec{p}=(x,y,z)p​=(x,y,z) 来说,正交视角下的初始光线可以表达为:

ray.position=p⃗ray.position = \vec{p}ray.position=p​ ray.direction=−w⃗(2)ray.direction = -\vec{w} \tag{2}ray.direction=−w(2)


ray.position=e⃗ray.position = \vec{e}ray.position=e ray.direction=−d∗w⃗+x∗u⃗+y∗v⃗ray.direction = -d*\vec{w} \ + \ x*\vec{u} \ + \ y*\vec{v}ray.direction=−d∗w+x∗u+y∗v

其中,p⃗\vec{p}p​ 为像素点的三维坐标,u⃗,v⃗,w⃗\vec{u} ,\ \vec{v} ,\ \vec{w}u,v,w 分别为基于成像面建立的坐标系,向右、向上,向外的单位向量。e⃗\vec{e}e 是视点的三维坐标,ddd 是视点到成像面的距离。






若已知球心 CCC 的坐标 (xc,yc,zc)(x_c, \ y_c, \ z_c )(xc​,yc​,zc​),球的半径 RRR,则球体上的任意一点 PPP 的坐标可由以下公式表示:

(x−xc)2+(y−yc)2+(z−zc)2=R2(x-x_c)^2 \ + \ (y-y_c)^2 \ + \ (z-z_c)^2 = R^2(x−xc​)2+(y−yc​)2+(z−zc​)2=R2


(P⃗−C⃗)⋅(P⃗−C⃗)=R2(3)(\vec{P}-\vec{C}) \cdot (\vec{P}-\vec{C}) = R^2 \tag{3}(P−C)⋅(P−C)=R2(3)


(e⃗+t⋅d⃗−C⃗)⋅(e⃗+t⋅d⃗−C⃗)−R2=0(4)(\vec{e} + t \cdot \vec{d}-\vec{C}) \cdot (\vec{e} + t \cdot \vec{d}-\vec{C}) - R^2 = 0 \tag{4}(e+t⋅d−C)⋅(e+t⋅d−C)−R2=0(4)


(d⃗⋅d⃗)∗t2+(e⃗−C⃗)⋅d⃗∗2t+(e⃗−C⃗)⋅(e⃗−C⃗)−R2=0(5)(\vec{d} \cdot \vec{d})*t^2 + (\vec{e}-\vec{C}) \cdot \vec{d}*2t + (\vec{e}-\vec{C}) \cdot (\vec{e}-\vec{C}) - R^2 = 0 \tag{5}(d⋅d)∗t2+(e−C)⋅d∗2t+(e−C)⋅(e−C)−R2=0(5)

观察表达式可发现这是一个关于 ttt 的一元二次方程,其中 “⋅\cdot⋅” 为点乘,“∗*∗” 为数乘,方程系数a,b,ca, \ b, \ ca,b,c分别为:

a=(d⃗⋅d⃗)a = (\vec{d} \cdot \vec{d})a=(d⋅d) b=(e⃗−C⃗)⋅d⃗∗2b = (\vec{e}-\vec{C}) \cdot \vec{d}*2b=(e−C)⋅d∗2 c=(e⃗−C⃗)⋅(e⃗−C⃗)−R2c = (\vec{e}-\vec{C}) \cdot (\vec{e}-\vec{C}) - R^2c=(e−C)⋅(e−C)−R2

解该方程所得到的 ttt 即为光线从源点到交点的距离,需要注意的是 ttt 不能为负(为负说明光线沿反方向射出,与 d⃗\vec{d}d 相矛盾),此外数值大小也应该限定在一定范围内,不能为正无穷大。最后 ttt 应取数值较小的那一个,因为穿球体而过的射线实际上与球体有两个交点,只有距离源点较近的交点才是光线的实际交点。



光线的反射分为镜面反射和漫反射两种形式。镜面反射相对简单,当光线以一定入射角与物体相交时,反射光线也以相同的角度射出。如下图所示,要求得反射光线的方向 PR⃗\vec{PR}PR,可由 PX⃗+XR⃗\vec{PX}+\vec{XR}PX+XR 求得,其中 PX⃗\vec{PX}PX 由入射光线的方向 DP⃗\vec{DP}DP 位移得到,PN⃗\vec{PN}PN 是平面的法向量,

XR⃗=2(PD⃗∗cos⁡θ)=2(−DP⃗∗cos⁡θ)=−2(DP⃗⋅PN⃗)/(∣DP⃗∣∗∣PN⃗∣)\vec{XR} = 2(\vec{PD}*\cos{\theta}) = 2(-\vec{DP}*\cos{\theta}) = -2(\vec{DP} \cdot \vec{PN})/(\vert\vec{DP}\vert*\vert\vec{PN}\vert)XR=2(PD∗cosθ)=2(−DP∗cosθ)=−2(DP⋅PN)/(∣DP∣∗∣PN∣)

由于 DP⃗,PN⃗,PR⃗\vec{DP}, \ \vec{PN}, \ \vec{PR}DP,PN,PR 均为单位向量,所以可求得反射光线的方向为:

PR⃗=DP⃗−2(DP⃗⋅PN⃗)(6)\vec{PR}=\vec{DP}-2(\vec{DP} \cdot \vec{PN}) \tag{6}PR=DP−2(DP⋅PN)(6)

Figure 3: 镜面反射示意图 

漫反射与镜面反射最大的不同在于,发生漫反射的光线入射角和出射角是不一样的,因此在光线追踪算法里,出射角的方向一般是随机生成的。随机生成出射光线首先需要为出射光线建立起正交坐标系。平面的法向量 n⃗\vec{n}n 是该坐标系的第一个轴,第二个轴应当与法向量垂直,因此可以用一个单位向量与法向量做叉乘求得,即:

u⃗=n⃗×vec⃗\vec{u} = \vec{n} \times \vec{vec}u=n×vec


v⃗=n⃗×u⃗\vec{v} = \vec{n} \times \vec{u}v=n×u





L=kd∗I∗max(0,n⃗⋅l⃗)(7)L = k_d*I*max(0, \ \vec{n} \cdot \vec{l}) \tag{7}L=kd​∗I∗max(0,n⋅l)(7)

其中,kdk_dkd​ 为漫反射系数,III 为光源,n⃗\vec{n}n 与 l⃗\vec{l}l 分别为平面法向量和反射光线方向(光线追踪是光照的逆过程,因此反射光线方向才是光源发出的光线的方向),LLL 为当前像素的颜色,既可以是标量也可以是向量(若采用三通道向量来表示RGB颜色)。


L=kd∗I∗max(0,n⃗⋅l⃗)+ks∗I∗max(0,n⃗⋅h⃗)p(7)L = k_d*I*max(0, \ \vec{n} \cdot \vec{l}) + k_s*I*max(0, \ \vec{n} \cdot \vec{h})^p \tag{7}L=kd​∗I∗max(0,n⋅l)+ks​∗I∗max(0,n⋅h)p(7) h⃗=(v⃗⋅l⃗)/∥v⃗+l⃗∥\vec{h} = (\vec{v} \cdot \vec{l})/\Vert\vec{v}+\vec{l}\Verth=(v⋅l)/∥v+l∥

其中 ksk_sks​ 为镜面反射系数,h⃗\vec{h}h 为入射光线和出射光线的角平分线,ppp 为Phong指数,用于控制光线反射量,数值不能小于1。当 ppp 越小,反射机制越接近漫反射,ppp 越大,反射机制越接近镜面反射。







struct Vector3 {double x, y, z;Vector3 (double x_ = 0, double y_ = 0, double z_ = 0) {x = x_;y = y_;z = z_;}Vector3 operator+ (Vector3 vec) {return Vector3(x+vec.x, y+vec.y, z+vec.z);}Vector3 operator- (Vector3 vec) {return Vector3(x-vec.x, y-vec.y, z-vec.z);}Vector3 operator* (double scalar) {return Vector3(x*scalar, y*scalar, z*scalar);}Vector3 operator% (double scalar) {return Vector3(x/scalar, y/scalar, z/scalar);}Vector3 Mul (Vector3 vec) {return Vector3(x*vec.x, y*vec.y, z*vec.z);}double Dot (Vector3 vec) {return x*vec.x + y*vec.y + z*vec.z;}Vector3 Cross (Vector3 vec) {return Vector3(y*vec.z - z*vec.y, z*vec.x - x*vec.z, x*vec.y - y*vec.x);}Vector3 Norm() {return sqrt(x*x + y*y + z*z);}Vector3 UnitVector () {double norm = sqrt(x*x + y*y + z*z);return Vector3(x/norm, y/norm, z/norm);}};



struct Ray {Vector3 position, direction;Ray (Vector3 position_, Vector3 direction_) {position = position_;direction = direction_;}};



struct Sphere {double radius;Vector3 position, color;Material material;Sphere (Vector3 position_, double radius_, Vector3 color_, Material material_) {position = position_;radius = radius_;color = color_;material = material_;}double Intersection (Ray ray) {// solving: (d.d)*t*t - [d.(e-c)]*2*t + (e-c).(e-c) - R*R = 0Vector3 e2c = ray.position - position; // the vector between ray origin and sphere center, (e-c)double eps = 1e-4; double a = ray.direction.Dot(ray.direction); // d is a unit vector, hence d.d = 1double b = ray.direction.Dot(e2c) * 2; // d.(e-c)double c = e2c.Dot(e2c) - radius*radius;// (e-c).(e-c) - R*Rdouble det = b*b - a*c*4; if (det < 0) {return 0; }// solving tdouble ans1 = (-b + sqrt(det)) / 2*a;double ans2 = (-b - sqrt(det)) / 2*a;return (ans2)>eps ? ans2 : (ans1>eps ? ans1 : 0); }};

在本算法所设定的场景里,成像平面为 1000∗1000px1000*1000px1000∗1000px,平面的左下顶点为原点(0,0,0)(0, \ 0, \ 0)(0,0,0),以此建立直角坐标系,向右为 xxx 轴正方向,向上为 yyy 轴正方向,向前为 zzz 轴正方向。以此为前提在场景中定义了12个球体,其中第0 ~ 5号球体为场景的墙壁,当球体相对于场景而言非常大时,球面能够近似的看作是平面(和我们站在地球觉得地是平的一个道理),因此0 ~ 5号球体的半径设为了100000。接着第6 ~ 10号球体为场景中的障碍物,其中6 ~ 8号为镜面材质,9 ~ 10号为粗糙材质。最后第11号球体为场景的光源。

Sphere spheres[] = {//Scene: position, radius, color, material// Sphere(Vector3(0, 0, 6), 5, Vector3(.75, .25, .25), DIFF),Sphere(Vector3(-1e5+1.25, 500, 500), 1e5, Vector3(.75, .25, .25), DIFF), //Left 0 Sphere(Vector3(1e5+998.75, 500, 500), 1e5, Vector3(.25, .25, .75), DIFF), //Rght 1 Sphere(Vector3(500, 500, 1e5+998.75), 1e5, Vector3(.75, .75, .75), DIFF), //Back 2 Sphere(Vector3(500, 500, -1e5), 1e5, Vector3( ), DIFF), //Frnt 3 Sphere(Vector3(500, -1e5+1.25, 500), 1e5, Vector3(.75, .75, .75), DIFF), //Botm 4 Sphere(Vector3(500, 1e5+998.75, 500), 1e5, Vector3(.75, .75, .75), DIFF), //Top 5Sphere(Vector3(150, 400, 100), 100, Vector3(1, 1, 1)*.999, SPEC), //Mirr 6 Sphere(Vector3(350, 200, 110), 100, Vector3(1, 1, 1)*.999, SPEC), //Mirr 7Sphere(Vector3(350, 800, 110), 100, Vector3(1, 1, 1)*.999, SPEC), //Mirr 8Sphere(Vector3(600, 500, 110), 100, Vector3(1, 1, 1)*.999, DIFF), //Norm 9Sphere(Vector3(850, 750, 450), 100, Vector3(1, 1, 1)*.999, DIFF), //Norm 10 Sphere(Vector3(500, 1e5+998, 500), 1e5, Vector3(), DIFF) //Light 11};



double Random() {return (double)rand() / (double)RAND_MAX;}double Max(double x, double y) {return x > y ? x : y;}


在算法的计算过程中,所有与颜色相关的数值均是双精度浮点数,因此需要ToInt()工具函数来把0 ~ 1范围的浮点数转化为范围为0 ~ 255的整数。而原始数据存在越界的问题,因此需要Clamp()工具函数来截取数据多余的部分。

double Clamp (double x) {return x < 0 ? 0 : x > 1 ? 1 : x;// CLAMP function, 0 < x < 1}int ToInt (double x) {// convert floats to integers to be save in ppm file, 2.2 is gamma correctionreturn int(pow(Clamp(x), 1/2.2) * 255 + 0.5); }


IsIntersect()负责判断光线是否与场景中的物体存在相交关系。该函数会逐个遍历场景中的物体,通过调用球体自己的相交检测函数来计算 ttt,最终会求得与光线第一个发生相交关系的物体的编号以及 ttt 的数值。

bool IsIntersect (Ray ray, double &t, int &id) {int sphere_num = sizeof(spheres) / sizeof(Sphere);double temp;double inf = 1e20;t = inf;for (int i = 0; i < int(sphere_num); i++) {temp = spheres[i].Intersection(ray);if(temp != 0 && temp < t) {// compute the closest intersectiont = temp;id = i;}}return t < inf;}


主循环除了遍历成像平面的所有像素以外,还对每个像素进行了 2×22 \times 22×2 采样,用于一定程度的扛锯齿。对每个采样点,都执行一次光线追踪,最后把4个采样点的颜色平均后累加最总得到当前像素的颜色。

Vector3 origin(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);Vector3 direction(0.0, 0.0, 1.0);Vector3 *image = new Vector3[width * hight];/* main ray tracing loop */for (int row = 0; row < hight; row++) {// looping over image rowsfor (int col = 0; col < width; col++) {// looping over image colomnsint index = (hight-row-1)*width + col; // map 2D pixel location to 1D vectorVector3 pixel_color(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);for (int srow = 0; srow < 2; srow++) {// looping over 2x2 subsample rowsfor (int scol = 0; scol < 2; scol ++) {// looping over 2x2 subsample colomnsVector3 offset(double(row)+double(srow), double(col)+double(scol), 0.0);Ray camera(offset, direction);int depth = 0;pixel_color = pixel_color + TracingAndShading(camera, depth) * 0.25;}}image[index] = image[index] + Vector3(Clamp(pixel_color.x), Clamp(pixel_color.y), Clamp(pixel_color.z));}}FILE *file = fopen("image.ppm", "w");fprintf(file, "P3\n%d %d\n%d\n", width, hight, 255);for (int i = 0; i < width*hight; i++) {fprintf(file, "%d %d %d ", ToInt(image[i].x), ToInt(image[i].y), ToInt(image[i].z));}


算法会首先判断光线是否与场景中的物体存在相交关系,如果光线不与任何物体相交,则说明光线不存在,直接返回一个数值全为 −1-1−1 的向量来表示这种情况。接着会判断光线是否与光源相交。若是,则说明光线追踪已经抵达终点,直接返回,若不是,则根据物体的材质做进一步处理。

Vector3 TracingAndShading (Ray ray, int depth) {double t;int id = 0;depth ++;if (depth > 15) {return Vector3(-1.0, -1.0, -1.0); // ray can reflect for 15 times in maximum, if larger than 15, assume the ray is not from light source}if (IsIntersect(ray, t, id) == false) {// if not hit any object, which means the ray is from the voidreturn Vector3(-1.0, -1.0, -1.0);} if (id == 11) {// if hits light source, end ray tracing recursionreturn Vector3();} Sphere obj = spheres[id];Vector3 p = ray.position + ray.direction * t; // ray-sphere hit pointVector3 n = (p - obj.position).UnitVector(); // sphere normal vector at hit point Vector3 nl = n.Dot(ray.direction) < 0 ? n : n*-1; // properly oriented sphere normal vector, telling the ray in entering or exiting.


if (obj.material == DIFF) {// ideal diffusive reflactiondouble r1 = 2 * M_PI * Random();// angle arounddouble r2 = Random(); // distance from centerVector3 w = nl; // w = sphere normal Vector3 u = ((fabs(w.x) > 0.1 ? Vector3(0,1) : Vector3(1)).Cross(w)).UnitVector(); // u is perpendicular to wVector3 v = w.Cross(u); // v is perpendicular to w and vVector3 d = (u*cos(r1)*sqrt(r2) + v*sin(r1)*sqrt(r2) + w*sqrt(1-r2)).UnitVector(); // random generated reflection ray directionVector3 h = (ray.direction*-1 + d).UnitVector();// the vector of bisector of origin ray and reflected rayRay reflect_ray(p, d);Vector3 reflect_color = TracingAndShading(reflect_ray, depth);if (reflect_color.x == -1.0) {// if the ray is not from light sourcereturn reflect_color;} return obj.color*kd*Max(0, n.Dot(d)) + obj.color*ks*Max(0, n.Dot(h)) + reflect_color*lambda;}


// ideal specular reflactionVector3 d = ray.direction - n*2*n.Dot(ray.direction); Ray reflect_ray(p, d);Vector3 reflect_color = TracingAndShading(reflect_ray, depth); if (reflect_color.x == -1.0) {return reflect_color;}return obj.color*kd*Max(0, n.Dot(d)) + obj.color*ks + reflect_color*lambda;



#include <math.h>#include <ctime>#include <cstdlib>#include <stdlib.h>#include <stdio.h>#include <iostream>// global coefficient double kd = 0.6; // diffuse coefficientdouble ks = 0.6; // specular coefficientdouble lambda = 0.001; // reflect decay coefficientenum Material {DIFF, SPEC, REFR };// reflection type, DIFF = diffusive, SPEC = specular, REFR = refractivestruct Vector3 {double x, y, z;Vector3 (double x_ = 0, double y_ = 0, double z_ = 0) {x = x_;y = y_;z = z_;}Vector3 operator+ (Vector3 vec) {return Vector3(x+vec.x, y+vec.y, z+vec.z);}Vector3 operator- (Vector3 vec) {return Vector3(x-vec.x, y-vec.y, z-vec.z);}Vector3 operator* (double scalar) {return Vector3(x*scalar, y*scalar, z*scalar);}Vector3 operator% (double scalar) {return Vector3(x/scalar, y/scalar, z/scalar);}Vector3 Mul (Vector3 vec) {return Vector3(x*vec.x, y*vec.y, z*vec.z);}double Dot (Vector3 vec) {return x*vec.x + y*vec.y + z*vec.z;}Vector3 Cross (Vector3 vec) {return Vector3(y*vec.z - z*vec.y, z*vec.x - x*vec.z, x*vec.y - y*vec.x);}Vector3 Norm() {return sqrt(x*x + y*y + z*z);}Vector3 UnitVector () {double norm = sqrt(x*x + y*y + z*z);return Vector3(x/norm, y/norm, z/norm);}};struct Ray {Vector3 position, direction;Ray (Vector3 position_, Vector3 direction_) {position = position_;direction = direction_;}};struct Sphere{double radius;Vector3 position, color;Material material;Sphere (Vector3 position_, double radius_, Vector3 color_, Material material_) {position = position_;radius = radius_;color = color_;material = material_;}double Intersection (Ray ray) {// solving: (d.d)*t*t - [d.(e-c)]*2*t + (e-c).(e-c) - R*R = 0Vector3 e2c = ray.position - position; // the vector between ray origin and sphere center, (e-c)double eps = 1e-4; double a = ray.direction.Dot(ray.direction); // d is a unit vector, hence d.d = 1double b = ray.direction.Dot(e2c) * 2; // d.(e-c)double c = e2c.Dot(e2c) - radius*radius;// (e-c).(e-c) - R*Rdouble det = b*b - a*c*4;if (det < 0) {return 0; }// solving tdouble ans1 = (-b + sqrt(det)) / 2*a;double ans2 = (-b - sqrt(det)) / 2*a;return (ans2)>eps ? ans2 : (ans1>eps ? ans1 : 0); }};Sphere spheres[] = {//Scene: position, radius, color, material// Sphere(Vector3(0, 0, 6), 5, Vector3(.75, .25, .25), DIFF),Sphere(Vector3(-1e5+1.25, 500, 500), 1e5, Vector3(.75, .25, .25), DIFF), //Left 0 Sphere(Vector3(1e5+998.75, 500, 500), 1e5, Vector3(.25, .25, .75), DIFF), //Rght 1 Sphere(Vector3(500, 500, 1e5+998.75), 1e5, Vector3(.75, .75, .75), DIFF), //Back 2 Sphere(Vector3(500, 500, -1e5), 1e5, Vector3( ), DIFF), //Frnt 3 Sphere(Vector3(500, -1e5+1.25, 500), 1e5, Vector3(.75, .75, .75), DIFF), //Botm 4 Sphere(Vector3(500, 1e5+998.75, 500), 1e5, Vector3(.75, .75, .75), DIFF), //Top 5Sphere(Vector3(150, 400, 100), 100, Vector3(1, 1, 1)*.999, SPEC), //Mirr 6 Sphere(Vector3(350, 200, 110), 100, Vector3(1, 1, 1)*.999, SPEC), //Mirr 7Sphere(Vector3(350, 800, 110), 100, Vector3(1, 1, 1)*.999, SPEC), //Mirr 8Sphere(Vector3(600, 500, 110), 100, Vector3(1, 1, 1)*.999, DIFF), //Norm 9Sphere(Vector3(850, 750, 450), 100, Vector3(1, 1, 1)*.999, DIFF), //Norm 10 Sphere(Vector3(500, 1e5+998, 500), 1e5, Vector3(), DIFF) //Light 11};double Random() {return (double)rand() / (double)RAND_MAX;}double Max(double x, double y) {return x > y ? x : y;}double Clamp (double x) {return x < 0 ? 0 : x > 1 ? 1 : x;// CLAMP function, 0 < x < 1}int ToInt (double x) {return int(pow(Clamp(x), 1/2.2) * 255 + 0.5); // convert floats to integers to be save in ppm file, 2.2 is gamma correction}bool IsIntersect (Ray ray, double &t, int &id) {int sphere_num = sizeof(spheres) / sizeof(Sphere);double temp;double inf = 1e20;t = inf;for (int i = 0; i < int(sphere_num); i++) {temp = spheres[i].Intersection(ray);if(temp != 0 && temp < t) {// compute the closest intersectiont = temp;id = i;}}return t < inf;}Vector3 TracingAndShading (Ray ray, int depth) {double t;int id = 0;depth ++;if (depth > 15) {return Vector3(-1.0, -1.0, -1.0); // ray can reflect for 15 times in maximum, if larger than 15, assume the ray is not from light source}if (IsIntersect(ray, t, id) == false) {// if not hit any object, which means the ray is from the voidreturn Vector3(-1.0, -1.0, -1.0);} if (id == 11) {// if hits light source, end ray tracing recursionreturn Vector3();} Sphere obj = spheres[id];Vector3 p = ray.position + ray.direction * t; // ray-sphere hit pointVector3 n = (p - obj.position).UnitVector(); // sphere normal vector at hit point Vector3 nl = n.Dot(ray.direction) < 0 ? n : n*-1; // properly oriented sphere normal vector, telling the ray in entering or exiting.if (obj.material == DIFF) {// ideal diffusive reflactiondouble r1 = 2 * M_PI * Random();// angle arounddouble r2 = Random(); // distance from centerVector3 w = nl; // w = sphere normal Vector3 u = ((fabs(w.x) > 0.1 ? Vector3(0,1) : Vector3(1)).Cross(w)).UnitVector(); // u is perpendicular to wVector3 v = w.Cross(u); // v is perpendicular to w and vVector3 d = (u*cos(r1)*sqrt(r2) + v*sin(r1)*sqrt(r2) + w*sqrt(1-r2)).UnitVector(); // random generated reflection ray directionVector3 h = (ray.direction*-1 + d).UnitVector();// the vector of bisector of origin ray and reflected rayRay reflect_ray(p, d);Vector3 reflect_color = TracingAndShading(reflect_ray, depth);if (reflect_color.x == -1.0) {// if the ray is not from light sourcereturn reflect_color;} return obj.color*kd*Max(0, n.Dot(d)) + obj.color*ks*Max(0, n.Dot(h)) + reflect_color*lambda;}// ideal specular reflactionVector3 d = ray.direction - n*2*n.Dot(ray.direction); Ray reflect_ray(p, d);Vector3 reflect_color = TracingAndShading(reflect_ray, depth); if (reflect_color.x == -1.0) {return reflect_color;}return obj.color*kd*Max(0, n.Dot(d)) + obj.color*ks + reflect_color*lambda;/* ideal dielectric refraction */// Ray reflect_ray = (p, ray.direction - n*2*n.Dot(ray.direction));// bool into = n.Dot(nl) > 0; // ray from outside going in?// double nc = 1;// double nt = 1.5;// double nnt = into ? nc/nt : nt/nc;// double ddn = ray.direction.Dot(nl); // double cos2t = 1 - nnt*nnt(1-ddn*ddn);// if (cos2t < 0) { // total internal reflection//Vector3 reflect_color = TracingAndShading(reflect_ray, depth);//if (reflect_color.x == -1.0) {// return reflect_color;//}//return obj.color*kd + obj.color*ks + reflect_color*lambda;// }// Vector3 tdir = (ray.direction*nnt - n*((into?1:-1)*(ddn*nnt + sqrt(cos2t)))).UnitVector();// double a = nt - nc;// double b = nt + nc;// double c = 1 - (into ? -ddn : tdir.Dot(n));// double R0 = a*a/(b*b);// double Re = R0 + (1-R0)*c*c*c*c*c;// double Tr = 1 - Re;// double P = 0.25 + 0.5*Re;// double RP = Re / P;// double TP = Tr / (1-P);// return obj.color*kd + obj.color*ks + (depth > 2 ? (Random < P ? //TracingAndShading(reflect_ray, depth)*RP : TracingAndShading(Ray(p,tdir), depth)*TP) : //TracingAndShading(reflect_ray, depth)*Re + TracingAndShading(Ray(p,tdir), depth)*Tr);}int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {int hight = 1000;int width = 1000;unsigned seed = time(0);srand(seed);Vector3 origin(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);Vector3 direction(0.0, 0.0, 1.0);Vector3 *image = new Vector3[width * hight];/* main ray tracing loop */for (int row = 0; row < hight; row++) {// looping over image rowsfor (int col = 0; col < width; col++) {// looping over image colomnsint index = (hight-row-1)*width + col; // map 2D pixel location to 1D vectorVector3 pixel_color(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);for (int srow = 0; srow < 2; srow++) {// looping over 2x2 subsample rowsfor (int scol = 0; scol < 2; scol ++) {// looping over 2x2 subsample colomnsVector3 offset(double(row)+double(srow), double(col)+double(scol), 0.0);Ray camera(offset, direction);int depth = 0;pixel_color = pixel_color + TracingAndShading(camera, depth) * 0.25;}}image[index] = image[index] + Vector3(Clamp(pixel_color.x), Clamp(pixel_color.y), Clamp(pixel_color.z));}}FILE *file = fopen("image.ppm", "w");fprintf(file, "P3\n%d %d\n%d\n", width, hight, 255);for (int i = 0; i < width*hight; i++) {fprintf(file, "%d %d %d ", ToInt(image[i].x), ToInt(image[i].y), ToInt(image[i].z));}}


Figure 4: 最终效果图 










Peter, S., Steve, M. ().Fundamentals of Computer Graphics (3rd Edition)

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