900字范文 > [嵌入式开发模块]DS3231时钟芯片 驱动程序

[嵌入式开发模块]DS3231时钟芯片 驱动程序

时间:2021-05-10 15:17:01


[嵌入式开发模块]DS3231时钟芯片 驱动程序
























/***********************************************************************************************DS3231 DRIVER MODULE* DS3231驱动模块** File : DS3231Driver.h* By : Lin Shijun(/lin_strong)* Date: /05/14* version: V1.0* History: /05/14 V1.0 the prototype**********************************************************************************************/#ifndef DS3231_DRIVER_H#define DS3231_DRIVER_H/**********************************************************************************************MISCELLANEOUS*********************************************************************************************/#ifndef FALSE#define FALSE 0#endif#ifndef TRUE#define TRUE1#endif/********************************************************************************************CONSTANT*******************************************************************************************/// address of registertypedef enum{RegAddr_Sec, // Seconds 00-59RegAddr_Min, // Minutes 00-59RegAddr_Hour, // Hours1–12 + AM/PM 00–23RegAddr_Day, // Day 1 - 7RegAddr_Date, // Data 01-31RegAddr_CMon, // Century and month Century + 01–12RegAddr_Year, // Year 00 - 99RegAddr_Sec_A1, // Alarm 1 Seconds00-59RegAddr_Min_A1, // Alarm 1 Minutes00-59RegAddr_Hour_A1,// Alarm 1 Hours 1–12 + AM/PM 00–23RegAddr_Da_A1, // Alarm 1 Day/Date1 - 7 / 1 – 31RegAddr_Min_A2, // Alarm 2 Minutes00-59RegAddr_Hour_A2,// Alarm 2 Hours 1–12 + AM/PM 00–23RegAddr_Da_A2, // Alarm 2 Day/Date1 - 7 / 1 – 31RegAddr_Control,// ControlRegAddr_CtlStat,// Control/StatusRegAddr_AgOfset,// Aging offsetRegAddr_TempMSB,// MSB of TempRegAddr_TempLSB,// LSB of Temp}DS3231REG_ADDR;#define DS3231REG_ADDR_MAX RegAddr_TempLSB/********************************************************************************************* CONFIGURE 主配置********************************************************************************************/#define DS3231_CALLADDR0b1101000 // DS32331的主叫地址/****************************************************************************************** ERROR CODES*****************************************************************************************/#define DS3231_ERR_NULL 0// if success#define DS3231_ERR_COMM 1// any error in communication#define DS3231_ERR_REG 2// wrong register #define DS3231_ERR_ARG 3// if wrong argument/******************************************************************************************** TYPE DEFINE*******************************************************************************************/// struct of DS3231 register typedef struct {unsigned int sec_sd: 4; // ones digit of second 秒的个位unsigned int sec_td: 3; // tens digit of second 秒的十位unsigned int : 1;} REG_SEC;typedef struct {unsigned int min_sd: 4; // ones digit of minute 分的个位unsigned int min_td: 3; // tens digit of minute 分的十位unsigned int : 1;} REG_MIN;typedef union {struct{unsigned int hour_sd:4; // ones digit of hour 分的个位unsigned int hour_td:1; // tens digit of hour 分的个位unsigned int isPM :1; // whether is pmunsigned int is12sys:1; // whether is 12 hours system. unsigned int :1;}SYS12;struct{unsigned int hour_sd:4; // ones digit of hour 分的个位unsigned int hour_td:2; // tens digit of hour 分的个位unsigned int is12sys:1; // whether is 12 hours system. unsigned int :1;}SYS24;} REG_HOUR;typedef struct {unsigned int day : 3; // the day of the week unsigned int : 5;} REG_DAY;typedef struct {unsigned int date_sd: 4; // ones digit of second 秒的个位unsigned int date_td: 2; // tens digit of second 秒的十位unsigned int : 2;} REG_DATE;typedef struct {unsigned int mon_sd: 4; // ones digit of month 月的个位unsigned int mon_td: 1; // tens digit of month 月的个位unsigned int : 2; unsigned int century:1; // hundreds digit of year} REG_CMON;typedef struct {unsigned int year_sd: 4; // ones digit of year 月的个位unsigned int year_td: 4; // tens digit of year 月的个位} REG_YEAR;typedef struct {unsigned int sec_sd: 4; // ones digit of second 秒的个位unsigned int sec_td: 3; // tens digit of second 秒的十位unsigned int A1M1 : 1;} REG_SEC_A1;typedef struct {unsigned int min_sd: 4; // ones digit of minute 分的个位unsigned int min_td: 3; // tens digit of minute 分的十位unsigned int A1M2 : 1;} REG_MIN_A1;typedef union {struct{unsigned int hour_sd:4; // ones digit of hour 分的个位unsigned int hour_td:1; // tens digit of hour 分的个位unsigned int isPM :1; // whether is pmunsigned int is12sys:1; // whether is 12 hours system. unsigned int A1M3 :1;}SYS12;struct{unsigned int hour_sd:4; // ones digit of hour 分的个位unsigned int hour_td:2; // tens digit of hour 分的个位unsigned int is12sys:1; // whether is 12 hours system. unsigned int A1M3 :1;}SYS24;} REG_HOUR_A1;typedef union {struct{unsigned int day : 4; // the day of the week unsigned int : 2;unsigned int isDY : 1; // day selectedunsigned int A1M4 : 1;}DAY;struct{unsigned int date_sd: 4; // ones digit of dateunsigned int date_td: 2; // tens digit of dateunsigned int isDY : 1; // day selectedunsigned int A1M4 : 1;}DATE;} REG_DA_A1;typedef struct {unsigned int min_sd: 4; // ones digit of minute 分的个位unsigned int min_td: 3; // tens digit of minute 分的十位unsigned int A2M2 : 1;} REG_MIN_A2;typedef union {struct{unsigned int hour_sd:4; // ones digit of hour 分的个位unsigned int hour_td:1; // tens digit of hour 分的个位unsigned int isPM :1; // whether is pmunsigned int is12sys:1; // whether is 12 hours system. unsigned int A2M3 :1;}SYS12;struct{unsigned int hour_sd:4; // ones digit of hour 分的个位unsigned int hour_td:2; // tens digit of hour 分的个位unsigned int is12sys:1; // whether is 12 hours system. unsigned int A2M3 :1;}SYS24;} REG_HOUR_A2;typedef union {struct{unsigned int day : 4; // the day of the week unsigned int : 2;unsigned int isDY : 1; // day selectedunsigned int A2M4 : 1;}DAY;struct{unsigned int date_sd: 4; // ones digit of dateunsigned int date_td: 2; // tens digit of dateunsigned int isDY : 1; // day selectedunsigned int A2M4 : 1;}DATE;} REG_DA_A2;typedef struct{unsigned int A1IE : 1;unsigned int A2IE : 1;unsigned int INTCN : 1;unsigned int RS1 : 1;unsigned int RS2 : 1;unsigned int CONV : 1;unsigned int BBSQW : 1;unsigned int EOSC : 1;} REG_CONTROL;typedef struct{unsigned int A1IF : 1;unsigned int A2IF : 1;unsigned int BSY : 1;unsigned int EN32kHz: 1;unsigned int : 3;unsigned int OSF : 1;} REG_CTLSTAT;typedef struct{unsigned int DATA : 7;unsigned int SIGN : 1;} REG_AGOFSET;typedef struct{char DATA;} REG_TEMPMSB;typedef struct{unsigned int: 6;unsigned int DATA : 2;} REG_TEMPLSB;// type of moduletypedef struct {REG_SEC sec;REG_MIN min;REG_HOUR hour;REG_DAY day;REG_DATE date;REG_CMON cmon;REG_YEAR year;} TIME_STRUCT,*pTIME_STRUCT;typedef struct{REG_TEMPMSB integral;// integral partREG_TEMPLSB fractional; // fractional part} TEMP_STRUCT,*pTEMP_STRUCT;typedef struct{unsigned int errcode : 4; // see DS3231_ERR_XXXunsigned int commerr : 4; // hold the errcode by user defined iic functions.} DS3231_ERRCODE;/**************************************************************************************FUNCTION PROTOTYPES 函数原型*************************************************************************************/unsigned char DS3231_Init(void);DS3231_ERRCODE DS3231_GetReg(DS3231REG_ADDR reg,unsigned char *rst);DS3231_ERRCODE DS3231_SetReg(DS3231REG_ADDR reg,unsigned char value);DS3231_ERRCODE DS3231_GetRegs(DS3231REG_ADDR reg,unsigned char *pBuf,unsigned short len);DS3231_ERRCODE DS3231_SetRegs(DS3231REG_ADDR reg,unsigned char *pBuf,unsigned short len);DS3231_ERRCODE DS3231_SetTime(pTIME_STRUCT val);DS3231_ERRCODE DS3231_GetTime(pTIME_STRUCT rst);DS3231_ERRCODE DS3231_GetTemp(pTEMP_STRUCT rst);// 用户需要实现这几个函数以使模块能与DS3231进行IIC通讯// Arguments: calAddr7bits calling address// pBuf pointer to the send/recv buffer// lenlength of datas to be send/recv// rstpointer to the return value// valthe byte to send// return : 0 if success// 1 - 15 errcode of IIC communication. //meaning of errcode of these functions should be exactly same. extern unsigned char IIC_ReadBurst(unsigned char calAddr,unsigned char *pBuf,unsigned short len);extern unsigned char IIC_SendBurst(unsigned char calAddr,unsigned char *pBuf,unsigned short len);extern unsigned char IIC_ReadByte(unsigned char calAddr,unsigned char *rst);extern unsigned char IIC_SendByte(unsigned char calAddr,unsigned char val);/**************************************************************************************ERROR CHECK 错误检查*************************************************************************************/#endif // of DS3231_DRIVER_H


/***********************************************************************************************DS3231 DRIVER MODULE* DS3231驱动模块** File : DS3231Driver.c* By : Lin Shijun(/lin_strong)* Date: /05/14* version: V1.0* History: /05/14 V1.0 the prototype**********************************************************************************************//*********************************************************************************************** INCLUDES**********************************************************************************************/#include <string.h>#include "DS3231Driver.h"/*********************************************************************************************** LOCAL FUNCTION**********************************************************************************************/#define regCheck()if(reg > DS3231REG_ADDR_MAX){err.errcode = DS3231_ERR_REG; return err;}#define lenCheck()if(len > (DS3231REG_ADDR_MAX + 1) || len == 0){err.errcode = DS3231_ERR_ARG; return err;}/*********************************************************************************************** LOCAL VARIABLE**********************************************************************************************/// 发送缓存static unsigned char Sendbuf[DS3231REG_ADDR_MAX + 2];/***********************************************************************************************DS3231_Init()** Description : Initialize DS3231 support hardware(marco style). 初始化DS3231硬件** Arguments : ** Return: DS3231_ERR_NULL if success.** Note(s): **********************************************************************************************/unsigned char DS3231_Init(void){return DS3231_ERR_NULL;}/***********************************************************************************************************DS3231_getReg()** Description : get a register value of DS3231.** Arguments : reg the register to get value.*rst return value of result.** Return: .errcode:* DS3231_ERR_NULL if success.* DS3231_ERR_COMM if error.* DS3231_ERR_REGif unknown register.*.commerr:* errcode returned by user defined IIC functions if DS3231_ERR_COMM.** Note: **********************************************************************************************************/DS3231_ERRCODE DS3231_GetReg(DS3231REG_ADDR reg,unsigned char *rst){DS3231_ERRCODE err = {0};unsigned char commerr;regCheck();if((commerr = IIC_SendByte(DS3231_CALLADDR,(unsigned char)reg)) == 0 && // 写入寄存器指针(commerr = IIC_ReadByte(DS3231_CALLADDR,rst)) == 0){// 然后读取一个字节err.errcode = DS3231_ERR_NULL;}else{err.errcode = DS3231_ERR_COMM;}merr = commerr;return err;}/***********************************************************************************************************DS3231_SetReg()** Description : set a register of DS3231.** Arguments : reg the register to get value.*rst return value of result.** Return: .errcode:* DS3231_ERR_NULL if success.* DS3231_ERR_COMM if error.* DS3231_ERR_REGif unknown register.*.commerr:* errcode returned by user defined IIC functions if DS3231_ERR_COMM.* Note: **********************************************************************************************************/DS3231_ERRCODE DS3231_SetReg(DS3231REG_ADDR reg,unsigned char value){DS3231_ERRCODE err = {0};unsigned char commerr;regCheck();Sendbuf[0] = (unsigned char)reg;Sendbuf[1] = value;if((commerr = IIC_SendBurst(DS3231_CALLADDR,Sendbuf,2)) == 0)err.errcode = DS3231_ERR_NULL;elseerr.errcode = DS3231_ERR_COMM;merr = commerr;return err;}/***********************************************************************************************************DS3231_GetRegs()** Description : get sereval registers' value of DS3231.** Arguments : regthe first register to get value.*pBufreturn value of register.*len how many registers to get value (1 - (DS3231REG_ADDR_MAX + 1))** Return: .errcode:* DS3231_ERR_NULL if success.* DS3231_ERR_COMM if error.* DS3231_ERR_REGif unknown register.* DS3231_ERR_ARGif len out of range.*.commerr:* errcode returned by user defined IIC functions if DS3231_ERR_COMM.* Note: **********************************************************************************************************/DS3231_ERRCODE DS3231_GetRegs(DS3231REG_ADDR reg,unsigned char *pBuf,unsigned short len){DS3231_ERRCODE err = {0};unsigned char commerr;regCheck();lenCheck();if((commerr = IIC_SendByte(DS3231_CALLADDR,(unsigned char)reg)) == 0 && // 写入寄存器指针(commerr = IIC_ReadBurst(DS3231_CALLADDR,pBuf,len)) == 0){// 然后读取一个字节err.errcode = DS3231_ERR_NULL;}else{err.errcode = DS3231_ERR_COMM;}merr = commerr;return err;}/***********************************************************************************************************DS3231_SetRegs()* * Description : set sereval registers' value of DS3231.* * Arguments : reg the first register to set value.*pBufpoint to the value of registers to set.*len how many registers to set value (1 - (DS3231REG_ADDR_MAX + 1))* * Return: .errcode:* DS3231_ERR_NULL if success.* DS3231_ERR_COMM if error.* DS3231_ERR_REGif unknown register * DS3231_ERR_ARGif len out of range.*.commerr:* errcode returned by user defined IIC functions if DS3231_ERR_COMM.** Note: **********************************************************************************************************/DS3231_ERRCODE DS3231_SetRegs(DS3231REG_ADDR reg,unsigned char *pBuf,unsigned short len){DS3231_ERRCODE err = {0};unsigned char commerr;regCheck();lenCheck();Sendbuf[0] = (unsigned char)reg;memcpy(Sendbuf+1,pBuf,len);if((commerr = IIC_SendBurst(DS3231_CALLADDR,Sendbuf,len + 1)) == 0){// 写入寄存器指针err.errcode = DS3231_ERR_NULL;}else{err.errcode = DS3231_ERR_COMM;}merr = commerr;return err;}/***********************************************************************************************************DS3231_SetTime()* * Description : set time of DS3231.* * Arguments : val the time to set* * Return: .errcode:* DS3231_ERR_NULL if success.* DS3231_ERR_COMM if error.*.commerr:* errcode returned by user defined IIC functions if DS3231_ERR_COMM.* Note: **********************************************************************************************************/DS3231_ERRCODE DS3231_SetTime(pTIME_STRUCT val){return DS3231_SetRegs(RegAddr_Sec,(unsigned char *)val,sizeof(TIME_STRUCT));}/***********************************************************************************************************DS3231_GetTime()* * Description : get time of DS3231.* * Arguments : rst the time result.* * Return: .errcode:* DS3231_ERR_NULL if success.* DS3231_ERR_COMM if error.*.commerr:* errcode returned by user defined IIC functions if DS3231_ERR_COMM.* Note: **********************************************************************************************************/DS3231_ERRCODE DS3231_GetTime(pTIME_STRUCT rst){return DS3231_GetRegs(RegAddr_Sec,(unsigned char *)rst,sizeof(TIME_STRUCT));}/***********************************************************************************************************DS3231_GetTemp()* * Description : get temperature measured by DS3231.* * Arguments : rst return the temperature measured.*= (rst->integral.DATA).(rst->fractional.DATA * 0.25)*for example:* if rst->integral.DATA = -4, rst->fractional.DATA = 3* then temperature = -4.75 C* if rst->integral.DATA = 25, rst->fractional.DATA = 1* then temperature = +25.25 C** Return: .errcode:* DS3231_ERR_NULL if success.* DS3231_ERR_COMM if error.*.commerr:* errcode returned by user defined IIC functions if DS3231_ERR_COMM.* Note : 1. DS3231 will measure temperature every 64 seconds once powered* by Vcc or once communicated when powerd by battery.*2. you can also start the convertion by set CONV in Control * register.**********************************************************************************************************/DS3231_ERRCODE DS3231_GetTemp(pTEMP_STRUCT rst){return DS3231_GetRegs(RegAddr_TempMSB,(unsigned char *)rst,sizeof(TEMP_STRUCT));}






/**********************************************************************************************DS3231 TIME HELPER MODULE** File : DS3231TimeHelper.h* By : Lin Shijun(/lin_strong)* Date: /09/26* version: V1.0* History: * note : the convert interfaces for DS3231 time.**********************************************************************************************/#ifndef _DS3231TimeHelper_H#define _DS3231TimeHelper_H#include "DS3231Driver.h"#include "TimeExt.h"#include "common.h"// only support year from 2000 to 2199#define DS3231_BASEYEAR 2000void DS3231TimeToSystemTime(struct tm *dst, const TIME_STRUCT *src);void SystemTimeToDS3231Time(TIME_STRUCT *dst, const struct tm *src);BOOL DS3231TimeValid(const TIME_STRUCT *time);#endif




const int16_t TimeExt_lpdays[] = {-1, 30, 59, 90, 120, 151, 181, 212, 243, 273, 304, 334, 365}; const int16_t TimeExt_days[] = {-1, 30, 58, 89, 119, 150, 180, 211, 242, 272, 303, 333, 364};


#include "TimeExt.h"


#include <time.h>



/**********************************************************************************************DS3231 TIME HELPER MODULE** File : DS3231TimeHelper.c* By : Lin Shijun(/lin_strong)* Date: /09/26* version: V1.0* History: * note : the convert interfaces for DS3231 time.**********************************************************************************************/#include "DS3231TimeHelper.h"#include <stdint.h>#pragma MESSAGE DISABLE C2705#pragma MESSAGE DISABLE C12056void DS3231TimeToSystemTime(struct tm *dst, const TIME_STRUCT *src){uint16_t tmp;const int16_t * mdays;if(dst == NULL || src == NULL)return;dst->tm_sec = src->sec.sec_sd + src->sec.sec_td * 10;dst->tm_min = src->min.min_sd + src->min.min_td * 10;if(src->hour.SYS12.is12sys){tmp = src->hour.SYS12.hour_sd + src->hour.SYS12.hour_td * 10;tmp = (tmp == 12)? 0: tmp; // 12:30 am = 00:30(24h); 12:30pm = 12:30(24h)dst->tm_hour = (src->hour.SYS12.isPM)? tmp + 12: tmp;}else{dst->tm_hour = src->hour.SYS24.hour_sd + src->hour.SYS24.hour_td * 10;}dst->tm_mday = src->date.date_sd + src->date.date_td * 10;dst->tm_mon = src->cmon.mon_sd + src->cmon.mon_td * 10 - 1;dst->tm_year = src->year.year_sd + src->year.year_td * 10 + (DS3231_BASEYEAR - 1900) + src->cmon.century * 100;dst->tm_wday = src->day.day - 1;// treat TIME_STRUCT.day 1 as Sundayif(dst->tm_mon < 12){tmp = dst->tm_year + 1900;mdays = (IS_LEAP_YEAR(tmp))?TimeExt_lpdays: TimeExt_days;dst->tm_yday = mdays[dst->tm_mon] + dst->tm_mday;}dst->tm_isdst = 0;dst->tm_gmtoff = -1;}void SystemTimeToDS3231Time(TIME_STRUCT *dst, const struct tm *src){uint16_t tmp;if(dst == NULL || src == NULL)return;if(src->tm_year < (DS3231_BASEYEAR - 1900))return;dst->sec.sec_sd = src->tm_sec % 10;dst->sec.sec_td = src->tm_sec / 10;dst->min.min_sd = src->tm_min % 10;dst->min.min_td = src->tm_min / 10;dst->hour.SYS12.is12sys = 0; // use 24 hours systemdst->hour.SYS24.hour_sd = src->tm_hour % 10;dst->hour.SYS24.hour_td = src->tm_hour / 10;dst->date.date_sd = src->tm_mday % 10;dst->date.date_td = src->tm_mday / 10;dst->day.day = src->tm_wday + 1;tmp = src->tm_mon + 1;dst->cmon.mon_sd = tmp % 10;dst->cmon.mon_td = tmp / 10;tmp = src->tm_year - (DS3231_BASEYEAR - 1900);dst->cmon.century = tmp / 100 & 1;dst->year.year_sd = tmp % 10;tmp /= 10;dst->year.year_td = tmp % 10;}BOOL DS3231TimeValid(const TIME_STRUCT *time){uint16_t tmp;if(time == NULL)return FALSE;// BCD check(with some range check)if(time->sec.sec_sd > 9 || time->sec.sec_td > 5 ||time->min.min_sd > 9 || time->min.min_td > 5 ||time->hour.SYS24.hour_sd > 9 ||time->day.day == 0 ||time->date.date_sd > 9 ||time->cmon.mon_sd > 9 ||time->year.year_sd > 9 || time->year.year_td > 9)return FALSE;// range checkif(time->hour.SYS12.is12sys){tmp = time->hour.SYS12.hour_sd + time->hour.SYS12.hour_td * 10;if(tmp < 1 || tmp > 12)return FALSE;}else{tmp = time->hour.SYS24.hour_sd + time->hour.SYS24.hour_td * 10;if(tmp > 23)return FALSE;}tmp = time->cmon.mon_sd + time->cmon.mon_td * 10;if(tmp == 0 || tmp > 12)return FALSE;tmp = time->date.date_sd + time->date.date_td * 10;if(tmp == 0 || tmp > 31) // 其实更严格的检查的话得判断当前月份return FALSE;return TRUE;}



#include <hidef.h>/* common defines and macros */#include "derivative.h"/* derivative-specific definitions */#include "DS3231Driver.h"#include "IIC.h"#include <stdio.h>typedef void (*near tIsrFunc)(void);const tIsrFunc _vect @0xFFC0 = IIC_ISR;#define BUS_CLOCK 32000000void Delay(void) {unsigned int i,j;for(i = 0; i < 100; i++)for(j = 0; j < 50000; j++);}void INIT_PLL(void) {CLKSEL &= 0x7f; //set OSCCLK as sysclkPLLCTL &= 0x8F; //DisaKble PLL circuitCRGINT &= 0xDF;#if(BUS_CLOCK == 40000000) SYNR = 0x44;#elif(BUS_CLOCK == 32000000)SYNR = 0x43;#elif(BUS_CLOCK == 24000000)SYNR = 0x42;#endif REFDV = 0x81; //PLLCLK=2×OSCCLK×(SYNR+1)/(REFDV+1)=64MHz ,fbus=32MPLLCTL =PLLCTL|0x70; //Enable PLL circuitasm NOP;asm NOP;while(!(CRGFLG&0x08)); //PLLCLK is Locked alreadyCLKSEL |= 0x80; //set PLLCLK as sysclk}char strbuf[100];volatile TIME_STRUCT time;volatile TEMP_STRUCT temp;unsigned char* flag = (unsigned char*)0x3F80;void main(void) {// 5月11日星期五23点59分50秒time.year.year_td = 1; time.year.year_sd = 8;time.cmon.mon_td = 0; time.cmon.mon_sd = 5;time.date.date_td = 1; time.date.date_sd = 1;time.day.day = 5;time.hour.SYS24.is12sys = 0;time.hour.SYS24.hour_td = 2; time.hour.SYS24.hour_sd = 3;time.min.min_td = 5; time.min.min_sd = 9;time.sec.sec_td = 5; time.sec.sec_sd = 0;INIT_PLL();IIC_Init();DS3231_Init();EnableInterrupts;// 每次首次上电时设置当前时间if(*flag != 0xac){if(DS3231_SetTime(&time).errcode != DS3231_ERR_NULL)while(1);*flag = 0xac; // RAM中的数据在保持上电状态时即使系统重置也不会重置,但在上电重置时会重置}for(;;) {// 读取当前时间和温度,出任意错则无限循环停止运行if(DS3231_GetTime(&time).errcode != DS3231_ERR_NULL)while(1);if(DS3231_GetTemp(&temp).errcode != DS3231_ERR_NULL)while(1);sprintf(strbuf,"year:%d%d month:%d%d date:%d%d day:%d,%d%d:%d%d:%d%d\r\nTemp:%d.%02d\r\n",time.year.year_td,time.year.year_sd,time.cmon.mon_td,time.cmon.mon_sd,time.date.date_td,time.date.date_sd,time.day.day,time.hour.SYS24.hour_td,time.hour.SYS24.hour_sd,time.min.min_td,time.min.min_sd,time.sec.sec_td,time.sec.sec_sd,temp.integral.DATA,temp.fractional.DATA * 25);Delay();}}// 实现驱动要求的函数unsigned char IIC_ReadBurst(unsigned char calAddr,unsigned char *pBuf,unsigned short len){return IIC_Recv(calAddr,pBuf,len);}unsigned char IIC_SendBurst(unsigned char calAddr,unsigned char *pBuf,unsigned short len){return IIC_Send(calAddr,pBuf,len);}unsigned char IIC_ReadByte(unsigned char calAddr,unsigned char *rst){return IIC_RecvChar(calAddr,rst);}unsigned char IIC_SendByte(unsigned char calAddr,unsigned char val){return IIC_SendChar(calAddr,&val);}









time.year.year_td = 1; time.year.year_sd = 8;



目前已知stm32的编译器对位域上会根据类型声明来对齐,因此对于stm32的话应该把所有的位域的类型改成unsigned char,如REG_SEC应该改成这样:

typedef struct {unsigned char sec_sd: 4; // ones digit of second 秒的个位unsigned char sec_td: 3; // tens digit of second 秒的十位unsigned char : 1;} REG_SEC;




/10/18 增加时间转换助手模块
